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Time for Biden to stop restraining Ukraine military

Time for Biden to stop restraining Ukraine military

Ukraine’s defensive war against Vladimir Putin’s megalomanic invasion of Ukraine is dragging on.  And President Biden is still maintaining his too little/too late policy of military support.

Biden still refuses to remove the restrictions he has placed on the use of American military assistance.  He still will not provide the most advanced long range weaponry and eliminate his ban on attacking deep inside Russia.  And what about those fighter jets?

For a time, Biden insisted that Ukraine military forces refrain from ANY incursions and attacks inside Russia.  He publicly relented only after Ukraine start attacking military sites across the border.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has pleaded with Biden to provide the long-range weapons and lift any restrictions.  Several of the former American military commanders who appear on news programs have also called for providing the weapons and removing any restrictions.  But to no avail.

The White House rationalizes Biden’s recalcitrance by saying that Zelenskyy is doing well enough without the advanced weapons.  But “well enough” is not winning the war.  It is merely prolonging it.  That is not good enough.

It is true that the Ukrainian military has surpassed all expectations.  We should not forget how the world expected a swift Russian victory when Putin’s army was initially marching toward Kiev.  The Ukrainians turned that assault into a military failure and a huge embarrassment to Putin.

It was not the Madman of Moscow’s only embarrassment.  Ukrainians sunk Putin’s flagship, The Moscow, among other sea crafts.  They essentially prevented Russian forces from taking a lot more territory than they held before the war.  The march to take Odesa was cut short.  And now Ukrainian forces have taken control of the Kursk region inside Russia. Putin has sacrificed hundreds of thousands of his young men.  Think of what Ukraine could do with advanced long range weapons and fighter jets. 

In response to their failing ground war, Putin is ruthlessly using his air power to attack civilian and energy targets.  He is blatantly committing war crimes on a routine basis. It is time for Biden to give Ukraine all they need to win the war.  And I would not rule out NATO boots on the ground.

And Biden should move swiftly.  From the way Trump is talking, I worry that he would be worse than Biden in terms of Ukraine – and I am not sure where Harris stands on Ukraine.  I do know she does not stand firmly behind Israel in the Hamas War.

Defeating Putin is essential to the security of the United States, NATO and the free world … period. 

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. frank stetson

    Uh, the F16’s are flying already. One shot down last week, top guy got fired over it. As I told you, you can’t train on those things and expect a decent return for years. At least that’s what our Generals say. I realize you feel different.

    Wow, they get F-16’s, they get F-16 training, they took a piece of Russia, just what you wanted, albeit late for you, and all you an say is it’s not enough, you want deeper, bigger, better, now.

    They do need to think how to get through the winter, and if memory serves, if history is a judge, Horist’s concept of a deep strike into Russia for winter is a bust. Better to think how to get through the winter and what to do come Spring.

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson … No American fighter jets have been sent to Ukraine. Biden as acquiesced to the jets being sent from Denmark and Netherlands. Biden has also refused to supply support technicians to train pilots and maintain the fighter jets. And Biden still opposes and restricts deeper attacks into Russia.

      I assume you are alluding to the German ground offensive into Russian in the winter. The request from Ukraine is for long range weapons and jets to attack deeper into Russia — and Winter may actually be a better time. Yes … I still say Biden is a laggard in terms of Ukraine — past and present..

      • frank stetson

        Horist: all F16’s that I know of are American fighter jets. Although these came from our NATO allies in Europe who are part of our coalition to stop Russia. I detailed this as well as the issues of pilots, training and maintenance in your last gripe on Biden’s actions that have kept Ukraine free so far, while you (and I) thought they would collapse. Biden right, we were wrong.

        Just use your mighty PBP search engine to look it up, either you, Joe or Ernest are the author depending on how it’s changed.

        I think they have a dozen F16’s now, more on the way, and the reason they will not use them to attack deep into Russia is that Russia would shoot them down if they tried. Biden does not even have to issue the restraint. We would not try that either. Biden’s generals have been clear that their use would be confined to defense within the border, shooting down missiles and drones, as well as plunking shots into Russia without crossing into the Russian air defenses. The Russian air defenses would down the F16 pretty fast, according to the experts.

        Pilots are being trained in the US, it’s an expedited schedule, that’s a mistake in many expert’s eyes. We have few seats unless we drop defenses by not training ourselves and other allies. These are expensive and impossible to add more seats unless we drop a boatload of money and time. They are also being trained in Europe with most of those facilities created by the US. Because of space limitations, there is talk of building a new training facility or expanding one in Europe. Of course there are fears that it makes a fair target for Putin.

        Politico, Wall Street Journal and others have updates covering these issues. They pretty much cover the waterfront.

        And, yes, Biden will not send US contractors into Ukraine to service the F16’s. Are you suggesting we put boots on the ground for this? They probably will be maintained in Poland which Putin has indicated the planes will be fair game if located there. Unknown if US contractors will help in that, no reason not to. It’s physically impossible to train and build a facility in Ukraine even if you were motivated to. Too complex, too long a time, too much training once done.

