Thomas Crooks’ Connection to the DHS before Shooting at Trump

The man officially suspected of trying to assassinate President Trump last month practiced at the same gun range used by the DHS for training less than 24 hours after his visit to the club. The revelation comes amid the leftist mainstream media’s efforts to kill the story.
It’s been over a month since the assassination attempt on President Trump was carried out at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and the establishment media seems to be actively assassinating the story. But some popular conservative news sources are still pursuing developments in the investigation, particularly the activities of the alleged would-be assassin Thomas Crooks.
On Monday (August 12), the New York Post reported that two months before the assassination attempt targeting President Trump in Pennsylvania, Thomas Crooks went to target practice at his preferred gun range where the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) conducted a training the day after Crook’s visit. The paper cited a club logbook obtained by Senator Chuck Grassley’s office showing that Crooks visited the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club – which is about 45 miles south of Butler, Pennsylvania – on May 22 at 3:10 p.m.
The story included a screenshot of the relevant page from the logbook which shows three persons from the DHS visited the range at noon on May 23 for police training. As the story noted, Crooks was a member and frequent visitor at the range but there was no information on whether the DHS held other trainings there:
It is unclear whether DHS regularly held trainings there, or if the May 23 visit was an uncommon occurrence.
The logbook also shows that Crooks last visited the range on July 12, just a day before he would go to the Butler rally site and shoot at Trump before getting shot down by a Secret Service sniper.
The New York Post wrote that they reached the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club for a comment but the club declined to comment on either Crooks or DHS’ use of the facility, citing the ongoing investigation into the assassination attempt.
Conservatives, meanwhile, are critically vocal about the mainstream media’s collective effort to move on and take people’s attention off the shocking attempt on Trump’s life. Clint Russell, host of Liberty Lockdown, posted on Sunday (August 11) on his X (Twitter) page that Google has buried the stories about the assassination attempt on Trump, expressing outrage that people seem not to be asking for answers anymore.
Conservative commentator Benny Johnson discussed the report from the New York Post about Crooks’ practice at the gun range and the DHS training at the same place. Here is a video clip Johnson posted to his X page wherein he talks about the suspicion that Crooks likely had contact with federal agents and the assassination attempt on President Trump implicates the DHS as a suspect.
Conservatives have also been suspicious of the federal government’s investigation into the assassination attempt since day one. Thus concerned citizens have started a petition on petitionpa.org asking the President Judge, the Honorable S. Michael Yeager of Butler County, Pennsylvania, for summoning a grand jury to investigate the assassination attempt on President Trump. The petition reads:
Federal agencies investigating federal agencies present possible conflicts of interest, and eyewitnesses with actual evidence may fear sharing with federal agencies due to the agencies’ possible perceived corruption, as seen in recent Congressional hearings. Butler County and PA State law enforcement have been called into question. The full truth needs to be disclosed to vindicate those wrongfully accused.
The petition for the grand jury can be signed by people outside Butler, PA.
Why isn’t the shooters father getting any trouble for furnishing the rifle used to that killer?
The Democrats have weaponized nearly every Federal agency to include the DOJ and DHS. They tried every dirty legal trick to jail and bankrupt Trump. When those efforts failed, they resorted to assassination.
This was an inside job. Having the FBI in charge of the sham investigation is like having the fox inventory the chicken house.
Notice how the Crooks picture and the Dempsey picture look similar?
Just saying…..
Please, the investigation is underway, still, and there is plenty of reporting, over 2 dozen stories in the past two weeks over the MSM network. Quit getting your news from X, Rumble and other conspiracy-theory laden bullshit media outlets. Or at least double source your conspiracy theories.
The shooting club is one of the largest in the area, only 45 minutes out of Pittsburgh, and five different law enforcement agencies train there, so why not DHS? Is there a point here? Where do you want DHS to train, your backyard?
Wait, the Dumpster says Clint Russel is upset? Stop the presses… Freakin’ Clint feels bad about MSM coverage dwindling while the investigation, which did have a preliminary reading, is being conducted. He want them to create news out of thin air like Grassley and the Dumpster do….. Oh Clint…..who has a rant-filled podcast on X where he only speaks the truth, socially, wink-wink, nudge-nudge. The Dumpster could do better, but he doesn’t and won’t.
I found two dozen stories from MSM via Duck-Duck-Go. Get a new search engine Clint….. I would list them, but they are MSM and The Dumpster no read MSM…… they have facts…..
Then he hits up Benny Johnson, conservative journalist and no doubt The Dumpster’s mentor. He was fired once from Buzzfeed for plagiarism. They said 10% of his crap was not his crap. They keep hiring him in the right-wing blogosphere, accused of plagiarism at Independent Journal Review next. He was suspended there for spreading conspiracy theories. The Dumpster keeps on churning similar bullshit theories at PBP. Joe keeps him on because he favors The Dumpster’s birthplace, Pakistan, where all the best terrorists hang out.
Now” they” want Butler PA to hold the Federal Government accountable via a Butler Grand Jury. The petition reads: “Federal agencies investigating federal agencies present possible conflicts of interest, and eyewitnesses with actual evidence may fear sharing with federal agencies due to the agencies’ possible perceived corruption, as seen in recent Congressional hearings. Butler County and PA State law enforcement have been called into question. The full truth needs to be disclosed to vindicate those wrongfully accused.” OK, so Butler is going to investigate a bunch of Federal Agencies because they have no trust in government. Good luck. I just have to see Butler takes on the FBI, DOJ, and many other acronyms. Have you been to Butler? Of course not. No one has,
Dumpster needs a new job. Perhaps he can leverage his expertise in waste management. He’s making up the news from trash already. Perhaps let the investigation conclude before you starting calling it corrupted, the entire government corrupts, lie about MSM coverage, or lack you say thereof, and many other things you fabricate for dollars. And remember, the people who brought you this story were from the same Federal Government that you distrust and these folks trusted them……. Because a plagiarist and someone on X said to. And now it falls into The Dumpster.
Nothing will ever come of the investigations into the failed attempt to assassinate Donald Trump. This is not the first time a patsy has taken the fall. There was another in 1963 when John Kennedy was assassinated. The Trump asssaaination attempt was shrouded in incompetence to allow the conspirators plausible deniability. The deep-state doesn’t want Trump reelected. They found a patsy, Crooks, and arranged for him to get within 130-yards of Trump for an easy shot, and then succeed or fail, put a bullet in his brain so he couldn’t talk and expose the plot. But not before he took his shots. The snipers who killed him have been debriefed, sequestered, never identified, never interviewed, and never subpoenaed. Director Cheatle resigned, not fired, because she was given a deal.
My guess is that you are employed by government and a Democrat.
“Notice how the Crooks picture and the Dempsey picture look similar?
Just saying…..”
Hey, it’s certainly you’re right to be a left wing troll on the PBP, “Frank,” because clearly you have no life outside of it, but you don’t have to be a dbag about it, unless that’s truly what you are. Otherwise, try to be better when you are replying to those you don’t agree with.
Fair enough Brian. Sorry.
I do this stuff during coffee, and on breaks. You can almost gauge the market by how often I submit. And I just like the research and exercise of my extremely poor writing skills.
You are right, twas a tad over the line. This guy is such a poor journalist who refused to abide by any sort of journalistic standards or ethics, that it tweaks me sometimes. Idiot relies on social media and proven-liars for his sources. Regularly. And he is from Pakistan but hides behind an Irish name. Being part Irish, that is offensive too. The real Dempsey, a real author, thinks so too. Does not let me off the hook though and I apologize for my transgression. I will give myself a timeout :>) Enjoy!