Tim Scott Has Harsh Words for Obama’s Response to SCOTUS Ruling

African American GOP candidate for President Sen. Tim Scott has ripped into the Obamas over their response to the Supreme Court decision on affirmative action, saying that the former president and first lady’s words were a “A lie from the pit of hell.”
“I’m running for president because I know America can do for anyone what she has done for me. But sending the message that somehow the color of your skin means that you will not be able to achieve your goals from an educational perspective, from an income perspective or family formation, that is a lie from the pit of hell,” said Scott to Fox News.
“We will not be judged solely by the color of our skin,” he added. “That’s what the ruling said today. But that is the story of America. That is a story of American progress, and we can all celebrate that today.”
Michelle Obama said her heart was broken for students who were wondering what opportunities might be open to them in the wake of the court decision.
“So often, we just accept that money, power, and privilege are perfectly justifiable forms of affirmative action, while kids growing up like I did are expected to compete when the ground is anything but level,” she wrote in a statement.
Her husband, the former Democratic president, also offered a brief statement about the ruling that prompted Scott’s ire.
“Like any policy, affirmative action wasn’t perfect,” he wrote. “But it allowed generations of students like Michelle and me to prove we belonged. Now it’s up to all of us to give young people the opportunities they deserve — and help students everywhere benefit from new perspectives.”
The 6-3 Supreme Court decision has been criticized by many on the left, while conservatives have praised the end of discrimination against Asian Americans in higher education.
Tim Scott the Congressman seemed relevant, open, factual, and working across the aisle. Tim Scott the candidate does not want my vote. I guess this plays in Republican land for the primaries, but it’s not a national message that can win.
No matter what she says, most of America will never believe she told something ” that is a lie from the pit of hell.” First Lady, first Black President, pretty good record, great record on ethics (yes, there were scandals, aren’t there always). 13% of America is Black, 60% of dems and indy leaners feel he’s the best recent President. That’s a pretty big chunk of change to toss away based on a personal life story anecdote and a mountain of counter-points. Could be right, can’t prove it, big risk.
And then there’s Republicans who think Reagan was better than Trump so pitching Trump-woo as Scott does with his rhetoric probably not playing across the party as well. Ask the mid-term Trumpers.
So, I get that he’s got to be right, way right, to grab the maga’s hoping that real Republicans will ignore the sound-byte-speak, but he’s not threading a needle, he’s diving right in and turning anyone outside that loosing minority away. He’s got nothing to draw us in and he keeps insulting us to get our vote.
Lastly, “The 6-3 Supreme Court decision has been criticized by many on the left, while conservatives have praised the end of discrimination against Asian Americans in higher education” and Asians have said this is bunk and they feel totally used. Tell the whole story…..
I still say Scott is trying for VP but hedging his bet until he sees which way the legal battles fall.
I think Sen Tim Scott is right on all counts.Affirmative Action played it’s role for far far too long.It was time to end it and let the kid’s stand on merit.AC only slowed the black’s and Hispanic’s down from striving to do the best,knowing full back, that the color of their skin was going to get them all the opportunity to get into the best school and college.
Isn’t it time to teach them that they need to put in hard back breaking work to move forward.
The Asian kids and their parents spend every waking hour to strive for success on their own record and on the color of their skin.
So thank you Sen Scott,for saying it like it is.
But you should be more vocal and not just mouth a few words as a reprimand.