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Time to push back on the left’s white fear narrative

The Democratic Party has fully embraced the left’s theory that America is rife with racism – AND that it is predicated on a fear among white folks that we are losing power as America evolves into what is described in the oxymoronic “minority majority” nation.

In an attempt to pump credibility into their bogus theory, progressives create a nation divided into two competing societies – whites and people of color.  P-O-C is a relatively new demographic that includes ALMOST anyone who is not white European.  

The creators of “identity politics” ironically obliterate all the meaningful distinctions between Africans, Caribbean Islanders, Latins, Asians, Native Americans, Indians, Middle Easterners, Pacific Islanders, and others – and all the subordinate ethnicities within each of those demographics.  No more Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Peruvians, etc.  No more Chinese. Japanese, Vietnamese, Cambodians, etc.  

In fact, there are no more Brits, Frenchmen, Italians, Lithuanians, or Germans in the world of progressive ideology.  There are only homogenized whites and an amalgam of … people-of-color.

The very foundation of the people-of-color theory is flawed factually, biologically and culturally.  It simply fails to recognize and respect the all-important ethnic distinctions and traditions.  People tend to take pride in their ethnic culture – those distinctions in language, food, dress, music, religion, art, architecture and customs.   Progressives want no part of that.  Their political world is black and white – or more accurately people-of-color and white.

The progressive theory suffers even further from the fact that they cannot define “white.”   While all Mexicans are considered by progressives to be people of color, that population is divided between indigenous Mexicans and white Mexicans.  Most Mexicans consider themselves to be white, even indigenous Mexicans – and so does the United States Census Bureau.  Middle easterners lean to being white – especially when compared to sub-Saharan Africans.  

Progressives argue that the opposition to their big-government authoritarian policies is based on the fear that the growing minority population will soon be majority-minority.  There are two reasons that the alleged fear is nothing more than a self-serving political scaremongering narrative.  Outside of a very few nutty white supremacists on the fringe, most white folks do not worry about America becoming a minority-majority nation because most white folks are not racially intolerant.

The second reason has to do with the statistics.  In advancing their bogus theory, progressives do not like to look at the statistics.  According to the 2020 census, the American people are 60 percent white,  (76 percent with white Hispanic), 19 percent Latin (including white), 13 percent black, 6 percent Asian and small percentages of others.  Just on that basis alone, America will have a white majority for many years to come.

It is not a question of some sort of prejudicial white privilege, but merely a question of numbers.  In fact, the “white privilege” subtext is also flawed.  While white Americans have long represented the majority, those same white folks have supported immigration – making America a uniquely tolerant land of immigrants.  

Whites were the backbone in the successful fights for minority rights.  The Civil Rights bills of 1956, 1960, 1964 and 1965 were passed by Congress when there were very few minority members.  

White presidents and legislators have created unique programs that established “minority privilege” in hiring, college admissions, business loans, etc.  Whites ended slavery and the Democrats’ Jim Crow laws and black oppression in the south.  

Whites elect our leaders from virtually every ethnic group – even a President of the United States.  Does that sound like people are afraid of seeing power flow to people of other backgrounds?

Of course, there are people who harbor prejudices of all kinds – and there are white supremacists.  But there is also racial prejudice within and among minority groups.  But their real influence is minuscule.  And yes, we have the residual of INSTITUTIONAL racism – mostly found in our large, segregated cities long controlled by archaic Democrat political machines. 

The oppression of urban blacks and Hispanics has racist outcomes based on the ethnicity of the victims, even when the leaders or of the same racial background.  How does that happen?  That oppression of urban blacks by black administrations exists because the old racist structure and policies is also beneficial to black officials.  In those cases, racial oppression is based on the maintenance of power, profit and prestige.  It is a matter of status that might be compared to the so-called “house Negroes” and the black slave-owners in the days of slavery. Looking at the unchanging conditions in our segregated communities, it should be obvious that black administrations have not benefited the folks in the ‘hood.

As a white conservative (except that one percent Nigerian blood my DNA test revealed), I have no problem with leaders of a different ethnicity than me.  Unlike the modern progressives, I enjoy the great mosaic of the many cultures. I love getting involved with people unlike me. I like to experience the variety of foods, music, religion, dance and customs – especially the foods.  

As a conservative, I see all people as equal in law and Divine creation.  I like the diversity of America.  And I am not only okay with seeing … shall we say … people-of-color take on roles of leadership.  In fact, I have often supported such folks their ambitions.

Now … I will tell you what I do fear.  That is people – white or of color – who want to use their leadership positions to transform America into a nation with a top-down form of governance – in which an elitist class in Washington takes more and more freedom from our states and our local governments, and from we the people.  I fear the takeover by progressives of any and every color.  And I align with conservatives of any and every color.  

I would rather see conservatives of every color in office … in corporate board rooms … in any position of power … than have some arrogant elitist white progressives rule over me.  

While progressives play to … promote … and provoke racial divisiveness, that is not what is happening among the populace in general.  Time to put that theory that whites cringing in fear over the growth in minority numbers and power in the trash from whence it came.

So, there ‘tis.

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