Republicans for Harris are not conservatives … and hardly Republicans

Vice President Harris is making a major effort to get disenchanted Republicans to vote for her rather than stay home on election day. They also hope to shame Republicans from voting for Trump and down-ballot Republican candidates by demonizing anyone supporting Trump. The effort is being led by a number of prominent Republican apostates.
We have seen them on the left-leaning media for the past four years. Some still lay claim to being members of the GOP. Others have moved to independent status – or even joined the Democratic Party The latter are the honest ones.
Many appear as regular panelists – and even as paid “contributors.” Former Republican National Chairman Michael Steele now co-hosts his own shows on MSNBC. These folks are rewarded with high compensation for their conversion.
The list of Republican false flaggers is impressive. It includes such longtime conservative leaders as Bill Kristol, George Conway, ex-husband of Trump 2016 campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, former GOP Congressman Joe Walsh, former aide to Vice President Pence, Olivia Troye, former Florida Republican Congressman David Jolly (now MSNBC contributor), GOP strategist Susan Del Percio, former Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan, former First Lady spokesperson Stephanie Grisham, former Illinois Republican Governor Jim Edgar, and others. (Note that there are a lot of “formers” in the ranks)
More than 15 FORMER Republican members of Congress have endorsed Harris. (Perhaps all these folks should sail under a “Has Beens for Harris” banner.)
The most notable of the apostates are former Representatives Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. Kinzinger was never part of the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Cheney was. They still absurdly describe themselves as conservatives – even as they support the most left-wing Democratic Party since the nomination of uber liberal George McGovern as its presidential candidate in 1972.
What is notable about this group is that they are not just opposing Trump. They have pledged fealty to the entire Democratic Party and the radical left-wing agenda it represents. This crowd is different than those who simply will not vote for Trump – such as Vice President Pence. Most of those in that category are still supporting Republican candidates down the ballot.
Ever since Trump rode down the escalator – and especially after he won the 2016 presidential election — these erstwhile Republicans have demonized Republicans from Trump to the grassroots voters. It has been an assault on the brand – and on conservative values.
They are anti-Trump, anti-Republican and anti-conservative crossovers who have formed a number of organizations specifically to support the Democrat presidential candidate – first Biden and now Harris – and by extension, Democrat candidates for other offices.
The list includes the Lincoln Project, the Republican Accountability Project, George Conway’s uniquely nasty PsychoPAC, and of course, Republicans for Harris. They also converted Bulwark from a conservative publication to a left-wing rag under the leadership of Kristol and Charlie Sykes, another GOP apostate.
As a person who has been constantly critical of Trump’s personality and style, I can understand how he has created adversaries within the GOP ranks. What I cannot understand is how so many conservative leaders could toss out their entire political philosophy to embrace and support everything they fought against for most of their lives.
I still vote for limited government, lower taxes, secure borders, free market economics, school choice, pro-life, integration and assimilation as opposed to segregation and oppression, the empowerment of elected officials over unreachable and unaccountable bureaucrats and activist American world leadership – the core conservative principles.
It is not just Trump the Republican apostates oppose. Kinzinger has been featured in fundraising mailings for one of the more radical Democrat PACs. He was prime time speaker at the Democratic National Convention – provided a better time slot than Biden. Liz Cheney has lent her name and presence to fundraisers for Democrat candidates. They have fully embraced the Democratic Party and its most un-conservative candidates and political agenda.
It seems obvious that guys like Kinzinger and Walsh – whom I have known personally for years – have sold out for the money and the spotlight as regular guests on left-wing news platforms. Their lust for fame and fortune has led them to sell out their party and their principles.
While Trump does not get a lot of support from Democrat leaders, he does draw well from Democrat voters – especially among the blue-collar working class. That has been a frustration for union leaders since President Reagan benefited from Democrats for Reagan.
It is also a frustration to Democrats that virtually everything that should be a knockout punch with Trump never is. The opposition of prominent Republicans may actually give credence to Trump’s claim that it is him and the people against an elitist political establishment, It will take a while – and future rounds of polling – to see if Harris’ efforts to attract Republican votes is successful. Stay tuned.
