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Left-wing propaganda is failing … hopefully

Left-wing propaganda is failing … hopefully

The left-wing media spends a lot of time describing Republicans and conservatives in the most negative terms possible.  There is no secret why they malign and mischaracterize what most conservative Republicans believe.  They are just using political propaganda techniques in a desperate attempt to stave off a GOP sweep in the upcoming midterm elections.  

Central to their strategy is to broad-brush the entire Republican Party – down to the grassroots voters – as some sort of evil cult hellbent on undermining American democracy to establish an authoritarian regime in Washington – with emphasis on former President Trump as the authoritarian.  Conversely, they pump up the Democratic Party as the last best hope for mankind.  Hyperbole is insufficient to describe their messaging.

The kangaroo Select Committee supposedly “investigating” the riot on Capitol Hill is nothing more than a political false flag action designed to be used by the media as part of the overall political propaganda campaign.  They recast a riot into an insurrection – even though it fails to meet any definition or test of a real insurrection.  By all measures, it has the pathology of the iconic riots that have hit our major cities repeatedly over many generations – many of which were far more damaging and deadly than the events of January 6, 2021.  I am talking about the riots those on the left choose to ignore.  The only difference is that the January 6th riot took place on the reservation of the power-elite.

They cast Republicans in the ridiculous – and impossible – position of being to palsy with Russian despot Putin and — (this is really rich) — all too eager to engage in a war with him.

The political strategy of the Democrat/media combo is to smear ALL Republicans with the voices or actions of a very small group on the fringe of political life.  These characters are falsely alleged to be the mainstream of Republican conservatism.  That would be like saying all those green Democrats are just like the deadly Unabomber – whose whacko mission was to preserve the environment.

Fortunately, most Americans can see through the propaganda.  Most Americans have a well-grounded sense of justice.  And most Americans lean to conservative values.

That is why the Democrats – with their new-founded allegiance to the radical left – do not fare well in general elections.  The GOP made major gains across the nation in the 2021 off-year elections. In 2020, Republicans made significant down ballot gains, despite the loss by Trump.  Even in the 2018 midterm elections, the anticipated major gains for Democrats turned into a close call in both the United States Senate and House.  But again, Republicans did well in state and local races.

Most pundits and analysts on both sides are predicting a Republican takeover of the House – and many think the Senate, too.  This is expected to be part of a wave election that will produce major GOP advances across the country.

The reason for the prognostications is that the American people are not being fooled by the political character assassination of the Republican Party no matter how extreme the biased reporting.

Conservative Republicans, independents and even some Democrats know that the Republican officeholders and candidates in their communities are not the malevolent creatures that are caricatured by Democrats and the crony left-wing media.

As Republicans – conservative Republicans – we do not believe and support authoritarianism of any sort – here or abroad.  We are the domestic political backbone in the fight against Putin and his insane war in Ukraine.  We do not favor flipping elections by illegal means.  We do not support rioters of any ilk – whether they are the attacks on government buildings in Portland … the burning of homes, business,es and properties in Chicago … or the “occupying” of the public commons and private property in Seattle – including the seizing of a police headquarters.  Or an attack on the Capitol Building.

We believe deeply in America’s tradition of immigration and migration – but legally.  We believe in the positive and necessary nature of the vast majority of law enforcement – as we support the need to weed out the very few bad actors within those ranks.

We have a deep devotion to the Bill of Rights and especially the First Amendment’s promise of freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and freedom of religion.  We believe in a free, fair and honest news media.

We believe that our children should be taught a full and honest history of American Exceptionalism – and that institutions of higher education should be the forum of open debate — free of philosophical or political indoctrination.

We believe in America as the melting pot – not the bucket of rocks in which ethnic groups are consolidated into a form of tribalism and pitted against each other by an entrenched power establishment.  We believe in the equality of ALL humans to be judged only on their moral character.

We believe in a limited central government-funded minimally – as opposed to the massive and expensive federal bureaucracy that is expanding regulatory powers to the point of oppression of the people.

We believe that America has been –and is – an exceptional force for good – and that the nobility of the American culture far exceeds our transgressions.  And that our Constitution, laws and culture provide the greatest good for the greatest numbers.  We believe that the flag and the National Anthem are the keystone of our overarching unity – and that respecting those things, respects each other as a nation.

