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Texas Considers Wartime Measures as Biden Administration Ignores Migrant Invasion

Texas Considers Wartime Measures as Biden Administration Ignores Migrant Invasion

Texas residents are calling on authorities to take matters in their own hands as they continue to struggle with crushing waves of illegal immigration. Official disaster declarations have been issued in at least four counties.

“We don’t want to lose America,” said Kinney County Judge Tully Shahan after declaring a local state of disaster. “The Biden Administration won’t do a thing about it. They could stop this thing this hour. They could stop it now.”

One of the largest concerns for Texas residents is the prevalence of human smuggling – the pursuit of which eats up officers’ time and is likely to cause property damage. Despite a 2021 anti-smuggling bill, law enforcement authorities in border communities say they catch only 20% of migrants passing through.

A handful of state lawmakers and former Trump officials have urged Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to declare an “invasion” and begin expelling suspected illegal immigrants (a questionably legal task for which he is more than justified given the Biden Administration’s apparent disregard for the situation). 

The idea here is to take the Constitution’s stated definition of the term “invasion” and apply it to the assault on the southern border, allowing Texas to engage in defensive actions. The declaration would make Gov. Abbott Commander-in-Chief and grant wartime powers to thousands of state troopers and national guard. It would also attract immediate challenge from the courts. 

Tom Homan, former acting director for ICE under Trump, said he spoke with Gov. Abbott about the idea back in April. “We’ve had discussions with his attorneys in his office, ‘Is there a way to use this clause within the Constitution where it talks about invasion?’” said Homan, adding that Gov. Abbott’s attitude towards the scheme was “noncommittal but willing to listen.” 

Gov. Abbott has already been forced to call on the National Guard to assist police in arresting illegal immigrants for breaking state laws following a lack of action from Washington.

“We’ll be taking unprecedented action,” vowed Gov. Abbott. “Congress has to stop talking about it, has to stop complaining about it, has to stop going to the border and looking at it. Congress has to take action, just like Texas is taking action.”


Texas Border County Leaders Declare ‘Invasion,’ Urge Gov. Abbott to Expel Migrants 

Former Trump officials urge Texas to declare ‘invasion’ 

West Texas sees an increase in human smuggling arrests

About The Author


  1. Ben

    Whatever it takes. We are in danger from the criminals illegally crossing our borders

    • Micala

      What Americans must do is remove that old Fart sitting in the White House now! HE is the reason our Nation is failing and being destroyed! Remember JOE BIDEN IS INCOMPETENT AND CAN’T EXPRESS HIMSELF WITHOUT GETTING LOST IN HIS WORDS! HE DOES NOT BELONG IN OUR WHITE HOUSE BECAUSE ALL THOSE DECISIONS (like TROOP REMOVAL FROM AFGHANISTAN PLUS OPEN BORDERS!!) WERE NOT MADE BY MR. “WHERE AM I”, but someone else is running this shitshow!

      If you want our Nation back, we first must remove biddyboy joe and his administration then put the REAL PRESIDENT BACK IN OFFICE! You do know the 2020 Election WAS 100% FRAUD — AND ILLEGAL?!! And those slimewads plan to do this again in 2024! The deluded Dems will try anything to keep control — even destroy our Nation because they are the most IGNORANT AND STUPID OF ALL ADMINISTRATIONS TO EVER BE IN D.C.!

      Do you want America SOLVENT AND SUCCESSFUL AND RESPECTED IN THE WORLD ARENA?? What are YOU going to do about it? Because the Dems don’t plan on leaving any time soon! But the longer they are in D.C., the more damage they will do to our Nation!

      One question for you: What action has this idiot administration ever done that benefitted American Citizens? Can you name something, anything? No?? There’s your answer! Time to remove the BIGGEST MISTAKE TO EVER HIT D.C. — J.B. And his Circus of Clowns 🤹🏻‍♀️🤹🏽🎪🤹🏻‍♀️!!

      • Ben

        850 people listened to Trump, listened to jerks like Micala, who live by the trope, not the rule of law, and now they are arrested, detested, and it’s suggested many will go to jail for putting Micala’s words into actions.

        The twice impeached Trump lost the election, as fair and square as the one he won. And soon he will meet his fate for taking The Big Lie seriously and sending his hoard to the Capitol to kill Mike Pence and others in furtherance of his coup attempt to do exactly what Micala thinks should still be done.

