Pennsylvania Woman Charged for Registering Dead People to Vote

President Trump secured a decisive victory over Kamala Harris in November’s presidential race, thanks to the conservatives’ efforts to keep voter fraud by the Democrats in check. The details of cases involving such voter fraud are only now coming to the surface. In Pennsylvania, a major target of election fraud by the Democrats, a woman has been arrested and criminally charged over fraudulent voter registration.
On Friday (December 30), EconoTimes reported that a woman affiliated with the organization New Pennsylvania Project, founded by the Democrats, was arrested on Thursday over charges of attempting to register dead people to vote. The charges were announced on Friday by PA state officials and, as the story put it, the news caused “outrage and fueling concerns about election integrity.”
On Tuesday (December 24), Fox News reported on the story and identified the woman as Jennifer Hill from the Chester area in Delaware County. The story wrote that Hill is facing “felony forgery, public records tampering and voter registration-related charges” as she tried to register hundreds of dead people, including her own father, to vote in the 2024 presidential election.
Hill registered over 180 dead people using an app and tried to register more but failed. Citing Delaware County’s Democratic district attorney, Jack Stollsteimer, the story wrote:
He said Hill successfully registered 181 people, but 129 other names – which he called a “big number” – were not successful.
The story also mentioned an 84-year-old man named Philip Moss who was charged by the prosecutors for voting in both Florida and in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
These cases election fraud are only the tip of the election fraud mess created by Democrats around the country to sabotage chances of conservatives winning fair and square at the ballot. On December 23, The Federalist reported that Nevada is currently investigating 180 “open cases” of double-voting in the 2024 presidential election. These cases are part of the 243 election cases that remain open for investigation; four of them have so far been found in violation of election law.
Chuck Muth, president of the Citizen Outreach Foundation (COF), was cited in the story expressing concern over the lack of serious action by the Secretary of State to clean the voter rolls in the state. Muth said:
“The Secretary of State’s report is only scratching the surface of this problem, which exists because Nevada’s voter rolls are still littered with voters who have moved out of state. Yet Secretary Aguilar has stymied efforts by outside groups such as the Pigpen Project to assist in cleaning them up.”
On Thursday (December 26), Jacob Grandstaff underscored in his article in The Federalist the need for conservative members of Congress to prevent billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg from influencing elections like what happened in 2020. The big donations made by Zuckerberg, dubbed “Zuckbugs,” made through leftist non-profits to Democrat-run counties in various states swayed the election left and raised election integrity questions. Grandstaff suggested:
The incoming Republican Congress can make banning private election funding a bipartisan effort.
Given that Democrats are currently outraged at Elon Musk’s support for Trump in 2024, even though Musk didn’t pour money into county election offices like Zuckerberg did, they may well be in the mood to embrace such legislation.
Can anyone spell democrat? What about danger dickhead stranger?
Is Tom a four-letter word like Seth? hmmmmm. Frank too. Clever. If in third grade. Wonder if he snickers while he types these really unfunny attempts at humor.
Meanwhile back at The Dumpster.
“President Trump secured a decisive victory over Kamala Harris in November’s presidential race, thanks to the conservatives’ efforts to keep voter fraud by the Democrats in check.“
BUSTED: The Dumpster has not offered any proof of these conservative efforts and, if such efforts exist, did they have any effect whatsoever. He just thinks if he says it, you will believe. Maybe in Pakistan mate.
“In Pennsylvania, a major target of election fraud by the Democrats, a woman has been arrested and criminally charged over fraudulent voter registration.”
BUSTED: The Dumpster offers no proof of this PA being a major Democratic fraud or that there’s a major Democratic fraud program anywhere except in The Dumpster. He is a fraudulent journalist, a fraud.
“Hill successfully registered 181 people, but 129 other names – which he called a “big number” – were not successful.” True, but the Dumpster does not report whether a single fraudulent vote was cast by the 129.
“These cases election fraud are only the tip of the election fraud mess created by Democrats around the country to sabotage chances of conservatives winning fair and square at the ballot.” Again, no proof except a few more cases under investigation, four violations so far. In the Nevada case, the “tip” of the “major fraud by the Democrats” amounts to 0.0001% of the Nevada vote and The Dumpster has not a clue whether the double votes in Nevada are Democrat, Republican, Independent or some of each. He is that biased, that bad a journalist, and thinks PBP readers will believe him. Joe does pay for it though.
