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The Secret Reasons Behind Russias Attack on Ukraine

This is a Felix Rex Video, featuring Punching Bag Post contributor George McMillan.

The attack on Ukraine was not a spur of the moment action. Putin has as a goal to create is own sphere of influence much the old Soviet Union. This is a well planned, deeply nuanced series of events where Putin is moving chess pieces with confidence and power.

This is a long video, but the commentators will provide in-depth detail on the secondary effects and the underlying purposes. As well as speculations at a much deeper level than you can find in other sources.

Some key points:

– Azerbaijan has just entered the Russian sphere of influence, even after the Russians supported Armenia in a recent skirmish between the two. It is geographically vital, and a major source of gas and oil for Europe, not under Putin’s control.

– Gas and oil are at the center of all of this, Putin intends to maintain control over pipelines, shipping routes and more. Since Saudi Arabia has refused to increase exports to keep oil prices under control, oil prices will skyrocket.

– Support from China effectively circumvents a great deal of Biden’s and NATO’s sanctions.

– The goal may be an economic zone with Russia, China and many satellite countries, with minimal connection to the West.

– Putin must move quickly, he has limited cash reserves, and while his military is formidable, it will be costly if Ukrainian forces at 100,000 strong are able to regroup, hold territory and harass Russian positions.

This is worth listening to, get a cup of coffee and watch this instead of Fox or CNN this evening. More to come.

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