Sooooo … enough of the extreme and utterly dishonest propaganda and disinformation.  I believe the reason Republicans have been doing well despite the unprecedented demonization by the left-wing political establishment is BECAUSE of the unprecedented demonization by the left-wing political establishment.   Their negative narratives are simply too incredible.  The American people are not the gullible fools that the left assumes.  We are not drinking the Kool-Aid.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.



    Truth will prevail, anyone with half a brain knows what the democrats are upto and will fight tooth and nail to expose the all the lies of destruction that are destroying our once great country and it will be great again. I just wish it was sooner then november which is several months away. I fear all the damage the democrats will do in the months ahead. Why they are so willing to destroy everything good about America. Why they want to kill all the whites do they not realize they are white and their included in the kill. The ones they are allowing to destroy the white population are using them to get the job done. then they will be coming after the ones who allowed them to commit all the crimes. The real criminals in all of this is JOE BIDEN, PELOSI, SCHUMER, WATERS AND ON AND ON. bIDEN BEGGED FOR A WAR AND HE GOT IT DONE. BUT HE BLAMES PUTIN, COURSE BIDEN WOULD NEVER EXCEPT ANY BLAME THE LAME DUCK.

    • Miles collins

      The left has lying commie trolls on these sites and it’s fun calling them out

      • frank stetson

        Yeah, too bad all you can do is name call; facts are not your friends. Apparently. Due to there absence in your feckless wanderings in partisanship.

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson. You seem to see yourself as some fact-based intellect. Yet you run off on your opinions as if they are facts. And you certainly can go on the ad hominin attacks with the best of them. This comment of yours is a perfect example. And that is a fact.

          • frank stetson

            That’s rich, considering the source. Since you mostly offer opinions without factual support except to say “everyone knows that,” and “look it up yourself,” I can see where a fact-based opinion would disturb you since that’s outside your wheelhouse. To be astonished by ad hominem attacks —- I have been pretty clear that I tried, I asked people to stop, I asked Joe to have some balls and set some decent standards and rules of the road —- but NO……nada… support from anyone, including you, old man. I did not make the game, but I am here to play and play I will —- I can “faggot” with the best of them and so I will wallow in the gutter with the rest of you… you apparently desire. Enjoy, are we being entertained? Did Joe make some more immorality monies? This stuff pays better than conservative conversation of a higher plane.

        • Clifford mckinney

          There used to be a guy on this site that was great at pushing the buttons on the commie scumbags. Can’t recall his name but he was the best. But others are doing a great job

          • ben

            only a racist redneck would use “commie scumbags.” Must be a first amendment free speech sort of guy. More like a guy about to suck on his favorite amendment.

          • larry Horist

            Ben … How is calling Communists scumbags a racist comment? Playing the race card in this case seem totally off base. Is there ever anytime the race card is not played from you folks on the left?

          • ben

            Old Man Larry,

            It doesn’t you moron. I just felt like saying it since this a-hole called us commie scumbags. Of course, that didn’t bother your little tighty-whitey puckered ass, you steel puddler. And then you extend the sarcasm in your own little stereotypical generalizations while blaming us of the same, at the same time, in the same passage, you horse wrangler.

          • larry Horist

            Ben … thanks for recognizing my recent birthday. i am old…. no doubt about it. But I can still hold a civil discussion without resorting to childish name calling. You seem to be afflicted with Progressive Tourette’s Syndrome — unable to resist spewing out a chain of vulgarities and insults. While it may satisfy some urge in you, you must realized that it makes you sound demented. Is that how it sounded around the house when you were growing up?

  2. Clifford mckinney

    I love being called racist. It’s an honor. It shows that you lefties have no cred. So go suck yourself you commie asshole.

  3. ben

    I am glad you acknowledge your racism. I was not sure until you just said it’s your honor to be called a racist. I do not acknowledge being a commie, far from it. And you can’t prove it you dumb shit. Further, I don’t like it on oh so many levels including family history of being refugees from Russian Communism. You should stop, but you won’t, so I won’t either. And why ever would I do that? Suck myself. You mean put my own penis in my own mouth? Is that the picture you are painting? Do you say that to your kids? Their friends? Even to prove free speech advocacy, that’s just gross. Do you still do that to yourself? Crap, you must have to lean in 3 more inches than the average American male. Amazing but ugh. Yech.

