Tulsi Gabbard Is the Target of Federal Surveillance, Whistleblowers Reveal

In yet another alarming revelation from a whistleblower, former Democrat congresswoman Tulsi
Gabbard is reportedly being watched by federal law enforcement under the Biden administration.
In simple terms, Gabbard – who is a United States Army Reserve officer – is practically on a
terror watch list.
Over the weekend, UNCOVERDC.com reported that several Federal Air Marshal whistleblowers have come forward with the revelation that Tulsi Gabbard is currently enrolled in the “Quiet Skies”– a TSA surveillance program that focuses on “travelers who may present an elevated risk to aviation security,” according to the TSA website. The story wrote:
Quiet Skies is a TSA surveillance program with its own compartmentalized suspected terrorist watchlist. It is the same program being weaponized against J6 defendants and their families.
The story came with a screenshot of the Target Package used by the Federal Air Marshals to surveil Gabbard under the Quiet Skies program to which Gabbard was added last month.
The details of the revelations show that the whistleblowers first shared the information with Sonya LaBosco, the Executive Director of the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC). According to LaBosco, whenever Gabbard boards a flight, she is unaware that two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one Transportation Security Specialist (explosives), one plainclothes TSA Supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshals follow her.
LaBosco spoke to independent journalist Breanna Morello on her show and condemned the surveillance of Gabbard who, in her words, is not a threat to the country.
Tulsi Gabbard fell out of favor with the Democrats well before she formally left the party in October 2022. Her criticism of the Obama administration’s intervention in Syrian affairs instantly made her the sidelined sheep of the flock. In 2020, when she filed a defamation lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, Gabbard essentially came out in a direct clash with the Democrat establishment. The same year she ran in the Democratic primaries for the 2020 presidential candidacy against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
When leaving the Democratic Party, Gabbard stated that the party is controlled by “an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by woke ideology and racializing everything,” as reported on Honolulu Civil Beat. Gabbard’s anti-war stance seemingly angered the military-industrial complex that controls the Democrats as well as many establishment Republicans in the Congress.
While Gabbard now places herself among Independent politicians, her views are reflective of patriotic conservative Americans. In a recent podcast interview with Chris Williamson, Gabbard didn’t mince her words when asked who actually runs the American government. She named some of the operatives of the military industrial complex as a cabal that benefits from war and uses a state of crisis to take away the constitutional liberties of the people.
The video clip of Gabbard’s answer was widely shared on X (Twitter) as conservatives shared it to show why Gabbard would be the target of federal surveillance.
Before Donald Trump announced picking Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate for 2024, conservatives on social media frequently included Tulsi Gabbard as a suggestion for Trump’s next VP choice. Currently, many still feel that Gabbard should have some important role in the next Trump administration in case he wins the presidency in November.
ED rarely can even spell names right, but from the git-go misses that Gabbard is an ex-Senator, and ex-Democrat. not an ex-Democrat-Senator which would lead the common assumption she is still a Democrat, ED’s probably goal in his misuse of English and professional journalism ethics.
You can’t “practically” be on a terrorist watch list —– there is no part-way, almost-there, or even kinda-like. Again, journalism 101.
UNCOVERDC.com is measured as an EXTREME right-wing and a questionable source of facts that ED relies upon for the truth. Worst journalist ever. Does not even caveat that fact that so much UNCOVERDC conspiracies are debunked as to be rated: not trustworthy. As is ED I guess.
Breanna Morello does not even have a WIKI page and all bio’s are her inventions. She is on the internet, isn’t everyone?
ED also missed that: the whistle blowers, if there are any, came forward four days ago. Yesterday, U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) wrote to Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Administrator David P. Pekoske regarding a report that former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard was placed on a suspected-terrorist watchlist.
Perhaps we should wait for some facts before ED suggests we lynch the entire Democratic party.
The bottom line is that she was put on the watch list because of her conservative views. No other reasons. Just like the liberals moving heaven and earth to get Trump. And Frank falls right into the shit
you are missing the point. you think you are being intellectual, but you poor ability to grasp the true point being made is astounding.
The author is telling you that no they have not put tulsi on any terrorist watch list. no there is no official surveillance. no thye do not have any official authorization to be trolling tulsi at all. That is what the author is telling you.
how to you describe an offical arm of the democrats deep state corrupt government searching for any opportunity to start a law-fare attack on an ex-democrats, ex-senator when they have no authorization other then Hilary, obama, Harris, and Biden telling them too?
This article is describing the exact deep state swamp corruption that trump has been talking about for 12 years. this is what the democrats do. If they can find anything to attack tulsi for they will.
This is why anyone voting for democrats at any level is an evil piece of garbage.
Except we don’t know she’s on any list or the reason.
Another RW distraction from P2025 !!
“Just like the liberals moving heaven and earth to get Trump.”
The punch line question is…
Which Liberal fraudulently filed Trump’s 34 Business Records!
sparky you are stupid. Lets start with you have never read project 2025. you have no idea who wrote project 2025. you have know idea if project 2025 is espousing anything at all. You are completely lacking in any knowledge what so ever on the subject you brought up.
The question immediately becomes: Why did you bring it up?
the next issue is that you have no idea at all if any republican has ever said they endorse or agree with project 2025. for all you know the democrat party wrote project 2025. Sparky that makes you a fool. not just a fool but a fool that is nothign more then a follower.
Then you move on to your demonstration of a lack of accounting and business knowledge. Sparky every CPA, business and legal expert that has voiced any opinion on the trump account has said trump engage in normal standard accounting practices. The people who do not know accounting are the ones who filed the charges. the only reason the trial went the way it did is the level of dishonestly and corruption is is democrats.
There is no one who says that once trumps appeals get outside of NY they will not overturn the entire case. the same is true of the fruad charges. That gives america a very clear picture of just how sleazy all dmeocrats are: including you sparky.
You are a sleazy scum. i wish you nothign but ill and would love to see you suffer from the side effects of your covid vaccines.
If you actually believed in your democrat party concepts you woudl follow their desires and take part in the 60 to 80% reduction in population. End your carbon footprint now Sparky.
Sparky, the same mother fucking liberal that got EJ alone, slammed her against the wall, pinning her, as he reached under her skirt, pulled down her tights, went under her panties, and up into her vagina with his fingers to digitally rape her. Or maybe the liberal that stole from Trump U students, or his tax-break charity fund…….
So many choices, so many crimes. Felons are like that quite often.
I have said it before and I will say it again.
This is why the people heading our government will do anything in their power to stop Trump.
Trump had NO WARS any were in the world during his presidency.
The likes of all the crooked ( on both sides ) could not profit!
Think Rhinos & Democrats’!
And you think these people had nothing to do with the mistakes made by the secret service
during Trumps assignation attempt?
WOW, people are as dumb as they look!