NY Times Turns on Joe Biden – Demands Investigation
The New York Times Editorial Board on Friday called on the DNC to investigate Tara Reade’s allegations against Joe Biden – marking a stunning turn of events for the liberal media and for the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Last month, Biden’s team claimed the NY Times had already investigated the issue and found him innocent. The network pushed back.
Biden finally made his first public statement regarding Reade on Friday, saying of her allegations: “They aren’t true…This never happened.”
Biden’s comments come weeks after Reade came forward with a story about then-Senator Biden shoving her up against a wall and violating her with his fingers. She filed a criminal lawsuit against him on April 11th.
Several of Reade’s friends – including her brother – claim she told them about the incident when it happened in 1993. Last week, Fox News ran a story about a video clip that appears to show Reade’s mother calling CNN’s “Larry King Live” to discuss the abuse her daughter suffered at the hands of a “prominent Senator.”
“It is all but impossible to be certain of the truth,” reads the NY Times op-ed. “But the stakes are too high to let the matter fester – or leave it to be investigated by and adjudicated in the media.”
Two years ago, the NY Times Editorial Board advocated strongly for an investigation into Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who faced similar accusations when he was nominated to replace outgoing Justice Anthony Kennedy.
This time around, Democrats know they will be accused of the worst kind of hypocrisy if they continue to support Biden without the sort of vigorous investigations they demanded for Kavanaugh and for President Trump.
“[Joe Biden’s] campaign, and his party, have a duty to assure the public that the accusations are being taken seriously,” continues the article.
By necessity, any serious investigation would need to include a massive cache of Senate documents Biden donated to the University of Delaware in 2012 – we’re talking more than 2,000 boxes of documents and more than 400 gigabytes of data spanning Biden’s 36 years in the Senate.
Conveniently, those documents are set to remain sealed until Mr. Biden retires from public life. He says the documents contain no mention of Reade, but refuses to release them in fear that his critics will utilize the information to damage his presidential campaign.
“Even if certainly isn’t possible in this matter, the American people deserve at least the confidence that he – and the Democratic Party – have made every effort to bring the truth to light,” concludes the op-ed.
Author’s Note: Fox News’ propaganda campaign seems to have worked. The attacks on Biden and the interviews with people like Alyssa Milano have forced the liberal media to turn on the former Vice President.
Moving forward, we can expect the conservative media to milk the issue as long as possible – releasing information bit by bit just like the liberal media did for Kavanaugh. The idea is to extend the damage as long as possible and deliver the final blow close to election day.
Whether or not Joe Biden is guilty is completely irrelevant, just like with Trump and Kavanaugh. The goal is to keep Trump in office.
Calling Fox News reporting on the subject a “propaganda campaign” is propaganda itself.
“Moving forward, we can expect the conservative media to milk the issue as long as possible – releasing information bit by bit just like the liberal media did for Kavanaugh.”
And just like they have done for President Trump for four years and counting!!
I am not a favorite of fox news and am not on their cable channel or any paid tv stations so I do not watch them. I just watch sometimes off the free air channels like 7-2 where the show Mannix comes on around 1 am to 2 am I also like Perry Mason why you may ask it’s because I am for truth and justice for all and not crooked politians crooked cops and crooked FBI agents, like Jim Comey who should be charged with treason, but I am not the one who will make that call, it will be the judge in charge of the court that will make that determination and it will be a right call for justice, something the corrupt democrats are not in favor for all they care about is their corrupt untrustworthiness and corruption and lies. They also want the fake news media to parrot their lies to the people, well I got some bad news for the democrats we the people don’t believe anything you say because anything you say will be a pack of lies, also God said not to tell other peoples lies. We understand you have the fake news media in your pocket, but when they start to realize that you are really bad for them to support you and start to turn against you what you gonna do when they come for you.
To: Alice Green who wrote this Article & Lowell who echoed her views:
“Moving forward, we can expect the conservative media to milk the issue as long as possible – releasing information bit by bit just like the liberal media did for Kavanaugh.”
And just like they have done for President Trump for four years and counting!!
You both are two people void of the Truth & Void of Facts!
Biden is a creepy dirty old man who’s loosing his wit’s
& mind everyday! We need someone like that in the OVAL
Say what you want about President Trump, he’s Pro America
First and the American Worker, no denying that! He’s not
a Dirty Old Man who’s loosing his mind and a Socialist Pig.
Flawed Man that President Trump is, he’s not one of his
ex-wives or Children have ever said anything bad about
him. Everyone has a past including he two of you, shame
on you both for the crap & lies you push! Justice Kavanaugh
is a good & decent man, who was LIED ABOUT JUST LIKE
PRESIDENT TRUMP! Sane decent people could see
through all the Lies/Propaganda!
Where were you both with OBAMA was President & his
American Hating “So Called Wife” , when they were turning this
great Nation of Ours upside down, doing everything against
our Republic/Constitution!
You both are Propagandist and Anti American Jerks.
Thank God For President Trump!
Biden is a liar and a snake. He preys on women and makes it out as innocent touching. Recently he was touching a young child very inappropriately by rubbing her chest continuously. He is a sexual predator and needs to be dismissed from office and placed on a sexual predator watch list. The Democrat party thinks they are untouchable. They have lied, fabricated false reports, sold America for financial gain. I find it very strange that we got a deadly virus released one week after a failed impeachment of our President. It’s also scary that Billionaire Soros is on the board of directors of the Wuhan Pharmaceutical Lab and took a few Democrat Politician on tour 2 years ago. At that time they were informed of the Coronavirus that was being studied in the Lab. I believe the virus was released for the purpose of destroying lives, and destroying President Trump in not only in America but also in other countries. It is no secret that the Democrats wants to destroy Social Security, Medicare and bring in Socialized medical care. They also want complete Power over the lives of the Americans. They want to change the Constitution to take away our right to arm ourselves against a corrupt government society. It’s time that Americans hold a vial Democrat party accountable for crimes against the USA.