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Operation Hush: YouTube Bans Scott Ritter

Operation Hush: YouTube Bans Scott Ritter

Leftist censorship of politically incorrect American voices continues on YouTube as the video-sharing website recently banned military analyst Scott Ritter.

Ritter, a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in Iraq as a weapons inspector, has been vocally opposed to NATO’s proxy war against Russia using Ukraine as its proxy state. On Friday, August 11, a handful of news sources – all outside the mainstream media – reported that Ritter’s YouTube channel has been cancelled, permanently deleting his account and making all his channel’s content disappear.

Notably, the American media blacked out on this targeted attack on the freedom of speech and the right to dissent. Russia Today broke the story of YouTube’s cancellation of Ritter and independent commentators and news sites picked it from there.

The story wrote:According to Ritter, the Google-owned social media giant accused his channel of violating the terms of service.Ritter posted on Twitter that YouTube accused his channel of “hate speech” to cancel it but in fact it’s the latest in a series of attacks to silence Russian voices and is the “living manifestation of the disease of Russophobia.”

 He also recorded a video to talk about the censorship and why it targeted The Scott Ritter Show.


In addition to his show, Ritter also appears as a guest on other independent and right-wing platforms to criticize the American military establishment and intelligence agencies. He has been particularly critical of NATO’s military and financial support of Ukraine against Russia and has repeatedly pointed out to Ukraine’s Nazi problem.

Advocates of free speech rang the alarm once again over YouTube’s censorship of opposing views with the cancellation of Ritter. Former US Marine and geopolitical commentator Brian Berletic, who doesn’t always agree with Ritter, tweeted that such an act of censorship is a threat to everyone.

Post censorship, Ritter is reportedly taking his show to Rumble, the free-speech alternative to YouTube.

Meanwhile, the White House under Joe Biden is actively silencing reporters.

The same day Scott Ritter was canceled by YouTube, The Western Journal reported that African journalist Simon Ateba, Chief White House correspondent for Today News Africa, filed a lawsuit against White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and the Secret Service. The Biden administration has treated Ateba’s questioning of its policies as “disruptions” during her press briefings.

The lawsuit, “Ateba v Jean-Pierre,” alleges that Ateba’s press badge was unjustly revoked after he caused disruptions during press briefings.

Earlier this year, Ateba called out Jean-Pierre to her face for not taking questions from him and discriminating against him for months. In May, the White House created new rules for reporters to keep their press pass for White House briefings, causing over 400 reporters to lose their passes. The Daily Signal posted earlier this month on Twitter that this move by the White House was an attack targeting conservative journalists.

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  1. Americafirst

    You tube and Google are nothing but low-class trash. They both think they can do and say anything they want because they want when they want. I see prison time coming for all of their CEO’s and owners in the future. Hopefully, they will get banned or taken down and kind, good, nice replacements will pop up! That would be the greatest internet change yet.

  2. Wes Kussmaul

    Ritter should not have been censored.

    Because these days we all need a good laugh, like the one Lavrov got in New Delhi when he suggested that Ukraine started the war.
    Here’s a suggestion for both Ritter and Lavrov: put a big red rubber nose on your face to increase audience engagement.

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