So, there ‘tis.
I would be surprised in this piece was authored by Gilbertson and not Horist.
This happens enough that one might wonder if there are really two people, but then again, some of Joe’s attempts are clearly not Horist.
None the less, one only needs to check the votes to gain one angle of conservatism. Cheney is pretty damned lock-step conservative on the votes; Kinzinger may be left of center, but plenty conservative.
Yes, they are against Trump. Yes, they have stated their reasons and it has little to do with conservatism. And everything to do with Trump’s words, deeds, and crimes.
Hey, I’m not voting for either since neither is a liberal, a Democrat —- or even Independent. As far as I can tell, they are just conservatives that think Trump is not a good man for the country and a good fit for office. Any office. Dogcatcher……
see Larry, its another Joe is Larry, Larry is Joe article.
Frank Stetson …. You are losing it. This was my article… my byline … my close. I have no idea what you are talking about. And neither do you.
Larry, this was first publish under Gilbertson. It happens all the time. You really shouldn’t gaslight people.
And Stetson is Tom and Tom is Stetson, both little girls who have to belittle every human being in their path. Really great citizens. eh?
AF: Tom is Stetson, Stetson is Tom and we are all together. See how you run like pigs from a gun, she how she flies. I’m crying.
You probably got this news from Real Raw News. hahahahahaha
Trump came on the political stage and instantly his posing as a Republican changed the party of conservatives to a party of MAGA anti-democracy cartel. 2015 on it’s not been the same GOP as once was. Donald has perverted, diverted, polluted, high jacked, and abducted the party’s most susceptible, easily convinced, always loyal, and uninformed by true facts.
The propaganda pushing conspiracy theorists have sold out the GOP for 30 pcs of silver. The silver compounded into 100’s of millions in USD. This by any other name is a straight out confidence scheme.
That some otherwise assumed intelligent pundits continue holding allegiance to the GOP. Apparently undeterred by Trump’s false flag promises (lies) the stalwarts hang tough for the party. Question is, is Trump’s version of the GOP aka MAGA, good for either the conservatives, MAGA followers, or the nation as a whole. Trump’s version of everything he involves himself in he does for self promotion alone.
Listen to him promoting his brand in rallies, on media advertisements, and his history in business and personal relationships. Every relationship is transactionally based quid pro quo loyalty demanded for a position with Trump, Trump’s political support, Trump’ promise of speaking job at a rally. If the expected loyalty to Trump and his causes does not measure up in all details. Trump is well known for his litigiousness as his preferred method for retribution. This is his “big stick” he wields against individuals who he bullies and instructs others to perform a shake down.
As amoral, despotic, disrespectful of the law, shifty business practices, anti-intellectual, and a long list of more black soul based issue, as Trump projects without regret.
That any objective critical thinking person who prides themselves on logical (sane) judgement and who’s opinion is not transgressed when they cast their sacred vote for Trump, that individual’s judgement is more than greatly seen as suspect.
What person would not object to everything Trump stands for and his disloyalty to Republican values in total.
Larry’s favorite word used as some denigration of us with a different opinion is “stupid”. One look in the mirror by Larry and Joe and Curly each will see stupid looking back.
Has ever there was a clear choice between the Harris high road and Trump’s low swamp track this election is it.
Wait and see.
It really does not matter if it is a Horist bullshit sandwich or a Gilbertson bullshit sandwich. Both still STINK!!!
This statement of yours is what Horist does not understand, or maybe is incapable of understanding. You said, “Yes, they are against Trump. Yes, they have stated their reasons and it has little to do with conservatism. And everything to do with Trump’s words, deeds, and crimes. ”
Both and many more have either directly said or at least implied that MAGA movement is a sickness of the party that has transformed the party into something they do not recognize and cannot support. Basically, I see them as Republicans in Exile. They all will go back to the GOP when the GOP goes back to them. Right now, they see Trump as a great harm. And as Obama so aptly said, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” And that’s all it is, convenient friendships brought together by a common purpose!
