Here are some images from the Telegram group where Ukraine data is being posted. Fair warning some of these are a bit disturbing.
This first one is a “massacre” – the caption is “Another act of massacre against a marauder in Kyiv. As Frida @sex_drugs_kahlo rightly noted, the Latin Americanization of Ukraine is in full swing. #Kiev, Ukraine”
Click to see the video on Telegram. Nobody dies, but this guy (marauder? a Russian soldier?) is tied to a pole with plastic wrap and being beaten by passers by.
The second image is of vehicles hit by artillery and burnt out.
The third is a video of a bridge being blown up. A map of its location is shown below.
The fourth is linked to a video of Russians moving into Ukraine. Caption is “The Russian Ministry of Defense published footage ( of the advance of Russian troops in the north-west of the Kiev region. The video confirms the actual control of the RF Armed Forces not only over the P56 route through Chernobyl, but also over the P02 Aleksandrovka – Ragovka – Ivankov. #Kyiv #Russia #Ukraine @rybar”