Trump pays respect to fallen soldiers at Arlington Cemetery

As a person who has a marine grandson buried in the hallowed ground of the national cometary in Boca Raton, Florida – and has a lifetime deep respect for those who serve in the military — I have both an intellectual and emotional response to the controversy that has arisen over President Trump’s recent visit to Arlington Cemetery.
While I have taken umbrage over some of Trump’s insensitive remarks about those who serve our nation, I was more disturbed by the reaction of Democrats and the left-leaning news folks to the Arlington visit. I feel more in line with the sentiments of the families who invited Trump to honor and draw attention to the sacrifice of their loved ones. I view his acceptance of the invitation as a positive thing,
The occasion was the third anniversary of Biden’s unilateral surrender in Afghanistan – where my grandson had been previously killed – and the related deaths of 13 American soldiers by terrorists during the chaotic retreat.
The controversy over Trump’s participation in the memorial event arose over a vague rule against taking photos and videos for partisan political purposes. I say a “vague rule” because it is almost never enforced. There have been ubiquitous photos and videos of politicians visiting Arlington. Some have been used in campaign material. The most notable examples were several visits to President Kennedy’s eternal flame memorial by family members – some during political campaigns.
The families of three of the Afghanistan exodus victims, who are buried at Arlington, invited both President Trump and President Biden (or a White House surrogate) to participate in the memorial ceremony, Trump accepted the invitation, and the Biden administration ignored it without even the courtesy of a response – privately or publicly.
Not only were the families NOT offended by Trump’s appearance, but they were also appreciative and honored by his presence – and they said so in many media interviews. It is those who spin the event into a cheap campaign attack on Trump who have politicized the event and disrespected the families.
The most obvious reason anti-Trumpers would engage in such action is to distract from the culpability of Biden in the disastrous, chaotic and deadly surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban terrorists. And by extension, distract from the thousands of Afghan allies Biden left behind to die.
The surrender of Afghanistan was one of the worst foreign policy blunders by an American President – right up there with President Franklin Roosevelt’s surrender of eastern Europe to Russia’s Joseph Stalin at the Yalta Conference. It was the event that appropriately collapsed Biden’s favorable ratings – never to fully recover.
I see a significant difference between staging a purely political event at the Cemetery and participating in an appropriate memorial event arranged by others with good intentions and purposes. The families were appreciative of Trump’s participation. That is about all that needs to be said about Trump’s attendance.
I well understand the pain and suffering of the families – and the desire to have their loved ones remembered as the heroes they are. And to have the affirmation of a President – even a past President. If there is any disrespect to be noted, it is the absence of Biden from attending or even publicly expressing sorry and sadness. He was AWOL. And that is all that needs to be said about Biden’s not attending.
So, there ‘tis.
This is the reason for NO debate audience as Trump would
have these family’s seated in the front row.
There is NO answerer good enough from Harris that would satisfy these family’s.
And rightly so!
It is just 13 more dead under Biden & Harris to go
along with the many they have killed in the last three and a half years.
No big deal Democrat’s, Right!
Trump paid a hooker!
What are the facts?
There is a rule, there is a reason for the rule.
Trump knows the rule, Trump broke the rule, got caught, whines.
Blames Arlington worker for a mental breakdown and many other nasty things.
And now we will tear at each other to his delight as he stays In the news cycle as they cover our heated division. Just like he sat back, ate burgers, tossed a few at the wall, and watched the Republican Insurrection at the Capitol knowing he would get nothing but news time over the tragic events he incited on that day.
How is the game played? First move is for Trump to shock. This time he uses dead soldiers to prove Biden bad to implement Trump’s plan. Trump failed is a similar way when fulfilling Obama’s plan but sssssh, we don’t talk about that. He has more dead soldiers on his watch than Biden, but ssssssh, we don’t talk about that.