Tom, you mean the Tom and Stetson bullshit? Wow, are you ever intelligent!
Tom, you said it above: You both stink. meaning you and Stetson, the little girls of preschool.
I see the mental institution is very busy tonight! LOL
Of course it is, trying to get you to control your out-of-control attitude and actions!
Tom … More old man Statler ranting from his little balcony. LOL I have grown accustomed to your passing off arrogance as intelligence, but your getting down right childish. I have never had a bullshit sandwich. What do they taste like? Mustard or mayo?
“As a person who has been constantly critical of Trump’s personality and style, I can understand how he has created adversaries within the GOP ranks”
The byline says “Gilbertson”, but this is clearly from Horist. Old Joe agrees wholeheartedly with Trump, while Horist defends him at every turn but appears to be ashamed of it.
I watched a well known minister on tv earlier today. He spoke of kumala introducing a bill to make it legal to be a pediphile. So go ahead and support her. She deserves it if you want your kids in danger
HB: what bill and when?
Pretty sure that you accepted a lie.
Nope, Stetson, I saw that posted on another website yesterday. I have now deleted it and couldn’t even tell you which one it was. Again, you can’t look anything up, you lazy a&&!
AF: No, I will not do your research to provide your support for your responses. Polite discourse and debate does not work that why no matter how much one whines.
It’s so bloody obvious!! Get rid of the incompetent trump and everything will return to normal.
So more than 15 FORMER Republican members of Congress, and the country wonders why there was such turmoil
when Trump was elected as there were more then!
I do not see them as hold outs, just crooked members of congress.
Did they have back door deals with the Democrat’s?
Trump is a business man for the average Person by bringing all costs down.
Killer Biden and Camel are just in it for them selves and the people that want power!
Here is a Novel idea, if Trump wins, maybe the country including the average moron news outlets should stand behind him
unlike they did the first term.
It is easy to bitch about someone in office when your stomach and fuel tank are both full
and you are sitting in a house not worrying about how high the power bill will be!
Here is a slogan for the NEW DEMOCRAT PARTY! ( LOOSER )L
Jawohl, mein Kommandant, and we will wear a blue suit, white shirt, and red tie.
No wonder you are mostly old white guys……. can’t even handle any differences.
Look how knotted those knickers are over just 12 folks.
Maybe Trump can bring back another covid, far worse, where everyone dies except him. Then he finally will have reached his nirvana where everyone living is JUST LIKE HIM.
Great leaders cherish diversity of ideas, race, gender, whatever. Some of us like the big pond filled with all the wonders God can provide —- ideas or otherwise. A few just want everyone to be like them, only them, total agreement and obedience only.
Yes Frank, even if it kills their people for the good of mankind!
Diversity kills less often than unanimity.
The more you force people to be like you, the moe people will break away. So, ban your books, slam alternative lifestyles, mandate pregnancies, tell blacks slavery was job training, call liberals commies, tear down the founder’s institutions, the more people you squeeze out, the more votes we gain.
Stetsy, girlie, you just proved you are Nazi. WOW, Great! Now we will all be gassed to death upon your treasonous order!
That’s satirical of you, AF, did you get it from your fake news site?
Nope, right from your treasonous mouth! Are you a Nazi? CCP? Oh, maybe you are Kazarian Mafia Jew. If so, you really are a traitor. None of your stupid deranged rhetoric is believable anyway. I think the latter is correct and also your little girlfriend, T, whom you simply cannot live without to back you up. Oh, there was another arrest by Gitmo. Got it from RRN. Alexander Vindman. Want to be next? Hmmm? But of course, you can’t do any looking up of anything. Gitmo is legitimate, unlike you. You are becoming a swear word!
Nope, from your bullying attitude.
