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The Dems Have Lost the Working Class, and It’s All Obama’s Fault

Blue-collar Americans are flocking to support President Donald Trump in droves. The working class – once a staple of the Democratic voting block, has turned their backs on the Dems, and it’s all Barack Obama’s Fault.

After Obama’s historic victory in 2008, Democratic Party strategists fell under the sway of the notion that the future of their party’s dominance was ensured because, as they put it, “demographics are destiny.”

Obama had performed well among a wide range of groups, but what captured the strategists’ attention was that he had won decisively among young voters, black, Latino, and Asian-American voters, and university-educated women. Because these groups were growing in their percentage of the overall electorate, the strategists decided that Democrats would continue to win elections well into the future if they focused on the issues that they determined would most appeal to these voters.

They referred to their winning cohort as “the Obama coalition,” and in the years that followed, the issues they elevated and their extensive voter outreach efforts were directed largely at cultivating and keeping that coalition together by focusing on the issues that appeared to matter to them most – primarily far left “woke” ideology. In the process, they abandon a substantial number of other constituencies, particularly white working-class male voters, leaving them angry, disaffected, and with nowhere to go – but the GOP.

Even before Donald Trump saw the pain of the working class and welcomed their legitimate gripes with open arms, “Obama’s democratic party,” unlike what the strategists predicted, saw major defeats. In the next three elections, Democrats, relying on their new strategy of mobilizing their “Obama coalition” base, lost more than 1,400 state and federal seats, giving Republicans control of both houses of Congress and the majority of governorships and state legislatures.

Now, Donald Trump has a hold on the voters that the Dems have abanded at their own peril. And it even looks as though their “Obama Coalition of Destiny” is breaking apart as more and more blacks, Latinos, and Asian Americans flock to Trump. With a weak, old, and senile candidate for president and bleeding support among their traditional voting blocks, this all adds up to a likely sweeping defeat for the GOP and Donald Trump in November.

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