Thought I would share some reactions to the State of the Union address last night. Some were quite surprising.
“Best SOTU Ever” – Don’t know if it was the best ever but some people are saying it. It did show that Trump knows what he is doing when it comes to reaching a crowd.
“Haven’t seen this many Democrats dressed in white since the KKK” Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) led party dressed in white inspired a great many KKK comparisons. They are funny if you are a conservative. Probably not, if you are a Democrat.
Pelosi seething – Lots of memes of Pelosi with odd facial expressions as Trump tells the truth about the economy, jobs, factory production, etc. Any bad will she was hoping to generate kind of evaporates at that point. But we have all seen ugly pictures of Pelosi (the opposite may not be true..), so not as shocking as they could be.
America will never be a socialist country – Conservatives picked up on this, and echoed it across social media. AOC, a professed socialist, did too, and seemed a bit nervous about it in post-speech interviews Note that Trump mentioned God several times (Socialists don’t like God…).
76% approved of the speech, according to an ABC poll. This was a Newsmax headline (Owner Ruddy is a friend of Trump).
Wall debate – Probably the clearest argument for the wall made yet. Wall Street Journal picked this up. I believe this segment will have a marked effect on the American people.
The Huffington Post headline was not Trump, it was Stacy Adams, whose speech was so forgettable I don’t remember any of it (I SWEAR that I watched it…).
The Washington Post headline was “In dissonant speech, Trump seeks unity while depicting ruin.” Holy crap!
My own impression – This was a great speech, shows that Trump really knows how to reach an audience. He even had some of the ominous ladies in white standing and cheering (appeared to be by design, so good for Trump’s speech writing team!). He made his own considerable accomplishments very clear, he made the case for the wall, he denounced late term abortion, he interspersed personal stories and “motherhood and apple pie” issues that made people comfortable. His “greatness” meme resonated without being a campaign slogan.
This was a masterful speech, and maybe one of the most important for the upcoming 2020 elections.
For us older folks maybe not the best in history, but certainly one of the best in a long time.