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Trump Must Fire the Deep State in the Military

Trump Must Fire the Deep State in the Military

It’s well-known that CNN leans left in its coverage, often leading to questions about the reliability of its political reporting. However, a recent article brings up issues worth examining. While figures like General Lloyd Austin will be out, and with General Mark Milley retired and John Kelly not in consideration for anything anywhere, there’s a pressing need to address other military leaders if this report holds any truth. A complete restructuring may be necessary, potentially removing an entire tier of management.

For acts that could amount to treason.

According to CNN, “Pentagon officials are holding informal discussions about how the Department of Defense would respond if Donald Trump issues orders to deploy active-duty troops domestically and fire large swaths of apolitical staffers, defense officials told CNN.”

If accurate, this suggests certain military officers are already planning to undermine the orders of a lawfully elected president. Such preemptive actions would be aimed at obstructing the objectives of the commander-in-chief. In essence, this could be construed as aiding enemies of the U.S. – i.e. disloyalty or even treason.

Over recent years (and notably during the eight years before Trump’s presidency), we’ve witnessed transformations within the military. Programs emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), as well as mandatory training on critical race theory, have become more common. Additionally, physical standards have been relaxed to accommodate a broader range of recruits. This environment seems to favor individuals with ideologies more aligned with Democratic priorities, creating a military base that may resist Republican directives.

According to CNN, this appears to be exactly what some hope for: “Gen. Mark Milley who took steps to limit Trump’s ability to use nuclear weapons while he was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.” Who elected him? Is this even true?

Look at Trump’s record during his first term. He did not misuse or deploy troops improperly. The notion that he would pose a unique threat justifying a treasonous military workaround is unfounded.

While I believe the competence of the military remains strong, recent administrations have seemingly promoted individuals based on political leanings rather than skill. This trend extends beyond the military, likely impacting the CIA, FBI, DOJ, and other agencies as well.

It is crucial that Trump, if re-elected, addresses this on day one. Dismantling the so-called “deep state” starts by reestablishing control over the executive branch, removing Democratic appointees embedded within the government, and scrutinizing the promotion history of personnel to ensure that military and civilian roles reflect merit, not political loyalty.

This course of action carries risks. Political firings could become a slippery slope, fostering cycles of ideological loyalty as a qualification for certain roles. However, it’s evident that Democrats have already embedded political operatives within the bureaucracy, converted numerous appointees to permanent government roles, and prioritized loyalty over capability.

Nowhere is this more critical than in the military. A military planning to defy the commander-in-chief’s lawful orders would no longer be acting in the nation’s best interest.

Leaving these operatives in place is a risk to Trump’s leadership. Passive and/or active resistance to policy changes can undermine the goals of the administration. But more importantly, a rebellious military can lead to a lack of action or inappropriate action when the U.S. is under threat. Yes, this must be dealt with now.

About The Author



    Gotta love it when Joe turns to CNN for his news :>) Don’t you have to go to Project 2025 online training after that mistake?

    “Programs emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), as well as mandatory training on critical race theory, have become more common.” Yes, we must destroy diversity, equality is overrated and needs to be put on hold, and inclusion —– we don’t need no stinking inclusion. We have EXCLUSION, so much better at keeping folks right and white.

    “Additionally, physical standards have been relaxed to accommodate a broader range of recruits. This environment seems to favor individuals with ideologies more aligned with Democratic priorities, creating a military base that may resist Republican directives.” Yes because it’s a known fact that Democrats have less physical prowess just like Blacks have that extra muscle in their legs….. Most Olympians are Trumplicants. Do you even read what you write white right?

    “Look at Trump’s record during his first term. He did not misuse or deploy troops improperly.” Well, don’t tell that to the protestors in Portland, especially the dead ones shot by the military, dressed in black, not riot trained, stupid. And not for the lack of trying. And what you suggest is let him do whatever he wants, it’s his army eh. Didn’t he deploy parts of the 82nd Airborne Division to Washington DC so he could walk across Pennsylvania Ave for his photo op holding a Bible upside down, mark of the devil, outside a church he has never set foot in? That was proper use in you book? Didn’t some of the military brass quit over that? Didn’t his Secretary of Defense say that was totally improper. Maybe I forget…. Didn’t he deploy Federal Troops in multiple US cities like Portland during summer of Floyd? Weren’t there reports of black-ops masked military that were kidnapping and tossing protestors into unmarked vans and targeting journalists and legal observers with munitions? Didn’t they shoot and kill one or more innocent protestors? Are all the lawsuits settled over that, and who won? Didn’t he deploy the guard a dozen times and didn’t you hate the results of the protest reactions during the summer of Floyd which occurred on Trump’s watch? I think calling the military out for disturbances in a State is as bad as a national right for abortion. Apparently you think that’s up to the States, but call out the military at a State level is OK. Proper.

