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Texas Bill Requires National Anthem at Sporting Events

Texas State Flag

Texas lawmakers are considering a proposal to guarantee the National Anthem plays at all sporting events with a state government contract. 

“Texans are tired of sports teams that pander, insulting our National Anthem and the men and women who died fighting for our flag,” argues Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, head of the Texas Senate. 

“The passage of SB4 will ensure Texans can count on hearing the ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ at major sports events throughout the state that are played in venues that taxpayers support. We must always remember that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave.” 

SB4 became a priority after Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, stopped playing the National Anthem at home games. The bill cleared the Texas Senate last week with a vote of 28-2, including support from 11 Democrats. It will now head to the House of Representatives. 

Lt. Gov. Patrick described Democrats’ support for the bill as “one of the more surprising votes” in his career. 

Senators Royce West (D-Dallas) and Juan Hinojosa (D-McAllen) said they backed a guarantee to play the National Anthem at sporting events to support the military. Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. (D-Brownsville) made a case for religious freedom. Students and children in this country should feel comfortable praying and supporting their country in all settings, said Lucio.

Like Arizona with its ban on federal legislation violating the Second Amendment (read more here), Texas is trying to preempt “woke” legislation it expects from the Biden Administration. While these bills are unlikely to survive the courts, they certainly send a strong message.


Texas’ ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ Protection Act Passes in Bipartisan Vote

Texas Senate passes bill requiring teams with government contracts to play national anthem at games 

Senate Democrats support conservative-backed Texas bill requiring pro-sports teams with state contracts to play national anthem

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