        This was all known before the program started. Much of it covered in that piece responding to your article that you can search and reference. And as expected and also noted in your piece, an F16 went down in Ukraine in one of it’s first outings. Without comprehensive training, and lots of experience, the F16’s may be death traps. Still investigating whether friendly fire, but top guy has been relieved of duty in Ukraine.

        There it tis. They ARE American F16’s in Ukraine, their pilots are being training in US and Europe, some have graduated on this foolish expedited schedule, and one plane has gone down. Maintenance will never be done in Ukraine, by Ukrainians for the practical reasons noted. The planes are not suitable for an attack deep into Russia by Ukraine, or by us, unless the Russian air defenses are brought down first. Is that in your plan recommendation?

        I agree that Biden seems to be a laggard but it seems he has proved us wrong every time. Reagan’s policies seemed at times to be lagging too, but then, almost overnight, it was over. Most other nations agree with Biden and have withheld high-tech weapons. One reason is the expense. I also agree we cannot let Ukraine fall which is why I feel the need for speed. But if Biden feels that using our long-range missiles to expand the War deep into Russia, I will say it seems he has been right so far. I don’t think I will feel that way a year from now and was overjoyed not only that Ukraine took some Russian territory, but talks like they plan to keep it. I would love to see them take Crimea back instead of a Russian attack. That’s the same message but something they can keep. And I hope and pray that Russia’s enablers, China, NK, India, and Iran, financially tire of supporting at which point, I expect Putin must acquiesce.

        But Biden, on this one, seems right so far, and we seem wrong, so far. Unfortunately it’s looking like there’s a good chance we will not know more until next summer, and that may be a bridge too far depending on our election results. If your team wins, pretty good chance we withdrawal completely.

        • Tom

          Well said Frank! I agree with everything but the last paragraph. Larry knows more about everything than anyone else in the entire world. The only one who knows more is God.

          I think we should congratulate Larry on the publishing of his new book. He told me in a previous post that he will not have as much time to address my posts and yours. This is a good thing. It means our readers will get less spin from him and the truth will have a better chance to survive!

          • larry Horist

            Tom … My, my. Statler is getting really ugly in his little balcony. Even your consummate arrogance and ignorant bs cannot conceal your lowlife approach. It makes all that self-praising arrogance all the more absurd. I really should not insult Statler — a cotton filled dummy — by making the comparison. You do make me laugh, however.

          • Tom

            Wow Larry, My my, Grumpy the Grouch can’t even take a compliment! LOL

      • blauglas

        Larry: Hello. It is PAST TIME DUE for obiden to stop restraining the ISRAELI military and let them win their war against to terrorist hamas. Otherwise the Israelis will be constantly looking over their shoulder and Israelis being killed like on 07 Oct 2023.

  2. edward Schuetzle

    No. It is time for the United States to GTFO of Ukraine. This is nothing but a money laundering war, and real people are dying on both sides. A hero does not lead Ukraine; President Putin isn’t a Batman villain. If Europeans want to go back to killing other Europeans, they can and should do it without our help. The anti-Russian propaganda has not been as ubiquitous since the 70s. I was a Cold War “warrior” and learned to spot propaganda from both sides while serving.

  3. frank stetson

    Well said and I guess between spending his publisher’s advance and preparing for the book tour, he’s really tied up :>) I wonder if he will be visiting the Democratic slavery cities of the damned to offer his wares……

    I hope it goes well for him, can’t wait for the review(s).

    I hear PBP reader’s will get 75% off the newsstand price.. Well, PBP conservatives, us Dems and Indy’s will pay full inflation prices.

    Me — seems days of fixed rate assets are ending, bought my first equity last week along with a bunch of cds that I winced on every click, 4% for no-call brokerage cds. Amazingly, my previously purchased would fetch a small profit if I sold today —- apparently there’s more demand for these than current. My equity is returning 4.4% on divs and value turned $600 in 24 hours, but will hold for a bit. Gotta love big oil. Under Biden I finally surpassed my all time wealth which was established under Biden in 4Q22. Took a bit, but going fixed, pretty low risk too. Still have a few “dogs in the kennel,” but no hurry to cut n run in that the dividends are quite nice. Telcom been berry berry goot to me.

    take care, enjoy the burgers and hots.

    • Tom

      Yeah I’m gonna miss ole Larry and his grumpy comments.

      Yes, it should be fun to read the review. I probably won’t buy a copy of the book though because I get his spin and lies for free on PBP. But yes, he would charge us full fare.

      I have been buying into a few index funds lately. Like Wellesley Investor, High Divident Yield Index Funds, Small Cap Value Indexes, and Total World Stock funds that are paying on average 7 to 10% per year. Some are paid quarterly, some yearly. And also holding cash for the next serious market adjustment so I can go shopping again. LOL

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson … When you mock “Democratic slavery cities of the damned” you are mocking the lives of millions of black Americans living in segregated communities’ under terrible and even tragic conditions — communities ruled over by Democrat political machines for generations. You are mocking millions of young Black people over many generations who have been excluded from America’s opportunity society for the political benefit of those in city hall. With insensitive comments like that, I cannot imagine that you have ever spent any time in those communities — or seen the conditions close up.

