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Unsealed Records Reveal the Reality of the Lawfare against Trump

Unsealed Records Reveal the Reality of the Lawfare against Trump

New revelations from unsealed documents have reportedly confirmed that the Biden administration’s legal attacks on President Trump are part of a coordinated political plan – or lawfare, as many conservative publications put it.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Special Counsel Jack Smith indicted President Trump last year for allegedly mishandling classified documents while Joe Biden got a free pass by the DOJ for doing the same in his capacity as a Vice President. Last week, The Federalist highlighted the “3 Most Shocking Discoveries” surfacing from a set of documents unsealed by Judge Aileen Cannon in the case of alleged mishandling of classified documents by President Trump.

Citing the postings of independent reporter Julie Kelly who went through the details of the unsealed records, the story wrote that Jack Smith’s lead prosecutor Jay Bratt threatened Stanley Woodward – attorney to Trump staffer Walt Nauta – with sabotaging his judicial nomination. Bratt was attempting to pressure Woodward into getting Nauta to turn on Trump as revealed in the unsealed motion from June 2023.

The second revelation, perhaps the most revealing of a political plot against Trump, relates the collaboration between the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and Biden’s White House soon after Trump left the White House. In May 2021, NARA General Counsel Gary Stern sent a letter to Presidential Records Act (PRA) representatives in which he admitted to having “several conversations” with the White House’s Office of Records Management. Following these conversations, Trump’s PRA representatives were threatened NARA Archivist David Ferriero as well as approached by Deputy White House Counsel Jonathan Su, who wanted them to let an “an undisclosed individual” access certain notes from the Trump administration.

Another damning revelation emerging from the unsealed records shows that Biden’s Department of Energy (DOE) retroactively revoked President Trump’s security clearance after Jack Smith indicted him. Conservative organization Judicial Watch is reportedly demanding the DOE via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for records of their security clearance termination of President Trump.

These revelations from the unsealed documents further strengthen the conviction of conservatives that the DOJ indictment of President Trump is nothing more than a coordinated scheme of stopping Trump from running for and/or winning the presidency in November 2024. Part of this scheme is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s legal case against Trump, the much-hyped hush-money trial. But the anti-Trump forces are struggling to have a real case there as well. The recent testimony of David Pecker, publisher of the National Enquirer, in the trial has widely been cited by conservatives as the end of Bragg’s case.

Citizen journalist Charles Downs wrote on Twitter/X that David Pecker’s testimony has totally destroyed Alvin Bragg’s case against President Trump but the Trump-hating Judge Merchan would continue to drag this case unless this election interference by the Democrats is stopped by the Supreme Court.

On Sunday (April 28), Newsmax noted that Judge Juan Merchan has not only been a donor to Democrats but his daughter makes a living off funding for Democrats who have publicly expressed hatred for Trump. The story added:

District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s trial is actually one seeking to find a crime.

About The Author



    “Special Counsel Jack Smith indicted President Trump last year for allegedly mishandling classified documents while Joe Biden got a free pass by the DOJ for doing the same in his capacity as a Vice President.” What a stupid ass this Khan-Dempsey be. When is what’s in an envelope “the same” as what fills a tractor trailer? When is “he gave em back immediately” the same as “they needed to raid the place to get em back?” When is “a private mansion” or “office,” the same as “a club where known spies are members and his communist FIL lives out back?”

    Joe didn’t get a free pass, he gave them back ASAP just like every other VP and POTUS has done throughout our history. Only Trump stands alone as trying to keep them, forever.

    As to the allegations in writing, take it to court —- the sooner the better. No you got the stuff, so what are you waiting for?

    As to the social media investigative reporting —– stuff it. Get some real journalist. Oh, never mind. I forgot the source. Failed journalist Pakistani ex-pat who lies for a living.

    • Jjb-54

      First – He only gave them back, because he got caught w/the documents that he should have NEVER HAD IN THE FIRST PLACE.

      > See the problem with the MSM – is that they are pros at committing THE LIE OF OMISSION.

      VP’s do not have / share the same rights as POTUS when it comes to documents.

      • Frank stetson

        Jjb: what rights are different? Be careful: since 2009 vp’s can declassify.

        Robert Hur, appointed by Trump, exonerated Biden and his staff saying they did not mishandle.

        He did not get caught like Trump, Biden’s attorney found them, called records, and turned in ones from home and office. Days later, a consensual search, turned up a few more unlike Trump who had to be raided to release the his tractor trailer’s worth if documents.

        Perhaps you need to read more msm, just kidding. But msm omissions don’t seem to have much play here.

  2. Tom

    This article would should be sent to Gaza as food because it is full of bologna!

    1) What is the name of the unsealed document. Why is it not referenced?

    2) Biden did not argue and violate a direct order from the National Archives like Gaseous and Sleepy Donald Trump did. Nor did anyone have to get a DOJ order to search Biden’s premises.

    3) Revocation of any government clearances is not damning, it is standard operating procedure to revoke or at least suspend any clearances where a clearance holder has been indicted for an event that is counter to their clearance rules.

    4) The incoming administration has the right to revoke whatever it wants and to cancel whatever it wants. If you do not think so, just check all of the things Trump cancelled from the Obama administration.

  3. Frank stetson

    Tom, you can google Cannon’s release of documents based on Trump’s legal team discovery request. Many articles point at things not beneficial to Trump but I really haven’t digested it yet since there’s a long way to go before this hits the court.

    Whatever either side finds, don’t matter till we get to court. But people should ask: if this shit goes against Smith or Biden administration, why isn’t Comer and Jordan on Fox litigating it for the House.

  4. Robert Haggerton

    Tom – you and your co-conspirator Frank ought to join Joyless Reid’s network so you can spew your bullshit to the rest of the Marxist/communist crowd of brain dead useful idiots! You can’t handle the real truth and have to constantly employ smoke screens to protect your sick and pathetic make believe Sleepy Creepy president of corruption! For decades he’s lied out his ass! You 2 ought to join forces with your anti-Israel forces of Hamas and protest on all the American campuses! It’s amazing HOW you deflect the real truth but then again you’ve learned well from Sleepy Creepy’s press secretary “buckwheat” – KJP! You can bullshit a lot of Americans but the majority NOW see through your propaganda tactics! That’s alright, in November 2024 your Marxist/communist tactics will mean doddly-squat! You can only run from the real truth so long! Eventually it catches up with you! Hells, bells, why don’t you go on Morning Joe (who needs therapy (mental) and rehabilitation! Your days of pure bullshit are nearing to and end! So when Trump is our 47th president are you going to impeach him again!? I know you Marxists have other means – other levels of violence to “protect democracy”!!


      Robert: can you really be that stupid to say so many untruths? I guess, yes. Here’s some pushback on your bullshit.

      I do not like Joy Reid, don’t watch like you.

      Marxist/Capitalist? If you follow my musings, or Horist’s laments, you have to see I am a stone-cold capitalist. I make my living now solely on investments. Family has worked for and with Fortune 100 for over 30 years. Do I even invest green? My mantra is as long as it’s legal, so I invest in weapons, defense, guns, ammo, and many other things that go boom in the night.

      I hate Hamas but I have issues with Netnetmandoo. Lots of them even as I support Israel. Matter of fact, I suggested we move Western Oregon, especially Portand, to east of the Rockies in Oregon and give the Western part to Israel. Problem solved and you get rid of Portland too.

      What Biden lies? Can you even state one? And who is KJP much less what do you think I learned?

      Your comments do not relate to me but seem to stem from the copious amount of bile in your spleen. You have proven nothing of consequence because you have not facts to support your asinine assertions.

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