Kelly Barnett, a rightfully grieving mother of a true patriot, has spoken out against Biden’s withdrawal as is her right since the event occurred. She has been on tour with Trump at the rallies for over a year. Again, this is her right, but I question his usage of a grieving mother to make a political point. Don’t like that from the SOTU gallery either, from either party. She pulled in other families in for this event, but close to half opted out. This is her right to honor her son by politicking against Biden on behalf of Trump. Totally OK IMO. Trump can feel free to use her, and her son, to win his election too although I do not respect that from our leaders. Trump does not have the right to violate the sanctity and rules of Arlington. PERIOD. There are a few more than 7 families in Section 60 — did Trump check with all? Did he even check with the entire 13 families to see what the other six thought. They say no, they were not asked. This was Barnett’s choice, this was his choice. It was also his choice to let his people push past the Arlington folks who were merely, tacitly, tactfully, asking them to honor the rules. It was his choice to say the workers were having mental breakdowns. And it’s his choice to double-down on this, for politics sake.
And it is OUR choice to make his petty grievances over publicized, time-honored by both party’s, rules of decorum for Arlington Cemetery a cause celeb to once again do battle between the party’s over his shocking lack of decorum.
Trump took the event live, made an internet clip on TikTok, the Chinese channel, where he commemorates the fallen few for a bit, lambasts Biden over the affair for waaaaaaay too long, lies once again about his record in Afghanistan for 18 months of death-free service which is not true, and as he blatantly forgets to honor all the bodies in Section 60 lost on his watch, a point one Section 60 parent made all too clear as she blanched seeing the market for her fallen hero.
Javier Jaguar Gutierrez of San Antonio and Antonio Rey Rodriguez of Las Cruces, New Mexico died in Afghanistan in 2020 on Trump’s watch; perhaps Trump was asleep or just forgot he was at Dover when the bodies arrived. He said nothing about them on his latest visit. No Biden to bash on that one.
The families wanted him there, they wrote a statement. They wrote a fucking statement? Was it notarized? One of them has been on tour with Trump for quite some time now. She is his political asset using her son to make a point. That point is he not only died for his country, for us, but he died to show Joe Biden is bad apparently. Trump is using her grief to personally profit. This is her right, but Trump is wrong. Not IMO, he is just wrong, according to the rules that he stomped all over.
But it was 7 of the 13 families. It was half of them, just like half the country listens to Trump or Biden. Hopefully the House investigation will interrogate all to find out what everyone thinks. We just gots to know. I mean maybe the other families did not want Trump or Biden there. For every family on Trump’s statement, there is a Section 60 family that stands with the rule and against Trump. We need to know. It’s important. Let them all testify in front of the entire country. We need to prove Trump is innocent.
The families, well maybe 7 of the 13, invited Biden but they showed no proof of this and the White House says they never got the invite. We need search warrants to find that invite. The House needs to investigate the invite, the families and the White House. We just gots to know where the communication breakdown happened. It’s important.
We know one family outside of this incident hated Trump showing their son’s stone in his clip from Section 60. He was not in this Afghanistan attack, but his stone is nearby. What about all the other families of all the other stones shown in the clip. What do they think? We got’s to know…. It’s important.
In Trump’s clip, he denigrates Biden and his actions because he cares so much for these fallen. Why does he even need to mention Biden at a commemorative for the fallen? What’s wrong with this guy that he is so weird.
Also in Section 60 is the first soldier killed on Trump’s watch, a navy seal, Ryan Owens, who died in a botched assault in Yemen during Trump’s first 30 days. This patriot was in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia – five tours. He has a wife and three kids. Way back then, Trump issued some kind words, one time, and then blamed Obama’s plan and Obama for what happened on Trump’s watch. Probably in the same remembrance. Sort of like the reverse of him blaming Biden for implementing his plan. One constant: never Trump’s responsibility or fault. Always someone else. Trump never mentioned Ryan Owens. He was right there in Section 60, Site 11493, but Trump did not go there. He did not commemorate him. He is forgotten by Trump. His 2 minutes of Trump fame is over.
Trump told us he spoke directly to the Taliban head who Trump said, said: “We had a good long conversation today and, you know, they want to cease the violence,” he added: ““They’d like to cease violence also.” Well, like Trump himself, they lied, took advantage of Trump’s stupid plan and preannounced timeframe to recruit, train, and plan their deadly suicide bombing. They continued the violence from the day Trump announced our surrender and Trump only lobbed a few ineffective bombs their way harming no one as he continually depleted our troop strength leaving Biden a skeleton crew to defend the extraction. To say Trump emboldened them would be an understatement.
