One of the major political propaganda strategies employed by Democrats and their media cronies is constant allegations of right-wing violence – which they broadbrush onto the Republican Party. I if you analyze the issue outside of the left’s narratives, it proves to be more of a theory than a reality.
None of the violence the left predicted on the anniversary of the January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill riot occurred. None of the violent mobs appeared as they predicted when Trump was indicted. None of the daily fearmongers claims that Trump’s language incites violence has resulted in any violence attributable to his statements.
Conversely, we have witnessed REAL – and deadly — left-wing violence repeatedly during the same period. Remember the occupation of a portion of downtown Portland in which a police headquarters was taken over for weeks? People were murdered and died of overdoses in that so-called “autonomous zone.”
More recently, we have seen highly-funded professional left-wing riot inciters join with students and faculty on college campuses across the nation to riot and violently attack police and Jewish students – and vandalize and destroy property.
While ignoring the fact of left-wing violence – and inventing false examples of right-wing violence — those on the radical left seem to be hyper-sensitive to common criticism. They elevate simple criticism to an attack. The left does not tolerate criticism. When they cannot censor or cancel it, they complain about it.
Case in point. California Congresswoman Maxine Waters recently complained that she is subjected to assaults from people who disagree with her positions or policies.
In a podcast interview, Waters said (highlight added):
“As a member of Congress with people … you know … who evidently had a racist attitude … uh … and recently one even confronted me in a restaurant, and they don’t say racist things, but what they say is … uh … they don’t like something I said. They don’t like the position I took. But you know that … you know if you were not Black … right? … uh … you would not be approached that way. (Podcast host: Right? They would probably not.) Right? They would think twice about doing it. They think they can get away …”
Now let us underscore that. Folks come up to her in public and DO NOT say anything racist but express disagreement with her political positions or something she said. There are no threats … no violence. But Waters alleges she is the victim of racism.
So, it is wrong and racist to tell Waters that you disagree with her statements and political positions. But is that not what politicians are expected to hear from the public they represent? Do they not talk about “hearing from the people” as an integral part of their job? Waters, like so many on the radical left — wants those with other opinions to keep them to themselves. They want their opponents silenced.
Of course, Waters is a hypocrite of the first magnitude. If you think not, consider what she said not long ago.
In a recorded public rally, Waters called on her supporters to harass, assault and attack Republicans in public at every opportunity. She wants them driven from the public commons.
Here is what she told her mob.
“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that (Trump) Cabinet in a restaurant … in a department store … at a gasoline station … you get out and you create a crowd … and you push back on them … and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore …anywhere.”
Waters repeated it in later television interviews.
“These members of his (Trump’s) Cabinet who remain and try to defend him …they’re not going to be able to go to a restaurant. They’re not going to be able to stop at a gas station. They’re not going to be able to shop at a department store. The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re going to … uh … absolutely harass them until they are going to tell the President … no, I can’t hang with you.”
What Waters is proposing is essentially an assault – engendering fear. It is a violent crime … a felony. Typical of the liberal mind, dissent is to be censored and canceled through potentially violent confrontation … and she is not alone.
America’s senior race baiter, Al Sharpton – speaking from his perch on MSNBC – said that Democrats have to bring the “fight” to the streets – and he was not suggesting peaceful protests. He said protestors should bring weapons, including “broken bottles.”
For the left, violence is acceptable as long as the professed purpose supports the radical left agenda. In that case, they promote it … tolerate it … mischaracterize it … and refuse to enforce it.
You may recall that violent protestors of the radical left took over a portion of downtown Seattle – including a police station — and declared it to be the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). It led to an outbreak of crimes in and around the Zone – including robbery, assaults, rape and murder. And yet, the left-wing mayor described it as something akin to a summer festival.
Progressive prosecutors routinely refuse to enforce the law against violent protestors on the left. Vice President Harris even donated money for the bail of rioters.
While the example of right-wing political violence is rare and mostly speculative or theoretical – and limited to fringe groups — the real organized and frequent violence is coming from the left – whether it is the institutional racist violence against Blacks in Democrat-controlled cities or the well-organized and well-financed violence iconic in left-wing protests and rioting. That is the predominant political violence Americans see on the television screen in real-time with great regularity.
So, there ‘tis.