    “scrutinizing the promotion history of personnel to ensure that military and civilian roles reflect merit, not political loyalty.”
    Can anyone even imagine asking a military guy what party he belongs too? What’s next Joe, a Trump loyalty oath? Or maybe slaughter a hippie to make your bones in the military?

    Us and them. Read the lyrics. It’s you in spades.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      I read dozen mainstream websites every day split between liberal and conservative.

      Protestors in Portland shot by the military? What the hell are you talking about? You need to leave off of the mushrooms you are hallucinating. I don’t see anything in your laundry list paragraph that actually happened. If you want a real conversation, stop making things up.

      • Frank danger

        How rude. Joe. Are all Trumpets this mean?

        I will source the death but if u can’t find the deployment, given I even named the division. that’s on you.

        If you can’t find the SoD slamming Trump for the Bible episode, that’s on you too.

        You may catch me in a mistake. but a lie —— that’s bull shit you cannot prove, never have.

        • Americafirst

          You were the one being rude, Frank. It is right there on this page in black and white. I also saw the same information. I have not watched CNN in close to 10 years. I saw the information on many websites, all proving you did make things up. Why do you have to be so rude, you always are. Why do you have to make things up? It does not look good on you. It doesn’t make you a real man either and that has nothing to do with gender changes, either. We all saw through you a long time ago. you open the doors to this kind of discussion, we respond accordingly. We always will. I am so sorry you do not want to be friends. There is where I was wrong!

      • stranger danger

        Here you go, Joe, the Federal deployments, the man shot dead by the military, the proof of the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


        Plenty of other sources on a “dozen mainstream websites” can be added, if you would like, but WIKI has plenty of sources in the footnotes.

        That’s “What the hell are you talking about.” It really happened. Like I said Joe, you may catch mistakes, but me making things up? Not bloody likely. Next time if you need a source or confirmation, just ask. No need to be rude or suggest I am doing drugs. It was legal, apparently, but you used the word “proper.” Somehow, I don’t feel sending the military to quell domestic disturbance should be anything but the last resort. Like the LA Riots over Rodney King.

        And to send in untrained, black-ops clothed folks not in uniform, without riot training, but trained mainly to kill, is a very risky choice that resulted in death. As bad as was happened to Babbit. Maybe worse. Perhaps proper for you, that’s your right, but I do not see it that way. He never even called the governor or mayor in those places, just cowboyed his way over their heads.

        Esper was the guy who said Trump wrong in calling them out for that in DC. He’s added a lot more since that episode.

        Look —– you won the vote. We lost the vote. I will give the dog his due. It ain’t no mandate, but a solid win. The ball’s in your court, but there is another team on the floor and they came close to kicking your ass. It would be nice if the government kept that in mind this time and not forget like 2017. I would like to see legislation, not EO’s.

        I will judge the past and will judge the future, when it happens. I will not, like many liberals, deal in what if’s or what he said during the campaign. I do believe he will try to do what he says, that he is more experienced now, will have less guardrails and pushback as he roto routers the government of Democrats. And I do believe he will surround himself with some very bad people intent on doing very bad things. Hiding behind the cya of “but I didn’t mean it literally” gets old.

        If he releases the seditionists, that will be a bad day. Really bad.

        Mike Davis, the leading candidate for Trump’s DOJ AG job X’d: “I want to drag their dead political bodies through the streets, burn them, and throw them off the wall. (Legally, politically, and financially, of course.)”

        Come on man: these are not just words. This is one seriously messed up guy.

        Good luck in guiding the nation forward. I wish the best and fear the worst but will wait until actions speak louder than words.

        Apology? Explanation of your previous conclusions?

        • Joe Gilbertson

          Sorry, I don’t have larry’s patience in responding to your diatribes, especially after the mushrooms, the whiskey, and whatever else has your brain scrambled.

          • FRANK DANGER

            Joe, I did not expect you to accept reality, WIKI, or the WIKI sources.

            But Trump did order the military against protestors a number of times, was told off by his SoDefense, and killed at least one civilian.

            Your lack of patience does not change the facts nor your grasp on reality due to laziness.

            You asked the question, I answered it fully, you deny the reality of the resulting facts.

            Sorry, Tim, you lost this one.


        Here you go, Joe, the Federal deployments, the man shot dead by the military, the proof of the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


        Plenty of other sources on a “dozen mainstream websites” can be added, if you would like, but WIKI has plenty of sources in the footnotes.

        That’s “What the hell are you talking about.” It really happened. Like I said Joe, you may catch mistakes, but me making things up? Not bloody likely. Next time if you need a source or confirmation, just ask. No need to be rude or suggest I am doing drugs. It was legal, apparently, but you used the word “proper.” Somehow, I don’t feel sending the military to quell domestic disturbance should be anything but the last resort. Like the LA Riots over Rodney King.