More soldiers died under Trump than under Biden. PERIOD. Many were in Section 60 but not commemorated, not invited, not remembered by Trump, the man on the scene. You just don’t know about these deaths because Trump swept them under the carpet, he does not remember, because he’s Trump. Just like he forgets Ryan. And we all know what Trump feels about those who serve, those who are captured and spend years as prisoners, and those who fall in service of our nation. We know how he dodged his own call to arms in service of his country earing him the Captain Bonespurs name. We all know, but some bury it in their zeal to win. We love the policies, who the fuck cares about character.
Frank Stetson … No sympathy for the loss of grieving parents or respect for their opinions. Accuse one mother of using her son’s death to support Trump …suggesting he died to make Biden look bad? Really? I have written about my displeasure with Trump’s insensitive comments about the military, but you are right up there with him on this one. And I have not forgotten the insensitive things you said about my own grandson’s death in Afghanistan, And contrary to your contention, there is no universal ban of photography in the Cemetery — only for political purposes. Trump was an invited guest. It was not a political event and he was not the organizer. On this one I think you are over spinning due to obsessive Trump hatred. It is not that big of a deal. I knew this one would set your hair on fire. I can’t wait to hear from Tom. LOL
Horist: hopefully the response for this will reappear. I swear it was there, but now is not.
Might be on me this tome. Think I fat fingered it given still on my pc. One more time, your response and then let’s get to the issues and skip the personal. A more harmonious outcome. And thank you for pretending to read my passage.
Horist: “And now we will tear at each other to his delight as he stays In the news cycle as they cover our heated division. Just like he sat back, ate burgers, tossed a few at the wall, and watched the Republican Insurrection at the Capitol knowing he would get nothing but news time over the tragic events he incited on that day.” Those were the thoughts and you performed as Trump planned.
Yes, the game is afoot. Game the system, blame the system, blame each other, blame your mother….. Let the battle begin. Fuck the issues, get the man. Attack people, not ideas. Trump wins. More Trump news at 11…….
ONE MORE TIME: The only issue here is: is Trump wrong to politicize his remembrance, in violation of the rules, for those who fell at Abbbey Gate at the Kabul Airport. PERIOD. Anything else is downstream collateral arguments ginned up to deflect from the issue.
I did not offer sympathies for fear it would look disingenuous; do you like disingenuous? I did note their grief and grieving, which is appropriate, and noted. Do you really think if I tabbed in: “my deepest sympathies,” you would not scream bloody murder about my being sincere and truthful anyway?
Of course, I sympathize all parents of all of our fallen throughout our history. I sympathize with the parents of our enemies too. War sucks and the effects last generations. I passed my father’s WWII wounds to my kids and they don’t even know where it comes from. And he was a lucky one.
As to your other statements of fact, you are mostly wrong and hardly ever right. I mean really “did you even read it” wrong.
I never suggested he died to make Biden look bad, you just did and that’s a low lie.
Wow, you have displeasure with Trump comments. Keep you up at night? Change any behaviors?
I previously answered your comments re: your hero grandson, corrected your misconceptions there, apologized as appropriate, would show you but PBP has unusable search. You should quit dredging this up, it’s done. Do you have to hold grudges even when explanations and apologies given? Harsh. I’m part Irish and that’s going the extra grudge mile.
I never said there’s a universal ban on photography in the cemetery, that’s your red herring. The only use of the word photo or photography, three times, is by you.
I never accused a mother of using her son’s death to support Trump. I flat out said she did it, and that’s her right. Many times. It’s her right. I am sorry if that’s harsh, but she’s on the campaign trail, front man at his rallies, how else should that be taken? She’s not against Biden, she’s against Biden for Trump.
You say it’s her doing, her shindig. Come on Man, they’ve been together since the campaign started. She’s on stage with him often. You really think he has no hand, nothing to do with this? Maybe you are right, but you certainly don’t know and positively cannot prove that.
Let’s be clear. I said: “This is her right to honor her son by politicking against Biden on behalf of Trump. Totally OK IMO. Trump can feel free to use her, and her son, to win his election too although I do not respect that from our leaders. Trump does not have the right to violate the sanctity and rules of Arlington. PERIOD. “
Again, the issue here are the rules at Arlington and Trump’s violation of said rules. PERIOD.
