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Pardons and Pleas – Democrats Continue to Reward Murderers and Terrorists

Pardons and Pleas – Democrats Continue to Reward Murderers and Terrorists

One of the many joys of the Christmas season is generosity. Who doesn’t love to generously spend on gifts and delights this time of the year? Democrats in the highest public offices have also been excessively generous this Christmas by gifting terrorists and murderers invaluable pardons and pleas.

The Friday before Christmas, the Biden administration announced that it is lifting the $10 million bounty on the head of radical Islamic terrorist Abu Mohammad al-Jolani who recently seized control of the Syrian government. The Telegraph reported (December 20) that Biden’s leading diplomat for the Middle East, Barbara Leaf, met Jolani in Damascus and said that she had received positive messages. She was cited in the story as:

“Based on our discussion, I told him we would not be pursuing the reward offer that has been in effect for some years.”

Jolani is the head of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) that remains an internationally designated terrorist organization. He had previously been in U.S. custody for five years before he was released apparently to be used against the government of Syria’s longtime President Bashar al-Assad, who has now been granted asylum in Russia.

As investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield put it: So much for ‘Stop This Terrorist’.

The gift for Jolani’s “positive messages” to Biden’s diplomat was followed by another display of generosity for other terrorists, those who have been in prison for masterminding 9/11. On Monday, December 30, a military appeals court ruled in favor of the plea deal that Biden’s Pentagon had struck last summer with three 9/11 terrorists. Under the sweetheart plea agreement, the trio of radical Islamic terror – Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Walid Bin Attash and Mustafa al-Hawsawi – would be spared the death penalty.

Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin faced severe backlash from Americans when the plea deal was first announced in July 2024, owing to which he moved to revoke the deal just three days after it made news. Now the US Court of Military Commission Review has ruled that the plea deal is good to remain valid, giving the terrorists a lifeline. A New York Post editorial called it “a final Biden ‘Screw you!’ to America.”

As if to emulate his federal leadership’s generosity toward terrorists, the Democrat Governor of North Carolina Roy Cooper commuted the death penalties for over a dozen convicted murderers. On December 31, his final day in office, Governor Cooper commuted the sentences of 15 convicts on death row to life in prison without possibility of parole. Raleigh-based NC Newsline cited the American Civil Liberties Union and other leftist advocacy groups praising the Governor’s decision as a “historic step towards ending the death penalty in North Carolina.” For the victims’ families, it must feel a dark beginning of the New Year. But when was the last time the Democrats cared?

As of now, Joe Biden has over two weeks left in the White House. Wonder how many bad actors will see his generosity before he is reduced to a bad memory.

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  1. Glenwood R Jarman

    Ernest Dempsey says of Biden, “Wonder how many bad actors will see his generosity before he is reduced to a bad memory.” The trouble is that so many of the Biden Administration’s (or rather the Obumer third term) malfeasance will haunt the United States as has the Carter disasters. What Biden has done to Israel in its efforts to clean out the dens of horror will live in infamy. Had Biden provided full support to Israel, the hostages would most likely be at home with their families and Hezbollah and the Hothi terrorist cesspools would have been erased. I still contend that no matter how bad this administration is the Carter act of perfidy against the Shah of Iran is the greatest act of disgrace since World War II and that almost every death in the Middle East can be attributed to Carter. No matter how hard Biden & Friends tried, they cannot match the Peanut farmer’s disgrace.


    I am not sure I have ever seen such a biased, unprofessional commentator who accepts the weakest of sources known to spread disinformation and lies as the gospel. Then, Dempsey spins these into inciteful rhetorical screeds of why the right must hate the left.

    This time he says “ Democrats Continue to Reward Murderers and Terrorists” as if life without parole is a reward. That’s just a stupid thing to say unless you have really got your hate on. But can we “reward” the Dempsey for his fine writing?

    It starts with Biden lifting the 10-year-old million dollar bounty for information leading to the arrest of the new head of Syria. I guess Dempsey favors putting bounties on heads of State. That has gone so well for us in the past. But he is from Pakistan, after all, and does not understand our culture, obviously.

    His group was a designated terrorist organization and now that they are the leaders in Syria, Biden has offered an olive branch by the way of lifting the bounty. The group still continues to be designated as a terrorist organization with all that entails. Dempsey states: “He had previously been in U.S. custody for five years before he was released apparently to be used against the government of Syria’s longtime President Bashar al-Assad, who has now been granted asylum in Russia” as if that’s a bad thing. I guess Dempsey loves Assad and Putin. Well, he is from Pakistan. Turns out hating the new head of Syria is only if you side with Assad which apparently the Islamist, Russian-loving Dempsey does. For it was the Iraqi’s, not the US that released him for that purpose followed by him severing alliances with Al-Quada which I guess Dempsey does not favor either.

    Then he blames Biden when the Pentagon concluded a plea deal for 3 9/11 terrorists for life without parole instead of the death penalty. He calls it “Biden’s Pentagon,” part of the Deep State of leftists, which has got to be the funniest thing that only a non-American would conclude. The Pentagon is the Deep State weaponized by Biden. That’s just fucking funny. And insane. And again, it’s life without parole, not exactly a prize.

    I guess Dempsey, being from Pakistan, loves to shed blood. Must have death. Funny given his home country has the death penalty, but does not use it. Maybe that’s why Dempsey had to leave. Not enough death. But they are Muslim and there are over 40,000 terrorists living there. Dempsey has left.

    Then he jumps to NC’s governor who commuted 15 from death to life without chance of parole, another prize. Somehow the NC governor, the Pentagon, and Biden’s recent lifting of a bounty on a now-head-of-state are all connected as part of the massive Democratic Deep State in a coordinated attack on conservative values for the death penalty.

    I can’t stop laughing EXCEPT: one again Dempsey tries to turn us against each other for his own perverse pleasure and pecuniary profits.

    I spell my name: danger, because I Khan.

    • WeeEEE The People

      “I guess Dempsey favors putting bounties on heads of State. That has gone so well for us in the past. But he is from Pakistan, after all, and does not understand our culture, obviously.” – Frank Danger

      “Biden Raises Bounty for Nicolás Maduro to $25 Million.” New York Times (January 10, 2025).

      Frank Danger takedown with NYT’s DANGEROUS headline so now he spells his name IGNORANT 🙂

      • Frank danger

        Nope, thanks and I spell my name: corrected.
        My apologies.

        Still stick with, this generally does not go well to put bounties on heads of State. Heck, we don’t punish our own even when felony convicted.

        Good catch. Got me. My bad. Sorry. That’s what happens when you assume. You get shot down. Good job.