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Migrant Crime: Illegal Kills Grandmother in Carjacking

Migrant Crime: Illegal Kills Grandmother in Carjacking

As the Vice President tries to run away from the failed border policies of the Harris-Biden administration, there has been another horrific incident of migrant crime.

On Sunday, July 28, Jose Aguilar-Martinez, 21, was arrested and charged with killing Melody Waldecker, a 54-year-old Virginia grandmother. Waldecker was killed during a carjacking. Authorities say she was callously run over by her own car by Aguilar-Martinez, who they also confirm was an El Salvadoran immigrant who was in the country illegally.

Responding deputies with the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office were called around 11:30 a.m. and found Waldecker dead at the scene.

Investigators determined she was struck by her own vehicle as the suspected carjacker fled the scene.

Aguilar-Martinez was arrested about 45 minutes later. He was taken to a local hospital after appearing to have succumbed to an unrelated medical condition. According to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), as reported by  Fox News, Aguilar-Martinez entered the US as a “gotaway” on an unknown date and location.

A “getaway” or “gotaway” is defined by ICE as those who have been spotted by agents or via video cameras but not caught. ICE estimates the number of illegal gotaways is higher than the 1.4 million recorded in the entire decade from 2010 to 2020. ca

ICE has placed a detainer request for him to be handed over to immigration authorities upon his release from local custody. Some so-called “sanctuary” cities and counties routinely ignore such requests and release illegal immigrants accused of crimes onto the streets.  

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  1. frank stetson

    First, this is terrible. I grew up for awhile near Sandy Spring MD where this woman is from and it’s a fantastic place to live. Safe too. Funny thing, my county — Montgomery — feel off the top 15 richest counties in the US. Plus, when I lived there over three decades ago, we always said — VA for Republicans and MD for Democrats and you could see the transition in home prices due to administration party.

    Second, while the statistics show that illegals, and immigrants more, are less prone to crime than native born Americans, in this case, there are obvious failures either at-the-border, or in-country, by law enforcement, ICE, and the State of California. There needs to be a reckoning in those areas, at minimum.

    Third, we need to know this guy’s history, when did he get here, what has he been doing, and why has he not been nabbed already. ICE is supposed to focus on illegals with criminal acts as the highest priority, why didn’t they nab this guy. We still don’t know which President rules the border when this guy crosses for example. We need to know.

    OK, in general, there’s just under 40,000 car jackings in the US per year, mostly done by native Americans. It’s a violent act because the victim is present, weapons are often used, and there is a most often a violent theft of what you are physically sitting in. Very few fatalities, like a dozen per year. Injuries though run about 33%. Still, the chance of be jacked is low, you are five times more likely to be raped for example. Or 100 times more likely to be assaulted. The chance of being jacked by an immigrant is next to zero. But a high chance of being injured if jacked. Rule – let them have it, while the chance of death is low, the chance of being hurt is high. They just want the car and to get out of there — let it go if you can. FYI: over 50% of the perps are identified as being black, only a handful as Hispanic. Most are urban, very few rural.

    For this one, there’s no reason the guy should still be here and if not here illegally, this would have never happened. Period. Who cares about the stats because that will be true all day long. But this failure extends well beyond the border, and the remedy goes well beyond Biden. It’s all of us fixing immigration for real instead of EO’s, administrative rules, and other workarounds and band-aids. We need LAW if we are too provide ORDER in this. Start with making E-Verify the law of the land followed by passage of the bipartisan immigration bill that Trump denied. Trump did not make law, that’s one reason why his “policies” did not continue.

    Here’s a story showing the failures like from the State of California giving this guy a license, basically a license to steal cars, and allowing him national driving privileges. In another failure, Loudon County in VA arrested him for public intoxication last month. VA notified ICE they had an illegal. ICE did not issue a detainer after the public intoxication arrest. “No, they didn’t. That’s a civil fine, a drunk in public,” said VA official Chapman. “I think they just hold you overnight until you sober up and your let go because it’s a civil fine. They couldn’t confirm that he was illegal. At the time, they couldn’t confirm that he was a violent criminal.” That’s not right.

    ICE responded: “It’s on a case-by-case basis, ee review each case before we launch those detainers. We have to make sure that there is probable cause to believe that someone’s here in the country illegally or that they are subject to a removal order.” That’s even more not right.

    Again, who cares about the stats, this woman would be alive except for failures at the border, by the State of California, local law, but mostly —– ICE. There would be no death if this guy had been either not allowed in OR not allowed to stay —- and we had multiple chances to stop.

    • Tom

      I agree with you Frank. But we must be careful. We have a labor shortage that is getting worse. We need immigrants. But we need the good ones. The ones who like law and order and are willing to comply with our laws. This guy sounds like a bit of a sociopath. We need to stop the “gotaways” and do deeper vetting before letting them in.

      Also, wouldn’t be a bad idea to put a kill switch on the keyfob that can only be bypassed by a code. Hit the switch and run like hell, giv’em the dead car! Or have a couple friends help, Smith and Wesson come to mind!!!