Speaking of which, I never said there’s a universal ban on photography at Arlington. You just said I did.
And yes, it is about politicizing the event which Trump did immediately on TicTok as I noted. You are wrong. On the TicTok remembrance of the fallen, with color snaps of the event, is Trump talking trash about Biden over Afghanistan. All that’s missing is the “paid political announcement” voice over which is not needed since not a pay for service…… It’s all there, pull it down from TicTok, as plain as the nose of your face.
So Larry, you can do Trump’s bidding and come at me again. You can apologize for your misread, but you won’t, Trump wouldn’t, but the issue is the Arlington rule and did Trump break it and is that a bad thing. The rest is cannon fodder to keep Trump relevant and in the news. Don’t play that game for him. You are much better than that.
I agree, the only big deal here is you and me, toe to toe, screaming at each other over virtually nothing.
Frank Stetson … I did not read you long long tome — as is my habit. I did get as far as that quote you attribute to me. What is wrong with you? That is just bat poop crazy lying.
I may not read your stories either, not the length that’s the issue.
My bad, I was not attributing the quote to you, it did not say Horist SAID. I meant is as “HEY HORIST, REMEMEMBER MY QUOTE: ” … I shortened it to Horist: “…. Not my clearest writing and, of course, if a person did not read the comment yet dared to retort back, they could get the wrong idea. Of course, I would question why a non-reader would comment anyways.
Frank Stetson .. Got it. From the structure of the sentence, it looked to me like you were attributing the quote to me. I withdraw the criticism. And for the record, I never scream unless I stub my toe. And as far as the Arlington controversy, I see it as making a mountain out of a mole hill. It is a technical violation of a rule that is almost never enforced. And since was a guest and not an organizer, I think it is arguable that the rule does not apply.
Fair enough and it was my bad. Worse yet, I thought about it as it flew ====== but hoped you would miss it so did not cover with a ps:post.
SCREAM — sorry, just emphasis with the caps. But I did say scream too and I will desist. FYI: wear shoes and if you have diabetic neuropathy, toe stubs are double-deadly :>)
On the rest, I hear you but there was a physical altercation of personal violence and that means something. Also, there is little way you can come away from this and not conclude Trump knew the rules, knew what he was doing, and KNOWS how to gain support by shocking the nation and turning us against each other one more time. His character once again shows itself, and it fails to meet the measure of a man. I say: enough.
But we can differ on that as long as we agree to the facts.
Stetson do you also sell your books on audio?
He’s a professional troll. His posts are handled by Frank’s handlers
No books from me. No handlers. No money so no professional. I just like researching the issues and writing about them, playing with them, is good for thinking about them. Glad pbp gives opportunity for that.
Would even entertain or acknowledge your point of view when adequate, verifiable, support is provided which is less available than I expected.
And the desire to segregate the site or any site to one ideology and point of view is very short sited. Get it?
Soldiers lost as patriots defending our nation. Soldiers remembered in Section 60 from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
According to the Pentagon 65 soldiers died in “hostile action” during the four years of Trump and 13 s 13 under Biden through 2022. Based on Pentagon press reports, add two for the past two years for a total of 16 under Biden with four months to go. That’s a 75 percent decline from Trump to Biden.
For Biden, we are all familiar with the August 2021 suicide bombing at an Afghanistan airport and the January 2024 drone attack on an American military base in Jordan. For Trump who feel necessary to commemorate the deaths on Biden’s watch over the deaths on his watch, we have no memories like these under Biden.
Think about that Horist.
The first death on Trump’s watch came in his first month in office and he has many excuses deflecting blame to others, mostly Obama whose plan he was handed the exact same way he handed the Afghanistan plan to Joe. Except it was Obama’s fault and now it’s Joe’s fault, but Don is responsible for nothing.
Think about that Horist.
Trump started no new wars, he ended none. Biden entered the Ukraine war, which Horist supports, and ended our 20-year failure of war in Afghanistan. He tragically lost 13 in the extraction. Lives were lost in the Vietnam extraction too but we didn’t drag Nixon over the coals for that.
