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Nancy Pelosi Wants her Mic Back

Nancy Pelosi Wants her Mic Back

After surviving yet another election, Nancy Pelosi is once again seeking the position of House Speaker.

Pelosi, who has been a member of Congress since the Jurassic Period, served as Speaker from 2007-2011 and has represented her party as Minority Leader ever since.

She has been a member of the House since 1987.

Pelosi’s supporters insist they need an experienced leader like her to combat President Trump, but opponents say it’s time for a change in leadership. Unfortunately for them, Pelosi’s only challenger (Ohio Democrat Marcia Fudge) has already dropped out.

Fudge retracted her bid for Speaker last Tuesday after Pelosi promised to appoint her as leader of a revived elections subcommittee. “The erosion of voting rights and civil rights was on full display” during the midterm elections, argues Fudge. “Our party should reflect the diversity of our changing nation and guarantee all our citizens the unfettered right to vote and to have every vote count.”

Assuming all Republicans vote against her, Pelosi can’t afford to lose more than 16 votes on her side of the aisle. But nearly 20 Democrats have already said they do not intend to vote for Pelosi.

Pelosi’s savior could very well be President Trump, who despite previous criticism has expressed support for her campaign. “In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be chosen Speaker of the House by the Democrats,” tweeted Trump, adding that he could get her “as many votes as she wants.”

Meanwhile, Republicans will choose between Jim Jordan (OH) and Kevin McCarthy (CA) to replace outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan (WI) as Party leader.

If Pelosi gets her old job back, she will assume control of the House and act as liaison to the Senate and Oval Office. She will also be third in line for the presidency.

Lawmakers will vote for the Speaker in January.

Editor’s note: Pelosi is such a polarizing and hated figure, Trump believes she will actually benefit the Republican Party in the next election.  In addition, Trump may find that his support will help pass some legislation and perhaps neutralize some of her criticisms.  Given that Pelosi already had a good chance to win, this is a shrewd move on Trump’s part.

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  1. william couch

    Even when she was “MISS OILCAN” in MODESTO back in the late ’50’s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SHE was white “TRAILER PARK” TRASH!!!!

    • Inkpad

      Pelosi is such a racist not wanting fudge to have equal opportunities at being speaker that is disgusting and pelosi needs to withdraw from her bid at speaker immediately we have no place for her RACISIT treatment of Mrs Fudge

    • RC

      Now there you go insulting the trailer park trash. Personally, I can’t think of anyone low enough to compare ‘Princess’ Nancy to.

    • june Burgess

      she is nothing but a lying hypocrite who voted for billions for the wall, along with schmucky schumer as long as it was a democrat in power. Their personal hatred of all things Trump blinds them to the needs of the American Public that they are supposed to be protecting.

  2. Camille Gilliam

    We don’t want to listen to her big mouth. Maybe she needs to stop drinking, then she won’t sound like she has Alzheimer’s.She doesn’t have one lick of common sense in her head.

    • K2l0UpnEUh

      I think that is the point. The more she talks the more Republicans will come out to vote.

  3. John

    The Democratic better smarten up and sen d Nancy to the sidelines. She is mentally and physically unfit as demonstrated so many time. The DNC need some intelligent and serious legislators and not anymore loose cannons like Nancy. She only hurts the credibility of serious electees.

    • Inkpad

      Same with your old duck judge

  4. Merridee pavlenko

    her off the wall comments and threats make her dangerous, however, if she is speaker is might just help republicans in 2020 to win both house and senate. If President Trump allows her to be house, then just maybe she will take heart to some of Presidents serious agenda, like build the wall, and if she won’t work with him she could lose the position of speaker of the house. Well we can pray she will have a change of heart and help our president….Prayer works miracles.

  5. Grant K Smith

    Like to see some new blood that’ll put Commie lovin Donnie in his place.

  6. Jody Koch

    The truly scary part is that she will be third in line for the presidency. Yikes!

  7. Donna

    Nancy should retire & give someone else a chance

  8. D Ristamaki

    Nancy Pelosi should be put in the US Army in Greens Like her Type Did back in the 1960 VIET Nam conflict. I was one of them . Remember 58,000 plus all that suffered Missing Legs ARMs Body Parts They can take Maxien Waters also and quit a bit more of her Friends I forgot Hillary nice 3 some . Put them ALL ON THE FRONT LINE In another country . Maybe they will Shut there Mouths . THIS COUNTRY DOES”T NEED THERE LIP SERVICE. nor needs Them

  9. Lyn Rains

    When Pelosi thanked Al Sharpton for saving America, enough said. smh Pelosi is no threat to Trump neither is Mika that is dumb as a rock.

  10. Katie

    The Democrats still don’t get it. 2020 will be a red wave again.

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