        Donate to Don today, he needs the money and DeSantis doesn’t. Better yet, give twice, once to each. Spend all your money on Micala’s cause. I am sure you will get fair return.

        • Jason

          While the po li’l colored looter boys walk. Dey do’n know any better

          • Ben

            Jason is yet another Trumplicant who thinks with his ass and not his brain. Another ass-brain. First, by using racist language, he is interested in only the black protestors during the summer of Floyd protest when he should know full well that much of the violence was caused by white Trumplicants farmed in to start a race war. Fuck, he was probably one of them, freakin racist that he is. But probably too much of a pussy to take an active part in this.

            Sorry Gayson, but over 17,000 were arrested, over 19 people died. Unlike the white backlash on 1/6 where protestors were handled with kid gloves, limited arrests, etc., there was a good amount of police brutality against protestors and press alike during the summer of Floyd.

            Since you are too stupid to see it, Barr got Feds to take a lot of these cases even as defense lawyers bitched that cases should be State and not Fed. One guy who posted “riot” on facebook and then participated got 4 years and $1.5M in restitution, his life is gone. Guy who torched a cell phone store got nine years. Guy who livestreamed his looting got two years.

            Most of the Floyd protestors were peaceful, unlike those at the Capitol. Most were charged with nonviolent misdemeanors, most like violating curfew or emergency orders. About 20% were more serious felonies, violence to persons or property. And frankly, due to Barr’s elevating many cases to Federal level, there have been a lot of convictions at 2 years or more of Federal Prison time.

            So far, the 840 haven’t even come close to faring as bad as those arrested in the Summer of Floyd protests.

            Two takeaways — look before you leap, you really stuck your foot up your ass on this one.
            don’t selfie your crimes. Capitol Trump Trash apparently did not learn that BLM lesson.

  2. Michael Lucero

    Good, if the Feds. won’t do their job then we’ll have to do it.

  3. Sharon

    It’s the law, they must be send back, America is in a crisis.
    This would be a hardship on the people and America .
    They bring gangs, drugs, we will not support, they are a safety concern for the people. We have no idea who they are. Murders, rapes, sex traffic, human smuggling,
    Send them all back, it’s a invasion

  4. john

    we need to stop thisd shit the biden administration started , stop these ivaders from all over and send them back , or with the drug smugdeling runners , shoot them !stop the aid to them and show they wont colect off the peoiple of this country that why they come to collect aid they can collect from a comunist administration ( bidens ) ,while the people and legals suffer and get nothing from a corupt gov!!

  5. Steelyal

    24th Amendment
    If a President does not secure our borders the the Citizens can react. The President is in line for a Charge Of Treason!!

  6. Larry kuhn

    All lies Ben. So stfu moron. You stupid boy. Quit acting like ghetto trash

  7. Ben

    Being called ghetto trash and boy by a guy whose last name pronounced coon defines irony.

    Another rocket scientist.

    Try a cogent argument for a change.

    Too stupid? Not enuf school?

    • Jason

      Dere yo go again boy. Yo give brotha’s a bad name. Like we need to help Lol

      • Ben

        Spreak englash gayson, can’t translate trailer talk impersonations of urban life.

        Course u got nothing to say anyway. Another grade schooler who can’t put an argument together. Thinks tweets are novels.

  8. PerrY

    Ben you should retire from posting. You’re not good at it. You can’t convince anyone of merits for your shit

    • Ben

      Happy Perry,

      And yet you keep reading and responding. Of course, not much argument in your response, just invectives .

      Thanks for your support.

      Tip your waitress; I’ll be here all week. Would much rather talk issues than smack, but if that’s all you can muster, buster, then I’ve got the luster to toss the mustard your way.

      Burma Shave.

      • Perry

        I do talk issues. You’re the one who gets pissed off because I think that you liberals are nut cases

        • Ben

          ok, fine. try it some more, try harder. skip the name calling, talk issues, I think that would be grand.

          • Perry

            Name the issue and we’ll go with it

          • Ben

            Just find one in the articles; this one was about wartime measures being considered. Don’t think I will respond though. Not this one lest you want to vote on the summer of Floyd.

            This is not a contest……I don’t plan to toss the issue-glove on the table for our duel… just use the articles as they move you.

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