Why would the “Dumpster have to show any fraudulent votes? It is not his responsibility. It is the voting centers job. Why is Frank so biased against Pakistan? Why is a man Frank says is from Pakistan being tortured from Frank constantly just because he is from Pakistan and is now a citizen who never says anything against America like Frank does? What is Frank hiding? Is there something he does not want us to know about he himself and Pakistan? Hmmm, I wonder. There is so much pain and suffering on this planet without Franks hate, even Tom, making it worse with their pain and suffering given to us from them, especially for know-it-all Frank making it so much worse. Ever notice how they never have anything, and I mean anything nice to say at all? Ever? Constantly belittling and demeaning all others, especially Trump and loving the treasonous Biden and friends. Anyone else sick of it? We all have a future to look to no matter how it pans out. We all still have to live but there are those that want us to live our lives in their way and their way only. I will not conform to evil ways for anyone. America is not the only country with evil existing yet there are those that just have to live by evil standards that will not last, thank God. We all have to live together on this planet or die. Evidently Frank & Friends want evil, hate, child trafficking, weapons trafficking, rape, stealing, and Satanism to abound so they have their way. Yes, Frank, that is how we all see you after months and months of your sick and feeble hate! Good luck in the new year, you might need it. I don’t care what happens to you. I want good and love to abound for the rest of us. I picture you with horns on your forehead.
AF’s screed above is a hateful rant without remorse or facts. She is a liar.
At one point, she says: “Frank & Friends want evil, hate, child trafficking, weapons trafficking, rape, stealing, and Satanism to abound so they have their way. Yes, Frank, that is how we all see you after months and months of your sick and feeble hate! Good luck in the new year, you might need it. I don’t care what happens to you. I want good and love to abound for the rest of us. I picture you with horns on your forehead.” She blames me and others as hateful by spewing hate speak, hate lies, and hateful use of the English language. I have not been investigated, indicted, tried or convicted for any of this bullshit.
She cannot prove I want child trafficking, she lies.
She cannot provide evidence that I want weapons trafficking, she made that up.
She cannot prove I want rape: it’s a lie that maybe she wants for herself, who knows why she spews this bullshit.
She says I want stealing, it’s one of her many fantasies. It’s also a lie she cannot prove.
And then she really becomes one with the gibberish as she accuses me of Satanism with horns. And suggests my luck is running out in the new year and will not care if it does.
Just a smattering of the lies she rants, an improvement from the variety of clones she believes walk our hallowed government institutions.
I don’t hate nor demean Ernest Dempsey. I provide evidence to substandard research and journalism definitely proving it’s The Dumpster of news and opinion. No relevant pushback from anyone and anonymity is a best defense for The Dumpster. He is a hate mongered hard right extremist that pastes much, injects little creativity or critical analysis and often deploys twisted pretzel logic to spin his tale targeting leftists and liberals with his lies, at least lies of omission but most often, worse. He constantly portrays leftists as terrorists so his home country culture is fair game as he attempts to take America apart with his lies baiting us against each other. Look how AF takes the bait, although most here can see thought the fog. As to why he remains employed is a mystery; he is by far the worst writer/researcher here with an ax to grind and no guardrails to keep him on truth’s straight and narrow. Either he has something on Joe or married his sister or something like that. Joe veers far left but never slums in the gutter like this.
Now, I fully expect you to use your “rubber/glue” logic to say you and he are rubber, I am glue and everything I say bounces off you and sticks to me except I support what I say and you spew without facts, support, sources, and sometimes, even a weak grasp on reality. I mean, clones? Come on.
Keep it personal, keep it real. Stay away from the topic and focus on the man. I know: rubber/glue. Whatever.
Frank, I stand by what I said. I truly believe in what I said. Most of it came from other sources. You always call me a liar. Always without fail. If I was a liar, why then does all of what I have said in the past posts come true? Who is the liar here? If I was as much a liar as you said, I would have been kicked off this site long ago. I am really beginning to think you are a narcissistic pain in the a$$! IT shows how much hate you have for women and white people! Prove all of this wrong, you double agent of Satanistic hate! Hate, hate, hate, that is all you know! You prove it every time you post. Bastard!
This is bottom of the sludge barrel scrapping from a Republican showing the winning sides’ poor sportsmanship. Attempting a kick at the other side who lost is unbecoming of the winner after the game is over and game trophy has been accepted.
Fortunately, he who attempted the kick missed his mark by a mile.
Sadly, he has not learned from past failed experiences and will undoubtedly reattempt his blunders. Opinions are no replacement of true facts. Extrapolating wildly off an unfounded opinion will get you busted.
True fact: AC, you are part of the problem as I said above. You want violence and destruction, don’t you? You exude it in your posts as do the other two I referred to. We are supposed to be going into an enlightenment period. You help to keep us enslaved by hate like yours. I do not care what you think or what filth you will post back to me. I am going forward unlike you!
It used to be called “the spin.” No longer. You and yours have gotten so skilled at outright lying that we expect it.