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Lawsuit Filed Against Alleged Rapist with Epstein-Clinton Connection

Billionaire businessman Leon Black has been sued for allegedly raping an autistic teenager over 20 years ago on a property owned by disgraced pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Records have revealed that Black financially contributed to some prominent Democrats, including payments to the Clintons.

The federal lawsuit, filed in a Manhattan court on Tuesday on behalf of Jane Doe (anonymous victim), accuses Leon Black of raping the victim in 2002 – when she was 16 – in Epstein’s Upper East Side townhouse.

The New York Post cited the lawsuit for some disturbing details of the sexual assault the victim has claimed in her lawsuit against Black. One quote tells that at the time of the alleged sexual assault, the victim’s mental age was about 12:

“Developmentally she is about 12, and when she was threatened to do as told because ‘bad girls’ get in ‘trouble,’ she did as she was told.”

The alleged victim reportedly suffers from a rare condition called Mosaic Down Syndrome that made her vulnerable to sex predators Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, whom she was introduced to at a party in a Washington DC suburb by her coach. The duo sexually exploited her at various places before handing her out to Leon Black.

Black’s attorneys have denied the claims brought up by Jane Doe and stated that Black never met this person.

While Black has in his corporate career made financial contributions to both Republicans and Democrats, his investment management firm Apollo Global Management generously paid the Clintons during the Obama-Biden administration.

As reported in Mother Jones (June 2016), Apollo’s subsidiary Apollo Management Holdings paid Bill Clinton $250,000 for a speech when his wife, Hillary Clinton, was running for President. Hillary herself had made $225,000 for a speech at Apollo in 2013.

A Twitter account “Lords of War” tagged Democrat congressman Adam Schiff in a post reminding him of accepting campaign contribution from “individuals, subsidiaries and/or PACs affiliated with Apollo Global” for the 2022 midterm election.

The post poked Schiff with the question: “Did you ever meet Jeffrey Epstein and/or visit any of his mansions in NY, FL or the infamous Epstein Island?”

The details of the campaign contributions by Apollo Global Management in the 2022 election cycle show that the firm donated more than $1.4 million to Congressional Democrat candidates and over $1.1 million to Republican candidates.

The donations went to 69 Democrat House candidates and 33 Democrat Senate hopefuls as well as 53 Republican House candidates and 28 Republican Senate hopefuls. Schiff’s share of the contribution by Apollo was $11,918.

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