    • Harold blankenship

      Your people didn’t flee communism. They brought it with them

      • Ben

        They actually fought for your freedom, you useless rubber. Lots if them. Were they commie scum too? The one who gave it all in Italy. Or the one sunk in the Panama canal? What a jerk off tovdenigrate those who serve.

        • Doug

          Did you serve?

          • ben

            no did you?

        • Mitch

          Commie Ben trying to gain traction

          • ben

            mitch rhymes with bitch fits

  4. Kenneth

    As in your mama

  5. frank stetson


    (if those who live in glass houses should not throw stones, someone is obviously stoned here. My “opinionated” comments are in the parentheses. It helps your appreciation if you have a flag to raise at the end, some tissues for weeping, and maybe a little George M Cohen music as background. And tanks Larry, I have put it through my magic mirror editing application and have posted my version to Commie Scumbag Daily. Tanks for doing all the self-proclaimed research for me. All I had to do is change Left-Wing to Tighty Whitey Righty Wingnut.)

    The left-wing media spends a lot of time describing Republicans and conservatives in the most negative terms possible. There is no secret why they malign and mischaracterize what most conservative Republicans believe. They are just using political propaganda techniques in a desperate attempt to stave off a GOP sweep in the upcoming midterm elections. (Gee, sound familiar. Look in the mirror much since I believe you stole our winning “whining” book.)
    Central to their strategy is to broad-brush the entire Republican Party – down to the grassroots voters – as some sort of evil cult hellbent on undermining American democracy to establish an authoritarian regime in Washington – with emphasis on former President Trump as the authoritarian. Conversely, they pump up the Democratic Party as the last best hope for mankind. Hyperbole is insufficient to describe their messaging. (Ditto for paragraph 2. Can’t wait for an original thought)
    The kangaroo Select Committee supposedly “investigating” the riot on Capitol Hill is nothing more than a political false flag action designed to be used by the media as part of the overall political propaganda campaign. (Well, as is your way, of course you do not substantiate your opinion with facts, leaving the concept of “false flag” up to the reader as to what that means, much less substantiated. We will take it for granted that it means insurrection. IOW, to use the Select Committee to advertise that was indeed an insurrection that happened, on purpose, with such “objective” Congressional results being intended for political purposes. The bottom-line conclusion will happen when the bipartisan committee releases their results. Up until then, it’s an investigation. Yes, it’s an investigation that will tarnish your party. Then again, your party planned it, orchestrated it, did it, so live with it. We have to live with a rigged election and you didn’t even catch us….) They recast a riot into an insurrection – even though it fails to meet any definition or test of a real insurrection. (From Webster: “insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government.” Hmm, 140 police injured —- my, that sounds violent. Trashed the Capitol. Stopped Congress from working. Stopped the election process. Hmm, that sounds like against government. Many insurrectionists have said in public, on the record, in court, that Trump sent them. He has not sued them for perjury. I dunno, whatya need — a Pence lynching?) By all measures, it has the pathology of the iconic riots (whatever IS an iconic riot?) that have hit our major cities repeatedly over many generations – many of which were far more damaging and deadly than the events of January 6, 2021. (yeah, like the race riots or the immigration riots or the lynching era, or the civil rights era. Did Democrats ignore all of those too?) I am talking about the riots those on the left choose to ignore. The only difference is that the January 6th riot took place on the reservation of the power-elite. (my, my, my. Why so emotional? Yes, I’m sure there were riots that were more tragic. Just as I am sure there are wars that have been worse than Ukraine. Point is, what the **** does that have to do with it? And which riots did the left chose to ignore? You’re pretty condemning here, got proof? And then, the crux of the investigations, these people closed down our government, they injured police, they wanted more, some wanted blood. You say it’s all about the power elite, at the same time you basically tout your resume as belonging to the underbelly of that elite if not a fully vetted card-carrying member. Nonetheless, the point stands that these people ****** on our capital, obstructed our Congress, hey there is no reason on God’s green earth that the whys and wherefores should not be investigated, investigated to death.)