        And to send in untrained, black-ops clothed folks not in uniform, without riot training, but trained mainly to kill, is a very risky choice that resulted in death. As bad as was happened to Babbit. Maybe worse. Perhaps proper for you, that’s your right, but I do not see it that way. He never even called the governor or mayor in those places, just cowboyed his way over their heads.

        Esper was the guy who said Trump wrong in calling them out for that in DC. He’s added a lot more since that episode.

        Look —– you won the vote. We lost the vote. I will give the dog his due. It ain’t no mandate, but a solid win. The ball’s in your court, but there is another team on the floor and they came close to kicking your ass. It would be nice if the government kept that in mind this time and not forget like 2017. I would like to see legislation, not EO’s.

        I will judge the past and will judge the future, when it happens. I will not, like many liberals, deal in what if’s or what he said during the campaign. I do believe he will try to do what he says, that he is more experienced now, will have less guardrails and pushback as he roto routers the government of Democrats. And I do believe he will surround himself with some very bad people intent on doing very bad things. Hiding behind the cya of “but I didn’t mean it literally” gets old.

        If he releases the seditionists, that will be a bad day. Really bad.

        Mike Davis, the leading candidate for Trump’s DOJ AG job X’d: “I want to drag their dead political bodies through the streets, burn them, and throw them off the wall. (Legally, politically, and financially, of course.)”

        Come on man: these are not just words. This is one seriously messed up guy.

        Good luck in guiding the nation forward. I wish the best and fear the worst but will wait until actions speak louder than words.

        Apology? Explanation of your previous conclusions?


    There’s just us Joe. Bring it on, let the hate flow, come at us, take us apart, destroy your perceived enemy from within. The only difference between 1969 and today is today, I could give a shit about Let’s get it on.

    On a serious note, since Joe is but a joke, the CNN piece refers to these guys making a plan to encounter unconstitutional requests. Got a problem with that? I am sure they will uphold the constitution including the insurrection act and the other aged ways the President can and has deployed Federal troops domestically.

    I am sure putting troops on the border will not be a major outage except to the far left.

    Using them to cleanse the nation of all undocumented will be a tougher row to hoe and let’s face it, Manzanar is a national shame as will be Trump’s mass deportation operation. Trump’s record here is one of family separation with his horror show still a national shame. The private prison guys are already licking chops and saying: no problem with scale. Yeah, 11 million people’s worth…… Reminds me of that song: get em out by Friday where they a law demanding people be four feet tall so they can fit twice as many in the same building height. I have only scaled product, and I found that scaling is tough. This one will be messy with many treated badly and harmed. There will be pushback from our citizens on this.

    And then, when he deploys them against protests, all hell will break lose. Can you say Kent State level mistakes. That will be the end of it. Once they kill American kids, I don’t care what party, people will wake up. Only took four dead in Ohio, four dead in Ohio.

  3. Mike f

    More bullshit from the idiot Joe G. Trump did not misuse the military because the military brass wouldn’t let him. He has repeatedly stated that he wants a military that are subservient to him rather than a military that obeys the constitution-he wants generals who are like Hitler’s. There is no ‘deep state’ military or otherwise in government. Trump showed himself to be the worst, most corrupt president in the last 100 years (at least) but many people have very short memories, as well as blaming Biden for inflation, so he has been elected again. We need a military that questions illegal actions that a huckster like trump attempts to commit.

    • Americafirst

      Wow! And Barak Obama, aka Barry Soetaro is an angel with the pizza parties, raping and killing little kids, money laundering, Benghazi, giving pallet loads of millions in cash to other countries when we needed it here. So many more treasons, of which he was already tribunaled and executed for. My word, you must be living in the Outer Limits MK Ultra program. Oh, btw, you yourself, sound quite a lot like what Hitler himself would say.

      PS. I have prayed for all of you anti-Americans on this channel. It didn’t work, you all sold your soul and can’t be prayed for or on anymore.

      • Mike f

        AF: Huh? Please give me a toke of what you were smoking before you wrote that response. Oh, I forgot, I don’t do drugs. Obvious you can’t say that

        • Americafirst

          I have just about had it with your damned retorts to all the things I say. Is it because I am a woman? Is that your problem? You seem to have to slander me about everything. I tell the absolute truth in god’s name unlike your mis and dis information you deliberately slam out to everyone else especially to me. You are not perfect. No one is. I do not go out of my way to hurt people like you do. there are so many articles and videos out about everything you hate. those articles and videos all can’t be wrong. They all say about the same thing that you dispute. Your comments to me make me think you think I am a liar. Go look in the mirror but be careful you don’t all down the rabbit hole. What the Hell is it with you? Are you part of the Deep State? You want to be top dog? You want to be Mr. Perfect? You are worse than your buddy, Frank. You both belong in a lunatic asylum and never be let out! Does it make you feel manly or sexy to slam me? Keep it up so I can now do it to you every time you post. Been down in the tunnels lately? Did you get your jollies down there? How deep is it there? Did you eat dinner there? You probably did, sicko!

