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Portland Jury Sides with Antifa Against Assaulted Journalist

While the liberal-run cities are infested with street crimes by gangs, victims of violence face another challenge – denial of justice. In Portland, Oregon, for example, a jury found Antifa not liable for damages to independent journalist Andy Ngo, who was assaulted by the leftist group violently and repeatedly.

Last week, the Portland jury in Andy Ngo’s civil lawsuit seeking about $1 million in damages against Antifa for multiple assaults on him between 2019 and 2022 gave its verdict that found Antifa not liable for damages. The “shock verdict” – as BizPac Review called it – came despite clear video evidence of Antifa’s assaults on Ngo on multiple occasions while he reported live from downtown Portland, one of Antifa’s strongholds. One of these attacks landed Ngo in hospital for a brain hemorrhage

Conservative writer Andy Ngo roughed up at Portland antifa/right wing protests

And if ignoring the video evidence wasn’t enough for the jury members, Defense attorney Michelle Burrows was cited telling jurors, “I am Antifa.” Ngo told Laura Ingraham the same on her show on Fox News on August

 On top of it all, the attorney representing Antifa reportedly posed the jurors with a direct threat: “I will remember each one of your faces.” The jury even told the judge that they were concerned about being doxxed. 

While this travesty of justice played against Ngo in the court, Antifa didn’t wait for the hearing to end to terrorize a journalist who went to cover the court hearing. Videos of Antifa’s attack on The Post Millennial journalist Katie Daviscourt’s car, which was not parked near the courthouse, were shared on special media the same day as the hearing. Daviscourt herself was reportedly threatened by Antifa inside the courthouse amidst the proceedings.

Conservative news and commentary platform The Blaze called it “Portland’s joke of a justice system” that failed Ngo. “After this ruling, get the hell out of Portland,” commented Glenn Beck, the lead anchor at The Blaze

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