    They cast Republicans in the ridiculous – and impossible – position of being to palsy with Russian despot Putin and — (this is really rich) — all too eager to engage in a war with him. (Rewrite please: “to palsy?” this paragraph no make sense)
    The political strategy of the Democrat/media combo is to smear ALL Republicans with the voices or actions of a very small group on the fringe of political life. These characters are falsely alleged to be the mainstream of Republican conservatism. That would be like saying all those green Democrats are just like the deadly Unabomber – whose whacko mission was to preserve the environment. (Here we are back into mirror-mode again. You know who speaks for all commie Democrats: AOC, antifa, and BLM. At least that’s what you tell us in many of your passages. Pot-kettle in spades.)

    Fortunately, most Americans can see through the propaganda. (Are you actually trying to tell us propaganda does not work in America? Have you read the comments on your own site? ) Most Americans have a well-grounded sense of justice. ( so, Larry, what happened on 1/6? No propaganda, all truths? They had a “well-grounded sense of justice?) And most Americans lean to conservative values. (I like to think center- right, not conservative. And, Larry, as a self- proclaimed researcher you must know that the country leans left on social issues, but leans harder right on economic issues thus the average being that the country is center-right. Socially, as a nation, we are leftist commie scumbag liberals which I am sure you would rather term as center- left..)

    That is why the Democrats – with their new-founded allegiance to the radical left – do not fare well in general elections. (This is you just bloviating. You know the dems are as radical as Republicans are rabid right wingers.) The GOP made major gains across the nation in the 2021 off-year elections. In 2020, Republicans made significant down ballot gains, despite the loss by Trump. Even in the 2018 midterm elections, the anticipated major gains for Democrats turned into a close call in both the United States Senate and House. But again, Republicans did well in state and local races. (wow, you guys are really doing good. Sounds like you got the whole enchilada except for one office. Well, I guess one man can make a difference, well maybe one man and woman, well maybe two men, one woman. You just want to use fear mongering having people believe all Dems swing left of AOC. That’s a lie Larry and you know it…)

    Most pundits and analysts on both sides are predicting a Republican takeover of the House – and many think the Senate, too. This is expected to be part of a wave election that will produce major GOP advances across the country. (Best luck.)
    The reason for the prognostications is that the American people are not being fooled by the political character assassination of the Republican Party no matter how extreme the biased reporting. (Is this because they’re too stupid to think for themselves? Or are you saying that propaganda never works? Or maybe the Republicans just are better propagandists. I wonder the effect of large rallies where people get all amped up, pound their chest, scream chants in unison and bask in the shadow of their false prophet. You know, the rallies where they beat the crap out of protestors. The kind of propaganda that can cause people to rise up, take up arms, and have an insurrection against their government. Nah that could never happen. Most riots are worse.)

    Conservative Republicans, independents and even some Democrats know that the Republican officeholders and candidates in their communities are not the malevolent creatures that are caricatured by Democrats and the crony left-wing media. (back to the mirror game again.)

    As Republicans – conservative Republicans – we do not believe and support authoritarianism of any sort – here or abroad. (wasn’t trump considered authoritarian? Didn’t he butt kiss the most authoritarian in the world?) We are the domestic political backbone in the fight against Putin and his insane war in Ukraine. (I’ll go as far as to say equivalent. Your passion is to be commended.) We do not favor flipping elections by illegal means. (Nor can you prove it. You continue to make this fact-less, feckless, charge without proof. Nor can you say that Democrats favor flipping elections anymore than Republicans do. You stand accused of doing exactly what you say Democrats are doing to you, right here, right now. So, toe the line. Put up or shut up. How many court cases, how many recounts, how many lawyers told to go home and learn law? But if you’re saying the Democrats somehow are weak on this versus Republicans, then Republicans favor voter restrictions more than Democrats. Complete ********.) We do not support rioters of any ilk – whether they are the attacks on government buildings in Portland … the burning of homes, business,es and properties in Chicago … or the “occupying” of the public commons and private property in Seattle – including the seizing of a police headquarters. Or an attack on the Capitol Building. (yeah, but you like to pick and choose where you do your investigations. Plus, again, do you really think Democrats overwhelmingly support rioters of any ilk whether they are attacks on government buildings burning of homes whatever? Have you ever seen a Democrat stand up and say this is not wrong? I find it impossible to believe that you have. Complete ******* and you stand accused again of doing exactly what you’re complaining about with the Democrats.)