Larry continues to believe that in order to be a card carrying Republican, you must support nominated republicans at all costs (this would be known as party over country). These republicans (call them former if you wish), realize that having a president with an IQ in the room temperature range (yes, I know that you quoted the National enquirer and posted that trump had an IQ of 154-we are still laughing at you for that one) was not a good idea. Because of trump’s popularity with uneducated voters, elected officials (for the most part) continue to support him, but even they (if they voted their conscience) realize he is uniquely unqualified to be president. At one point, Republican elected officials had integrity, and did what was right for the country-that day has long passed and now it is all about staying in office at all costs. You may be right Larry, and these patriots are not republicans, because imbeciles such as yourself require fealty to trump to be an elected official, but they are honorable individuals who recognize that trump is mad as a hatter and well deserves the ‘worst President’ rating that he has received. They are simply trying to bring a bit of integrity back to the grand old party-a concept so foreign to yourself that you write bullshit such as this demonizing them…
So Mike, what kind of gun is some Democrat holding to your head while you read this out loud?
Darren, this site is getting, more and more Nazi sympathizers and deep state idiots all the time, have you noticed? Tom, Stetson, Mike and more. Not you and me. We are normal law-abiding individuals that have hope and love for the future which those little girls do not. Too bad they weren’t trained properly. What a shame they are.
Yes AF, it may very well be that you and Darren deserve each other. I am enjoying watching your romance blossom! Everybody needs someone so I am glad you found Darren. Actually, if you read the interview of Trump’s first wife Ivana, you will find that she said Trump keeps a copy of Hitler’s speeches aside of his bed. Read about what she said at *https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/18/donald-trump-campaign-rhetoric-cnc-vpx.cnn* and educate yourself.
Will the institution allow you two to live together or will it always be an online romance?
Oh, Tom, prove that you are not a baby raping piece of dung from the tunnels! You and Baby area one and the same. People haters and baby lovers! Big friggin bully!
I have to laugh at you AF and Darren, when you talk about “normal law abiding citizens” and then you support Trump? He is the epitome of an entitled (supposedly rich) person who has lived his life right on the edge of the law, stiffing contractors then keeping them tied up in court so long that they can’t afford to continue. He is a disgusting human being, who is completely against the working stiff who works for a living. The world laughed at us when we elected him in 2016, and then they thought we were finally over him in 2020 when we threw him out of the WH, but sometimes idiots cannot learn (Yes, I mean the two of you and all the other maggots).
Mike, who the Hell said I support Trump? Where did you read that? Prove it, Mister! I hate Biden, but I do not agree with Trump on many things. I am not even going to vote in the fake November election. Kamala is an actress, not a true idiot! You are another bully. Why do all of you have to be so mean and cruel? Maybe because it is the cover of not being seen or on a phone? You think you can do or say anything you want? You all started this war of website. I was not being like any of you bullies until you all got way too far out of hand so now, I am giving it right back to all of you the same way you do it to me. Like I said to the others, you do not own me nor will any of you ever own me. But you all will deep trying to own me and a few others to pass on your treasonous attitudes. I am keeping track of every single PBP articles and posts for a special reason. By saying what you all do, you are disloyal and mean to the authors of this channel. Are you proud of yourselves?
This article gets a Stop The Steal (STS) rating of 3. Here is why: (basically its another bullshit sandwich)
1) Foremost, sometimes Larry pushes on doors marked pull. And this issue of traditional Republicans leaving the party or voting for the opposition party is one of those doors marked pull. Larry does not get it. So go to #2 Larry.
2) Based on the article and what Larry believes, then a true conservative must belong to the GOP and vote for GOP candidates. Well if this is true, then we can say these are the new GOP/Conservative values:
a) It is conservative to vote for a convicted felon.
b) It is conservative to vote for a convicted rapist.
c) It is conservative to vote for an adulterer.
d) It is conservative to vote for a liar.
e) It is conservative to vote for a tax cheater.
f) It is conservative to vote for a serial misogynist.
g) It is conservative to vote for an immoral person.
h) It is conservative to vote for a racist.
i) It is conservative to vote for a person who defrauds and has screwed many out of their life savings in bad condo deals and bankruptcies.
j) It is conservative to call veterans losers and our most honored deceased veterans suckers and losers.
k) The Medal of Freedom now means more than the Medal of Honor.
l) It is conservative to call poor countries shit holes.
