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Kennedy clan dumps on one of theirs

Kennedy clan dumps on one of theirs

Kennedy clan?  That is something that has not been part of the political lexicon for a generation or two.  Seeing so many of them on stage, the most striking impression was how few are known to the public.  I would say … oh … maybe … none.  There were no household names among those who gathered on stage with President Biden – no prominent politicians or prospects.  As a “political family” they seem more like the Roosevelts and the Bushes – political clans remembered more in terms of history than current events. 

In fact, they would have remained in the shadow of modern life were it not for one of them, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., deciding to run for President of the United States.  The Kennedy clan gathered in the spotlight not to give a kith and kin endorsement to their own, but to give it to his opponent, President Biden. 

Unlike the old days, RFK. Jr. was not the heir apparent – the next in line to naturally assume high office and the presidency.  The last opportunity for a Kennedy clan President died when Senator Ted Kennedy drove off the Chappaquiddick bridge, killing a young intern named Mary Jo Kopechne.  A few of the progeny held lesser offices and others failed in such bids.  They  then vanished from the political firmament like the last few sparks of Fourth of July fireworks.

When RFK, Jr. announced his plans to run for President, he was well aware of his lack of support among his family members.  He said he respected their decision. He was particularly careful not to run on the legacy of his Uncle Jack or his dad. 

Allowing the family’s unhappiness with RFK, Jr. to seep out in sidebar news stories was not enough for the clan.  Rather they decided to gather together and officially endorse Biden. 

The endorsement oratory had the ring of a convention nominating speeches wrapped in allusions and reminiscences of the political Camelot of 60 years past.  The effort was led by Kerry Kennedy – the younger sister of RFK, Jr., who appears to have the same speech affliction as her brother.

So it is that RFK, Jr. makes a run for President of the United States.  Not by picking up the mantle of the Kennedy clan, but in defiance to it.  He is not running as a Democrat, but against the Democrat in the race.  His prospect of becoming President is miniscule compared to Jack, Bobby and Teddy in their moments of ascendency.

But RFK, Jr. is having an impact — and this is why the clan gathered.  By all measures, RFK, Jr. is taking votes away from Biden.  I suspect that is even more evident in Biden’s internal campaign polling.  That would explain the amount of money and effort the Biden campaign has been spending on trying to knock RFK, Jr. off state ballots … trying to undermine his candidacy among voters … and why the family endorsement of Biden was put on the center stage.

In terms of political imagery, the gathering of the Kennedy clan appeared more like a reunion of the Addams Family – and I am not referring to John and John Quincy. (And yes, I know the names are not spelled the same.)  They are a thing of the past.

For his part, Biden tied himself to the Kennedy legacy – claiming that it was Bobby Kennedy’s words in the 1960s that inspired him to public office.  (Personally, I think that is pure political malarky from the master of political malarky,)  On the back side, that also alluded to Biden’s age and just how long the man has been on the public payroll.

The most relevant question is: Will the endorsement make a difference?

I think not.  Most of the younger voters whom Biden needs to reach have little memory – and even less interest – in the opinion of ancestors of ancient history figures.  In my opinion, JFK, Jr. is not garnering between 10 and 20 percent of the voters in various states because he is the son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.  He is winning votes because he is an interesting alternative to two widely disliked candidates – and addresses issues the two major contenders dare not raise.  In another time, RFK, Jr. could have been a credible candidate.  But for now, he is the lightning rod for disaffected voters – and there are a lot of them in this election cycle.

In terms of impact – to quote Shakespear – the endorsement was “all sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. gary vogt

    Not surprising the Kennedy clan is more beholding to their politics than their family

  2. AC

    There you go again raking up stories about obscure democrats who are of small consequence in the larger American political context. This of Kennedy Clan history we of a certain generation may recall the details at that time. It has no bearing on history 60 years after the fact.
    Although it comes as no surprise that you would dredge up the alleged sins of the father – uncle and punish the sons and unto later generations. Any story depicting the other party in a bad light seems fair game. Low hanging fruit is easy picking and finds its way into your commentary articles.
    Long history of your bashing in print those subjects that you in your opinion regarding “The Left” you judge disagreeable has painted you into a politically ugly corner. Lacking objectivity you opt for purely subjective personal opinion.
    To which I am free to disagree, but take your information for what it is. Preaching to your own personal red robed choir.
    To each his own. However, are there not stories aplenty on your own side that speak of ills and mischief. What you judge as evil among your political adversaries exists in your republican fellowship multiplied many times over.
    It’s not as much fun to poke at republicans’ carcasses and report the rot you find under red rocks.

    • larry Horist

      AC…. You open your posting with “There you go again raking up stories about obscure democrats who are of small consequence in the larger American political context. This of Kennedy Clan history we of a certain generation may recall the details at that time. It has no bearing on history 60 years after the fact.”