          • Mike f

            Not knowing you were (are) a woman, I had to laugh when I read your reply. I have replied to h you because your comments make no sense, nothing else. Just because you are a woman (and don’t believe in women’s rights) makes no difference to me-the fact that you don’t believe in women’s rights is the issue…

  4. Darren

    According to CNN, this appears to be exactly what some hope for: “Gen. Mark Milley who took steps to limit Trump’s ability to use nuclear weapons while he was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”
    If this is true, he should be hung for treason!
    I hope you are all familiar with that term!
    Xi or Putin say, the use of Nuclear is NOT off the table.
    Not that they or Trump would use it, but were would our power bluff be?
    Milley removed it and left us in a position of NO power!
    He should at the least have been fired for treason!

  5. Tom

    Joe G or who ever he is, has apparently never been in the military nor has he studied history.

    1) Had Joe been in the U.S. Military, he would know that most rank and file will not point guns at their neighbors is some sort of warped and perverted fealty to a president.

    2) World history: Historic tradition from lessons learned by the Romans. Rome had the same policy because Rome understood that the public was made up of citizens and slaves that would turn on Rome if they marched troops into the city. Rome also understood (from the Greeks before them) that in a democracy, robust debate and civil protests are the best way of keeping power and discouraging all out civil war.

    3) U.S. History: But this is par for the course with Joe G. Trump does not know U.S. history either! Well Joe, here is why Trump cannot do this and why the Defense Dept is preparing responses: The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. The Dept. of Defense is examining the aforementioned law to determine what if can and cannot do in order to keep its activities within established law.

    4) If Gen. Miley took steps to contain Trump’s use of nuclear weapons, it would have been because of a really stupid idea by Trump. It is well documented that Trump wanted to shoot protestors in the legs if they protested the murder of George Floyd. So it is not much of a stretch to believe that Trump had a stupid idea to use Nukes for something that could be settled in ways other than violence and harming people on a massive scale. Maybe Joe does not realize that even smaller tactical nukes have blast power ranging from 10 to 100 kilotons of TNT which means tactical nukes have a power ten times the power of the WWII bombs dropped on Japan.

    Look at what Joe G says, “Look at Trump’s record during his first term. He did not misuse or deploy troops improperly. The notion that he would pose a unique threat justifying a treasonous military workaround is unfounded.” JOE, THIS IS BECAUSE PEOPLE STOPPED HIM BEFORE HE COULD DO IT!!!! Joe makes it sound like Trump has virtue. He does not.

    5) Joe apparently does not know how the government works. Heads of organizations such as the FBI, DOJ, and other agencies as well are political appointments! What is funny is Joe criticizes and advocates for the same thing at one time – Trump will only do what others have done, make the political appointments but in a way different in that Trump will make sure these appointments are willing to be ruthless and break the law for his agenda’s sake.

    6) Joe says, ” it’s evident that Democrats have already embedded political operatives within the bureaucracy, converted numerous appointees to permanent government roles.” HEY JOE, DOES SUPREME COURT JUDGES COME TO MIND WHEN YOU SAY THIS??? DOES DEI APPOINTMENT CLARENCE THOMAS (also sex preditor) COME TO MIND? DOES FEDERALIST SOCIETY SAM ALITO (who hangs the flag upside down) COME TO MIND?? DOES AMY CONEY BARrETT AND HER FAR RIGHT AFFILIATIONS WITH FEDERAL SOCIETY AND THE FAR RIGHT RELIGIOUS FANATICAL EVANGELICAL SOCIETY CALLED “PEOPLE OF PRAISE” COME TO MIND???

    Did Joe even know that Barrett was not only a member, but also a “Handmaiden” in the “People of Praise” religious cult???? Probably not!!! Well Joe, see this right wing publication that you will enjoy, see ** and educate yourself.

    So where is Joe’s “deep state” that he speaks of”? It seems to be any government administrator that does their job well, keeps us out of nuclear holocausts, and is not radical right. Joe Joe believes we should convert the administrative state that works for all of the people (as evidenced by all of the appeals that have delayed all of Trump’s prosecutions) should be converted to the Trump Loyalist Far Right Wing state that will serve the interest of far right wing Trump zealots. Joe things that planning to stay lawful and on the correct and legal side of the constitution is “rebellious”.

    I submit that this whole article is an affront to our American values and our great constitution.

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…