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Propaganda trumps news more than ever

In what I believe to be political panic and desperation, Democrats and their media allies have concocted a false narrative in the hope of scaring the voters against the Republican Party in time for the 2022 midterm elections.  

The bogus narrative claims that (1) the riot on Capitol Hill was an insurrection, and that leaders of the GOP are guilty of sedition, coup plotting and treason; (2) the fanciful insurrection is still going on; (3) those who do not believe the Democrat/media narrative are either complicit or ignorant cultists; (4) that former President Trump controls the entire Republican Party; and (5) that any Republican elected to office represents an existential threat to democracy and to the very survival of the American Republic.

Whew!  That is a lot of bullstuff to swallow.  But either the left believes that the American people are hopelessly gullible, or they see it as the ONLY arrow in their political quiver — as they seem to be losing on issues, policies, competence and general popularity.  

We know that this propaganda campaign is the core of the Democrats 2022 election strategy because they say so.  It is not a secret.  According to top Democrats, they say that electing Republicans will lead to the end of democracy … period.  They do not point to a few who they may consider bad actors.  No.  No.  No.  They attack the Republican Party and Republican voters with the broadest of the broad-brush malicious accusations.  Media personalities say out loud that the GOP must be defeated at all levels – “crushed,” to quote their word.

How the left-leaning media handles it is evidence of both the left’s desperation and that it IS a propaganda campaign.  If you analyze the news on the epicenter of corrupted and biased reporting, MSNBC, you will see the narrative played out hour-after-hour, day-after-day, week-after-week, month-after-month.  “Republicans are a threat to the Republic” is the bumper-sticker journalism of the day.

The media is using that first rule of propaganda – Joseph Goebbels’ suggestion that a lie will be believed if it is big and repeated … and repeated.  But Goebbels forgot Lincoln’s counterpoint that you cannot fool all the people all the time.

And that is what seems to be happening to the Democrats’ false narrative.  Propaganda is always believed by strident partisans – proving the other part of Lincoln’s triplet, that you CAN fool some of the people all the time.  In a sense, we are seeing the end of Democrats fooling all the people some of the time.  That time is over.

For the Democrats, their narrative-based strategy is a downward spiral.  The more they hammer the issue, the more the public turns away (e.g. Democrats losing elections, left-wing media ratings sliding, Biden poll numbers plunging) – and as a result they hammer the issue more.  The media – as the Democrats’ public voice – is trapped by their own obsession and dedication to the false narrative.

Even as they have branded the GOP as the party of the “big lie,” Democrats and the left have offered up a whopper of their own.  Instead of coming to their senses and the canons of journalism ethics, a major portion of the Fourth Estate continue to play partisan propagandist.

When Democrats content that they, and they alone, are the saviors of democracy (and they actually do say that), their self-proclamation has a familiar ring.  We have heard that from virtually every despot who claims a popular mandate for one-party rule.  We heard it recently when both China and Russia claimed that their system is more democratic in serving the people than America’s.  And now the Democrat position is that giving them absolute power would enhance American democracy.  

The good news is … it ain’t working.  The people are rejecting the propaganda no matter how many times they repeat it.  It is less than a year to the 2022 midterm elections and unless the Democrats suddenly come up with a winning strategy, they will be dragged down by the weight of their own bullstuff. Nothing will disprove the Democrat propaganda lie more than the empowerment of Republicans.  Democracy will not suffer, and the Republic will not fall.  Quite the opposite.  And THAT is what scares the Democrat leaders and their joined-at-the-hip east coast media cabal.  Republicans may just be the people’s choice in 2022.

So, there ‘tis.

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