      • Tom

        By the way Frank, there are also several defense organizations that will sell purse size vials of pepper spray. Probably we should all have a can or vial of this stuff (MACE) in our car so we can do what is called “stun and run”.

        • Frank stetson

          Tom, thanks, I always love to learn about new forms of defense. However, the keyword there is defense. I believe this woman was exiting the 7-Eleven when she noticed someone in her car and decided to take action. Not that she should be held at fault, or should be liable in any way whatsoever. But it is a fairly high-risk move.

          In today’s America, or we must consider that anyone we encounter is locked and loaded, taking aggressive action against anyone has a higher level of risk than perhaps it did a mirror decade or two ago.

          That said, I probably would’ve done the same thing as I am old, don’t give a fuck, have feast a gun, one or two times, and would probably say what the hell. I am so sorry that it ended this way and there’s no amount of punishment that will equal justice.

  2. Tom

    1) It is the Biden-Harris Administration. Article has it backwards! And this was deliberate to detract from Harris.

    2) The topic of immigrant crime versus American citizen crime has been studied and re-studied. The results are the same every time. Immigrants are between 37 to 60% less likely to commit violent crimes and crimes requiring years of incarceration.

    3) Article says this criminal was a “gotaway”. A “getaway” or “gotaway” is defined by ICE as those who have been spotted by agents or via video cameras but not caught. ICE estimates the number of illegal gotaways is higher than the 1.4 million recorded in the entire decade from 2010 to 2020. ca I CONSIDER THIS A GOP FAILURE!!!! HAD THE GOP STOPPED LISTENING TO TRUMP AND VOTED FOR THE BORDER BILL THEN THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN MANY MORE AGENTS AT THE BORDER AND MAYBE THIS GUY WOULD HAVE BEEN CAUGHT INSTEAD OF BEING A “GOTAWAY”!!!

    My only question is when will both parties stop using immigration as a wedge issue and do something significant about the problem?

  3. Darren

    All these comments.
    Wow, here is an idea.
    Do not let him in!
    Problem solved!
    Would you let him in your home?
    Why let him in this country?
    Oh wait, it was to get votes at our expense.
    In this case, Melody Waldecker,s!
    Thanks again Biden.

    • Joseph S. Bruder

      It’s not easy to keep someone out with 10’s of thousands of miles of borders. But keep in mind that a recent bipartisan immigration bill was killed by Republicans because Felon Trump wanted immigration to remain a campaign issue. Thanks a lot Republicans!

      • Frank stetson

        JSB: if we put e-verify in as the law of the land, there will be no demand for illegal immigrant workers, which should severely stem the tide that flowing over the border.

        This is one of the stupidest things I have seen our government due in a long time. There is a Republican Bill that sponsors e-verify, I believe e-verify was in the bipartisan bill, and frankly against anything else in the Bill, e-verify is the 800–pound gorilla on the table that can solve most of this.

        More important, since all illegals at that point would be unable to work, one could consider that there’s a very high probability they are criminal and we could detain all for possible deportation or jail.

  4. Darren

    When Trump gets in office, the border will be closed.
    It does not matter how Republicans or Democrat’s vote on any bill.
    Biden has the power.
    He just wanted the Votes or back door money. Crooked bastard!
    The Constitution calls for a protection of our borders.
    Do not blame any Voting.
    Its all bull shit and you will whiteness it.

    • Frank stetson

      Darren, again, you seem to have a good point, but the numbers do not support your opinion. In 2017 and 18, Trump had some very good years on the border, however, they were following the trend that was previously set by Obama and Bush. In 2019, Trump had a terrible year in terms of the border, which is far worse than anything Obama or Bush witnessed. And of course, in 2020, Trump allowed the United States to be invaded by Covid, and no one wanted to come into the country as we were suffering a lot of death.

      It appears that you are living the dream, the Trump reality, and avoiding the actual statistics

      • Frank stetson

        Darren, my bad, I should’ve said that trump‘s 2019 was worse than anything Obama ever turned in in any year in terms of the border. Sorry about that, I was looking in for your increments for each president, I forgot that Obama was actually there eight years. Seems like a long time that we have had a two term president.

        Frankly, I think the bigger question is whether Kamala Harris is black or Indian because I think color is a most important aspect in becoming president. And if you called yourself an Indian, and now you call yourself, black, wow, gonna be a terrible sin. If it even happened. And which one is better, or which one is worse, or what happens when you have wait for it, wait for it, Blend. Oh the horror of it all.

  5. Larry

    Our federal government is complicit and every swinging no good hack in the federal government NEEDS TO BE CHARGED AS ACCOMPLICE FOR ANY CRIME COMMITTED BY ANY ONE IN THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY. We have immigration laws and are to be enforced at all times. Done end of story. Some bitch or bastards here illegally even harms a member of my family will be mine if I get to them first.

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