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Left-wing propaganda is failing … hopefully

The left-wing media spends a lot of time describing Republicans and conservatives in the most negative terms possible.  There is no secret why they malign and mischaracterize what most conservative Republicans believe.  They are just using political propaganda techniques in a desperate attempt to stave off a GOP sweep in the upcoming midterm elections.  

Central to their strategy is to broad-brush the entire Republican Party – down to the grassroots voters – as some sort of evil cult hellbent on undermining American democracy to establish an authoritarian regime in Washington – with emphasis on former President Trump as the authoritarian.  Conversely, they pump up the Democratic Party as the last best hope for mankind.  Hyperbole is insufficient to describe their messaging.

The kangaroo Select Committee supposedly “investigating” the riot on Capitol Hill is nothing more than a political false flag action designed to be used by the media as part of the overall political propaganda campaign.  They recast a riot into an insurrection – even though it fails to meet any definition or test of a real insurrection.  By all measures, it has the pathology of the iconic riots that have hit our major cities repeatedly over many generations – many of which were far more damaging and deadly than the events of January 6, 2021.  I am talking about the riots those on the left choose to ignore.  The only difference is that the January 6th riot took place on the reservation of the power-elite.

They cast Republicans in the ridiculous – and impossible – position of being to palsy with Russian despot Putin and — (this is really rich) — all too eager to engage in a war with him.

The political strategy of the Democrat/media combo is to smear ALL Republicans with the voices or actions of a very small group on the fringe of political life.  These characters are falsely alleged to be the mainstream of Republican conservatism.  That would be like saying all those green Democrats are just like the deadly Unabomber – whose whacko mission was to preserve the environment.

Fortunately, most Americans can see through the propaganda.  Most Americans have a well-grounded sense of justice.  And most Americans lean to conservative values.

That is why the Democrats – with their new-founded allegiance to the radical left – do not fare well in general elections.  The GOP made major gains across the nation in the 2021 off-year elections. In 2020, Republicans made significant down ballot gains, despite the loss by Trump.  Even in the 2018 midterm elections, the anticipated major gains for Democrats turned into a close call in both the United States Senate and House.  But again, Republicans did well in state and local races.

Most pundits and analysts on both sides are predicting a Republican takeover of the House – and many think the Senate, too.  This is expected to be part of a wave election that will produce major GOP advances across the country.

The reason for the prognostications is that the American people are not being fooled by the political character assassination of the Republican Party no matter how extreme the biased reporting.

Conservative Republicans, independents and even some Democrats know that the Republican officeholders and candidates in their communities are not the malevolent creatures that are caricatured by Democrats and the crony left-wing media.

As Republicans – conservative Republicans – we do not believe and support authoritarianism of any sort – here or abroad.  We are the domestic political backbone in the fight against Putin and his insane war in Ukraine.  We do not favor flipping elections by illegal means.  We do not support rioters of any ilk – whether they are the attacks on government buildings in Portland … the burning of homes, business,es and properties in Chicago … or the “occupying” of the public commons and private property in Seattle – including the seizing of a police headquarters.  Or an attack on the Capitol Building.

We believe deeply in America’s tradition of immigration and migration – but legally.  We believe in the positive and necessary nature of the vast majority of law enforcement – as we support the need to weed out the very few bad actors within those ranks.

We have a deep devotion to the Bill of Rights and especially the First Amendment’s promise of freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and freedom of religion.  We believe in a free, fair and honest news media.

We believe that our children should be taught a full and honest history of American Exceptionalism – and that institutions of higher education should be the forum of open debate — free of philosophical or political indoctrination.

We believe in America as the melting pot – not the bucket of rocks in which ethnic groups are consolidated into a form of tribalism and pitted against each other by an entrenched power establishment.  We believe in the equality of ALL humans to be judged only on their moral character.

We believe in a limited central government-funded minimally – as opposed to the massive and expensive federal bureaucracy that is expanding regulatory powers to the point of oppression of the people.

We believe that America has been –and is – an exceptional force for good – and that the nobility of the American culture far exceeds our transgressions.  And that our Constitution, laws and culture provide the greatest good for the greatest numbers.  We believe that the flag and the National Anthem are the keystone of our overarching unity – and that respecting those things, respects each other as a nation.

Sooooo … enough of the extreme and utterly dishonest propaganda and disinformation.  I believe the reason Republicans have been doing well despite the unprecedented demonization by the left-wing political establishment is BECAUSE of the unprecedented demonization by the left-wing political establishment.   Their negative narratives are simply too incredible.  The American people are not the gullible fools that the left assumes.  We are not drinking the Kool-Aid.

So, there ‘tis.

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