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McMillan: The Left’s effort to destroy people’s Livelihoods -the police must stand down and the citizens must stand down.

The Punching Bag Post introduces George McMillan as a guest commentator. He is an analyst, a military contractor and researcher into political, economic and social frameworks.

Many in alternative media have already discussed how the Kyle Rittenhouse case put the Second Amendment “right to keep and bear arms” and the “right to self-defense” on trial.

If one looks at the 47-minute mark of Prosecutor Binger’s closing argument in the link above there is even a deeper issue in this case.

At the 47 minute mark, Binger begins to downplay the intense property destruction that occurred over the previous two days of protesting and rioting that occurred in general in Kenosha after the shooting of Jacob Blake, and the specifically wished to downplay the destructiveness of Joseph Rosenbaum that night.

Rosenbaum’s aggressive behavior was recorded by Drew Hernandez and other independent journalists as cited by Binger in his closing argument.

In this segment, it becomes increasingly clear that the prosecutor not only wanted to reduce gun and self-defense rights but wished to diminish the right of people to protect their property and therefore their livelihoods that supports their lives.

The issue of the police standing down and letting the protestors and rioters loot and destroy after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25th, 2020 went on continuously for the entire 2020 election cycle and now seems to occur with any officer-involved shooting regardless of the facts and circumstances, even if they are captured on video.

If one watches the video at the 47-minute mark, Binger goes through Rosenbaum’s pushing over a “porta-potty” without the regard of whether anyone was it in or not, setting fire to a dumpster and pushing it toward police vehicles, and setting fire to a trailer and using the items to obstruct the path of law enforcement to intervene in the rioting and swinging a chain at people.

In the context of the Antifa/BLM rioting over the past 18 months, the message has become increasingly clear as the police are told to stand down and let the rioters loot and destroy in the name of improving equity, if private citizens band together to protect their property and livelihoods in their own communities, then they will be prosecuted.

People simply have to stand by and be defenseless and helpless as the government destroys local business with the COVID lockdowns in favor of the giant online retailers, and while the mobs are destroying their property and the businesses private citizens are forbidden to form neighborhood watch groups to protect their communities while the police are being neutered and defunded.

This chain of events over the past year was encouraged by the media to specifically create havoc to destroy the Trump economy in order to remove Trump from office. It is this chain of events that needs to be placed into the History of Political Philosophy and Leftist Revolutions so people will understand where this movement is coming from, where it is going, and what stage we are in.

Ever since Jean Jacque Rousseau in his Essay on the Origin of Inequality (1763) attributed the inequality among men to the creation of property rights where landowners can subjugate other men, and the inequality among men and women to marital rites where men can subjugate, the effort of the Left has been to abolish both property rights, marriage rites, and the nuclear family as explained in detail in Engels The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (1884).

In these works, it is argued that since the Ten Commandments state “thou shalt not steal” and “thou shalt not commit adultery,” it is the Abrahamic religions that have created both property rites and marital rites and therefore are the basis of inequality among classes and genders.

The objective of the Left since the writings of Rousseau during the French Revolution was to replace the Christian Monarchies with Atheistic Socialism, and with the radicalization of Rousseau by Marx and Engels extended the goals of the Left to replace Protestant Capitalism with Atheistic Communism. Let it be clear, that this is the goal of the Left in incremental Fabian Socialist theory that has become increasingly popular in Western Law Schools as the 1960s liberals began taking over the department chairs in the 1970s.   

The United States is at the stage where the Left has enough critical mass in enough key institutions to attempt to abolish First Amendment freedom of political speech to the mass censorship that is occurring in the University System and social media, as well as the attempt to abolish Second Amendment firearm ownership by private citizens, the Fourth Amendment Rights to be secure in their persons, houses, and properties.

This trial was about abolishing the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments that allow people to protect their livelihoods. Since the start of the COVID pandemic, people’s livelihoods have been assaulted by overzealous lockdowns and seemingly persistent downtown riots all encouraged by the mass media.

And now the Left-leaning prosecutors have made it clear that if anyone stands in the way of the rioting mobs in their effort to loot and destroy that they will be arrested, jailed, and prosecuted in jurisdictions under their prosecutorial and judgeship control, and possibly face Federal intervention into states which they do not control. If they cannot destroy your livelihood, then they will bankrupt you in legal fees.  

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