Rules for filming at Arlington National Cemetery? Not only clearly stated but delineated between citizen photography and photography by medial, political, or commercial concerns. Team Trump knew this and came loaded for bear with all sorts of equipment and resources. Then, when advised on the rules, they physically pushed past a dutiful cemetery worker. Even the basic photograph which is 100% legal in the taking, perhaps not so much so in the usage, is funky. Look at it, do those smiles scream remembrance? Or exuberance at being there with their man? And is he solemn or giddy like a pol kissing a baby. Who can say what’s in the hearts of man, but these folks look to be honoring the man in the middle, the man in focus the real star of the event…. OK, the gravesite photo is solemn, as it should be, but the group grope snap? Thumbs up and smiling? Who does thumbs-up in a grave yard? You tell me: solemn or campaign friendly like Trump just kissed that baby. And who wears red to a solemn cemetery event? And where’s Melania? She too good for solemn? Melania does solemn, she does not do politics anymore.
What the Army said in their statement that an employee was: “abruptly pushed aside” when trying to “ensure adherence” to the site’s rules. Team Trump knew the rules and violated them anyway. According to the Army: “Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds.” They offered: “the incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked.” Yeah, the Trump statement said the employee had a mental breakdown. Sweet, and now they live in fear of retaliation for doing their job.
The Army said the incident is closed, there will be no action, and the employee will not file charges for feat of retaliation by Trumplicants. They have won through fear and intimidation. Again. Welcome to the Trump era.
There is a use policy which states clearly that Photography is generally allowed, and photos taken by visitors do not require a release, per the cemetery’s use policy.
However, there are strict guidelines, in part by federal law for media, commercial and political organizations. The policy states: “Filming or photographing will not be permitted if it conveys the impression that cemetery officials or any visitor or family member is endorsing any product, service or organization. Additionally, ANC will not authorize any filming for partisan, political or fundraising purposes.”
The policy further stipulates: “Memorial services and ceremonies at Army National Military Cemeteries will not include partisan political activities.”
Trump was told not to bring campaign staff. He did and they were armed: with cameras. And then they put arms on another person.
Trump then ran a video-photo montage on Tic Tok with the caption: “Should have never happened” as music plays and you hear: “We didn’t lose one person in 18 months. And then they took over.” We can scream back and forth over the nuance of this being a campaign ad or not. IMO – he’s using these soldiers and the grieving parents as cannon fodder in his campaign battle against Bidne/Harris. It was used for political purposes. The parents are not wrong, they are within their rights, but Trump is wrong and he broke rules that his team knew all too well. It’s a set up.
These parents are in their rights to commemorate, to say it’s Biden’s fault and he is wrong. But Trump CHOSE this event which highlights his competitors Biden and Harris, when Section 60 has over 50 folks put there on Trump’s watch. One of them, a brave Navy seal, from Trump’s botched Yemen assault in his first month of office. Ryan Owens was his name. He has a wife and three kids. What do you think they thought about this display that forgot their loved one? RYAN OWENS is the name of the seal lost in Trump’s botched assault on Yemen on Trump’s watch.
Hey, I am not alone: from the NYT: The sister of Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano, whose grave is adjacent to the grave of Staff Sergeant Darin Taylor Hoover — a Marine who was killed in the 2021 Abbey Gate bombing — told the New York Times that according to their conversations with the cemetery, “Trump campaign staffers did not adhere to the rules that were set in place for this visit to Staff Sergeant Hoover’s gravesite in Section 60, which lays directly next to my brother’s grave.” She would like to see the rules enforced and an apology for outing her brother without her consent for political purposes.
There are a good number of others like her. And note how she does not give her married name. She too is in fear of retaliation by Trumplicants. Why? Because they keep attacking those who disagree, those who use free speech to speak their truths. Welcome to Trump 2024, an era based on Trump 2021 and the Capitol tourist adventures.
Marckesano’s grave could be clearly seen in photos from the visit that were published online, including one shared by Cox that showed Trump and others in the group smiling and giving a thumbs up. I wonder what they are so happy about?
We also don’t know about the parents of the other half of these fallen heros. What do they think and why weren’t they there? Perhaps they did not want to be used in a political stunt?
Bottom line: there are rules and the rationale for said rules is sound. Trump broke the rules, knowingly and on purpose. When admonished on the rules, team Trump got physical to force their way. As is their way. And now the worker fears retaliation.