Two days ago, we told you that Zelenskyy was likely bought. That he has been paid off by the Russians to surrender and ensure that Russian demands are met.
We stand by that. Analysis from the mainstream media is limited to “rah rah, Ukraine” and “baaaad Russia.” We are talking to world class analysts and people on the ground in Ukraine.
We speculated on April 1 that Zelenskyy would need to neutralize any part of his military that would refuse to submit to the Russians and who might be in a position to oppose (i.e. assassinate) Zelenskyy. We predicted that Zelenskyy would send them into the “meatgrinder” of Russian forces, to be surrounded, subdued, and, if necessary, killed.
With this perspective, the report from Colonel Daniel Davis on Fox this morning was chilling.
Please watch for yourself, but you can see from the map he is drawing (Russia is red, Ukraine is blue), that he anticipates that the Russian forces withdrawn from Kyiv will return through Belarus to the east, to join the other attacking forces.
Colonel Daniels notes that the 40-mile convoy has left Kyiv and marched back to Belarus, and he anticipates that Ukraine will send its newly freed-up forces currently defending Kyiv into the east to engage Russian forces. He also anticipates that the Russian forces will travel inside Belarus through Russia and join the Russian forces in the east.
Colonel Daniels sees the track of Ukraine forces headed right into the middle of the area, where they will be surrounded on three sides.

This will be a gruesome defeat for Ukraine.
Why, you ask, do the plucky Ukrainian forces not have a chance against the Russian forces?
1. Russia outnumbers them and it always has.
2. The forces from the 40-mile convoy will be rested. Over the next couple of days, they will be in friendly territory, sleeping in comfortable beds, eating good food, without the stress of a battle. Their equipment will be repaired and in good shape, their ammunition will be restocked and ready.
3. The Russians still have reserve forces that have yet to be committed. And these forces have MORE MODERN EQUIPMENT than the forces currently in use. This is standard doctrine, use your crappy equipment first, save your elites for later. The Ukrainians will be facing Russia’s best troops and the best weapons. They have not done this before.
4. The Russians have been in place for a several weeks now, they will be dug in. No more home territory advantage, and many of the positions they will be attacking will be well fortified.
5. The Russians still have complete and utter control of the air. Once the Ukrainian military engages with Russian forces, the Russian Air Force can close off any logistics and resupply lines. That means they will quickly run out of food, ammunition, spare parts or any possibility of reinforcements. The will be surround on four sides.
The reason the Russian Army left Kyiv, was not to “regroup” or “retreat” or any of the reasons that mainstream media has told you. It was not a Russian failure. It was a planned maneuver designed to give Zelenskyy cover to move his military into the “meatgrinder.”
Following our logic that Zelenskyy has sold out, the only purpose of this is to ensure that the Ukrainian military is disarmed and harmless to facilitate a complete surrender. We can imagine that Ukrainian food supplies and ammunition dumps in the area will be compromised to the Russians and destroyed so that the battles are over sooner. Any anti-tank or anti-aircraft missiles will conveniently disappear.
This is an ambush pure and simple. I get the feeling that many of the Ukrainian commanders will realize this, if they do not already. But it is tough to refuse an order to defend your nation.
This will play out for the world over the next couple of weeks, but the end is already determined.
Zelenskyy may win an Oscar for his performance.