3) Now MAGA has many in the party that are Christian Nationalists and nobody throws around the name of Jesus Christ like MAGA folks.
Yet Jesus says in Mark 10:17-31 ESV “And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.’” And he said to him, “Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth.” And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” … ”
So it appears to this Independent, that Trump, MAGA folks, Larry, have all sold their souls. I see Trump all over Mark 10: 17-31. What I do not understand is why MAGA folks would follow someone who is leading them straight to hell???
4) Larry says, “It seems obvious that guys like Kinzinger and Walsh – whom I have known personally for years – have sold out for the money and the spotlight as regular guests on left-wing news platforms.” But look at what Trump has sold out for!!! Look at what the MAGA folks have sold their souls for!!! See Item #2 above.
5) Yes Larry, while you still vote for I still vote for limited government, lower taxes, secure borders, free market economics, school choice, pro-life, AND YOU ARE ALSO VOTING FOR felon, rape, lying, adultery, tax cheating, immorality, insults to veterans, misogyny, fraud for seniors, etc. LARRY, WHY DON’T YOU SAY WHAT THE OTHER SIDE OF YOUR VOTE IS ALL ABOUT!!!!
iN THIS ELECTION, CHARACTER, MORALITY, they have stated their reasons and it has little to do with conservatism. And everything to do with Trump’s words, deeds, and crimes.” Both and many more have either directly said or at least implied that MAGA movement is a sickness of the party that has transformed the party into something they do not recognize and cannot support. Basically, I see them as Republicans in Exile. They all will go back to the GOP when the GOP goes back to them. Right now, they see Trump as a great harm. And as Obama so aptly said, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” And that’s all it is, convenient friendships brought together by a common purpose!
Tommi, some Christian you are. You show your respect for Jesus, yet you slam other humans in a murderous way. Hypocrite!
Please ask your therapist or doctor what the difference is between telling the truth and slamming.
Tom … I see you offer getting the opinion of another person. You obviously cannot tell him since YOU don’t know the difference, yourself?
I don’t see any doctor, period. But you need one. Should I send in the white coats for you?
Tom, I agree with everything you said, but you left out one of the biggest conservative ‘features’ (at least for me, because I worked in this area): It is conservative not to protect the national secrets (and a caveat to this would be: It is conservative to believe an authoritarian dictator rather than US security people). Both of these flaws make it laughable that anyone can support Trump and call themselves a “Patriot” (but I know many maggots believe they are being patriotic). Stealing classified documents, then not protecting these documents-documents that are at the highest level and can identify our methods of surveillance and potentially assets, is quite frankly unforgiveable. Equally unforgiveable is the idiot Trump appointed to the federal judiciary who has been stalling this case since day 1, so the American voter will not have a “legal” answer on this topic prior to November 5-yet another example of party over country. Pretty disgusting what the R’s (pronounced arse) have turned into, but given the IQ of their supporters, not surprising….
Tom …. you changed from baloney sandwich …. or as you say bologna . to bullshit sandwich. LOL You have bullshit on your mind …eh? You are dishing out a lot of the latter. Your little litany is all about personality … and I have never defended the Trump personality. You apparently have no idea what conservative PRINCIPLES and POLICIES are. That is apparent.
Larry-The vast majority of your writing consists of the before mentioned ‘bullshit sandwich’. You talk about principles and policies, and then you dare to denigrate those that refuse to support trump-realizing that re-electing the worst President in American history is probably not a good idea? You earn the title ignoramus with every post you make….
Mikef … I write opinion commentaries . You (and others) respond with blathering mischaracterizations, lies and insults — and then get sanctimonious when called out. I limit my responses because it is time I prefer not to waste on folks like you — and your impact on me or the world is negligible. So … have fun venting you spleen.