    We believe deeply in America’s tradition of immigration and migration – but legally. (this is just not true. Under the reign of trump many national and international laws were bent or broken in regards to immigration. Yes, Democrats favor more liberal immigration laws. But we believe in the law. Get over it. Argue the issues, not made-up branding and generalizations and stereotyping.) We believe in the positive and necessary nature of the vast majority of law enforcement – as we support the need to weed out the very few bad actors within those ranks. (man, you must be really afraid you guys are going to lose. Again, complete ********. Defund the police does not mean destroy the police. The crime bill was passed under Bill Clinton. Even Republicans want it gone today due to the extreme penalties and incarceration rates it caused. Which police budgets have been slashed by Democrats? I can give you the list of which budgets have been increased.)
    We have a deep devotion to the Bill of Rights and especially the First Amendment’s promise of freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and freedom of religion. We believe in a free, fair and honest news media. (sorry, got some vomit stuck in my mouth. I’m glad you believe in this, so do we.)

    We believe that our children should be taught a full and honest history of American Exceptionalism – and that institutions of higher education should be the forum of open debate — free of philosophical or political indoctrination. (sure, no problem, we could even add a few more things we like to teach. Most of which I’m sure you would not like, but let’s face it, isn’t all education good.)
    We believe in America as the melting pot – not the bucket of rocks in which ethnic groups are consolidated into a form of tribalism and pitted against each other by an entrenched power establishment. We believe in the equality of ALL humans to be judged only on their moral character. (Ditto)

    We believe in a limited central government-funded minimally – as opposed to the massive and expensive federal bureaucracy that is expanding regulatory powers to the point of oppression of the people. (we believe in right-sized government and you have NEVER practiced what you preach here on a Federal level. Maybe if trump had not spent us into the poorhouse in his four years, we wouldn’t be where we are we today Do you also believe in the largest deficits and debts ever? Where does that come up on your little list? )
    We believe that America has been –and is – an exceptional force for good – and that the nobility of the American culture far exceeds our transgressions. And that our Constitution, laws and culture provide the greatest good for the greatest numbers. We believe that the flag and the National Anthem are the keystone of our overarching unity – and that respecting those things, respects each other as a nation. (Ditto)

    Sooooo … enough of the extreme and utterly dishonest propaganda and disinformation. I believe the reason Republicans have been doing well despite the unprecedented demonization by the left-wing political establishment is BECAUSE of the unprecedented demonization by the left-wing political establishment. Their negative narratives are simply too incredible. (I agree. Just stop it already. Stop watching Tucker, Shawn, and the bitch.) The American people are not the gullible fools that the left assumes. We are not drinking the Kool-Aid. (But you just told us we were stupid and drinking the Kool-Aid, nice shocking conclusion….. What drivel)

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson Good God … is writing responses on the site your only job. Do you really think anyone is going to read your looooooong comments? The only point to be made is that you disagree with the conservative commentaries on this site. I am not sure why you obsess over it unless you do not have much to keep you busy these days. I will not respond because I will not bother to read those looooong screeds.

      • Frank stetson

        I can empathize. Most of what I printed above is your article and I’m sure a second reading will make you vomit a small amount into your mouth. As to what I do, I am retired. So I manage some investments which is PC work and you are the break. Thank you for a good year. Apparently, these breaks are so good that I increased my salary by 50% this year. Apparently, it’s an economy that ain’t all that bad. For me. But, back to your complaint. Don’t matter, I really don’t write these for you to read anyway since more often than not you like to announce that you’re not reading . That seems important to you. No matter, your responses are normally fact-less, tepid, unsupported beliefs and opinions anyway. Or you tell me to look up the facts surrounding your belief. You’ve driven most of liberals off the side anyway, spring is here, and soon I will leave the inside PC work behind for better things. I’m sure that will just lose you to know and not have anyone criticize you and everyone tell you how smart you are. Big fish in a small pond.

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson … Glad you are doing so well as a capitalist. Sounds like one of those limousine liberals to me. When you talk about factless commentary, you seem to be projecting. You posts usually accusations, nice comments, self-promotion and lack of knowledge. I really enjoy discourse with intelligent people who have different viewpoints. It can be educational. You do not offer that opportunity. I get a kick with how your provided an occasional like to someone else’s opinion as you fact. And as far as being a big fish in a small pond … if that is true, you are minnow in a puddle. Tot he extent that you have any reach it is because you are more of a parasite on other people’s writing. I actually like to be challenged rather than flattered, but you offer neither. Sorry you are withdrawing … if and when you are.