  4. AC

    Horist is making me relive my memories of the Vietnam era and LBJ’s term. It’s not an apples and apples comparison, I know, but there are hawks and doves on this shameful inhumane assault directed by Putin.
    The hawks wanted more armaments, harder strikes, more of everything, and kept pushing Johnson. They did not have the information needed, were not sitting in POTUS’ seat. They. not a one, would have to pay the high cost of accountability when more American military and support personnel were killed, physically disabled, and emotionally incapacitated.
    So, it’s in war and combat. There will always be the hawks like Horist. Those who know not of what battle is, causes inexplicable damage taking life and limb, and become more and more aggressive in speech that those on the decision end must be more aggressive.
    Simple in Horist opinion, the situation is not that clear cut. Horist would have his PBP conservatives believe he knows better than POTUS Biden how POTUS should command as Commander and Chief. Then, why didn’t Horist win at running for political office as Biden did. And, how Biden spent his whole adult life in Congress and accumulated knowledge and wisdom that served our country well. Now, Biden is in the hot seat and Horist is not but an armchair general, opinionated Republican pundit on PBP, and out of the information pipeline.
    Larry, for what ever your reasons are in your decision to take on the Democrats with an unholy vengeance like nothing The Five on Fox have said about Biden. You carry a grudge far too long and it shows in your commentaries’ extreme biases against any and all who do not completely agree with your anti-democratic party philosophy.
    Larry, fortunately the degree of animosity you obviously have towards other individuals’ words on PBP appears limited and not very pervasive through out our country. Limited, meaning your kind of political antagonism is rare to not evident among a majority of your fellow Americans. This is especially a fact for those who identify as voters for Harris and some who may vote for Trump.
    What is popular among all Americans does not square with your brand of divisiveness and apparent inability to work for compromise. That you do not notice the nation’s majority wants peace in America’s social health is indicative of your discontent with this nation’s seeming future contrary to ultra-conservative philosophy. Pathetic for one of your advanced accumulation of years.
    Too bad your life had so many moments grieving losses in the political office realm. How different would your legacy have been.
    Don’t shoot the messenger. It is as you were dealt . It’s all about the ways you could not cope.

    • Tom

      Larry did not win because he was unpopular with the people but like Trump he will tell you the other side was way too corrupt to beat them.

      Larry did have a dog poop bag business – but he failed at that too.

      His real nitch seems to be CONsultant. Though he was fired a few times (probably due to his know it all attitude and hard headedness) he seemed to eek out a fairly good business. You are correct, Larry talks war from his keyboard. I do not think he was ever in the military.

      Larry is stuck in the past and his brand shows it. Larry is divisive but he also has a sociopathy where he has trouble getting along with responders that do not agree with his Back To The Future staunch conservative opinions. Larry does not comprehend that we are in a multi-cultural society despite raising a black step daughter. Larry also feels he knows everything. Larry indicated this when I discussed aging with him. I referenced National Institute of Health articles and Harvard Medical Review articles that proved my point. But Larry directly contradicted them. Only God knows more than Larry, and maybe Trump.

      The good thing is his book is soon to be published. He has told me he will not have time to respond to us. How joyous that we will not have to read his snide screeds for a while. We are eagerly awaiting the reviews.

      • larry Horist

        Tom . You have aged into a very dishonest and bitter old man. You are so factually wrong about most of the things you say about me — just for the record.. Just nasty lies based on ignorance and a pathetic obsession. But no matter. You have no interest in truth because you prefer to tell lies about me as your straw man.. No matter how much you puff your self up or attempt to degrade me with bs, you are a very insignificant person made even less relevant and smaller by irrational and mentally deranged attacks. I find it interesting that as Frank moves away from the personal attacks, and you have become consumed with them. And face it, if it were not for my commentaries and others on PBP … and what you call my “snide screeds” … you would have no reason to get out of bed in the morning. PBP gives you at least a false sense of relevancy. Be thankful.

  5. frank stetson

    I tell you what pisses me off about our involvement in the Russian-Ukraine war. We freaking let the Russians play in the US Open. It’s our freaking open. It’s in NYC. Yes, they were allowed in the Olympics, I support that, peace, love, woodstock and all that. But this is OUR Open. They are OUR enemy. And yes, Australia, France and UK allowed them to play, but I don’t care, they made a mistake too. So we fuzz out the flag, call them neutral, but come on. It’s bogus.

    But wait, there’s more. Russian sponsors include, adidas — big time, Duracell and many others. Whattya gonna do when Sabalenka wins.

    I say boycott them all.

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson … OMG. We Agree. Yipee!! Well almost. I think a case could be made for keeping aggressor nations out of the Olympics

  1. I've yet to see any real evidence to prove the accusations against TikTok. I've seen conservatives telling the other side…