      You seem be lacking a full tank of gas on this one. It was not ME who was “raking up stories about obscure Democrats” Did you not notice that it was Biden who was taking them out for the shadows of history and putting then on center stage as presidential campaign toadies. At least you seem to agree with me that they are a thing of the past with little relevance to today’s issues — “60 years after the fact,” as you correctly note. Other than that, the rest of your post is your usual semi-lucid patter. For example, your write: “Long history of your bashing in print those subjects that you in your opinion regarding ‘The Left’ you judge disagreeable has painted you into a politically ugly corner.” Even Kamala Harris doe not go to that extreme with her now famous “word salads.”

      • AC

        More to the point is the absence in your commentary on issues in your own party’s political family. Beginning at the pinnacle of your party, Trump,
        You must have wisdom in abundance on Trump and your reasons why you a proper intelligent person in good conservative standing, will vote Trump every time.
        Certainly you out of all GOP loyal pundits can compose a commentary from your opinion on the question of Trump’s worthiness for the job of POTUS.
        That Trump may be nominated and end up at the top of the ballot on the Republican side and you identify with that party It demands that Trump has your vote locked up.
        Explain your rationale and mental contortions necessitated to arrive at a place where another Trump presidency would be of benefit for this country. That Trump is a Republican does not suffice as enough. When, or if, Trump is found guilty in any of his several court cases and he remains on the national ballot, then would you continue in your open support and still vote Trump?
        The political right pushes patriotism and freedom, yet your compatriots would deny others the same rights and freedoms you enjoy in the name of patriotism and national loyalty. Wanting everything to go your one way and everyone follow in your way is antithetical to the true workings that define a Democratic Republic as the founding fathers set out.
        Lost in your idea of freedom without limits as it relates to whatever you write and opine is that your freedom ends where another’s freedom begins. Trampling on another’s freedom to hold an opinion, voice that opinion, and right to civil treatment is like trespassing on another’s property.. The “Reply” field on PBP as it happens has the markings of a Civil War battlefield where the practice of take no prisoners is the common and usual method of treatment toward those not similarly inclined.
        If this is a word salad in your opinion, then your commentary remarks represent a bare tossed salad. It’s a common opinion, a side dish of questionable nutritional value one can take a pass on partaking of
        PBP for me has become like a barometer of the Republican Party measuring its political pressure as a predictor of whether or not storms of crazy train proportions will persist as is the present case.

        • larry Horist

          AC … You write: “It’s a common opinion, a side dish of questionable nutritional value one can take a pass on partaking of
          PBP for me has become like a barometer of the Republican Party measuring its political pressure as a predictor of whether or not storms of crazy train proportions will persist as is the present case. That makes no sense and is a grammatical train wreck. Thanks for proving my point.


    Horist is a scrappy little fellow now taking on the Kennedy’s as “the gathering of the Kennedy clan appeared more like a reunion of the Addams Family.” Apparently, Horist does not look at his own ghoulish bio pic that Ghouliani himself laughs at.

    Why does Hoirst go out of his way to attack the Kennedy’s just because they endorse Joe Biden and not their whacko black sheep of a relative? Horist supports a liar-in-chief three times, but he does not support RFK, he supports Trump. I mean RFK jr is the one out of Kennedy family character, no Kennedy attitudinal DNA so to speak. Horist would just have you feel the opposite. “Addams family” my sweet white ass. What’s in your family portrait? It looks like the family of Dorian Gray no doubt :>)

    He boldly goes to: “By all measures, RFK, Jr. is taking votes away from Biden,” being blind to: “RFK Jr. Candidacy Hurts Trump More Than Biden, Poll Reports.” Forbes 4/21/2024. I would say the “b” word, but honestly — polls?

    Then again, being current or currency is just money to Horist and Horist hates money and anyone who mentions it….. Then he makes a special point of calling out Kerry Kennedy’s speech impediment, like that’s an important factor in all this. Why single her out for a speech affect. Humorous since RFK jr jr is anti-vax and mumps/measles is a good candidate for being a cause of his own affliction. Ironic, ain’t it? But who cares, and why call it out? Why focus on her speech impediment?

    Matter of fact why mention this endorsement at all, much less ding the entire family for making it. He goes on how Kennedy’s are irrelevant in the modern political age of Trump, his three-time vote choice, when he knows full well that a life of service comes in all forms, like his renovation of a classic theater might be his crowning achievement, certainly losing to Spanky the Clown in politics was not, and that the Kennedys, as a family, have SERVICE in their very DNA — thank you Jesus!! Horist, I remember where I was where John and Bobby were shot. I remember Camelot, the vision that brought us the moon, the Peace Corps and a sense of serving America before party, before self.

    For example:

    Patrick Kennedy was an eight-term congressman from Rhode Island

    Joseph Kennedy II, Robert’s son, served six terms as a congressman from Massachusetts

    Kathleen Kennedy Townsend was a two-term Maryland lieutenant governor.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger, married at the time to JFK’s niece Maria Shriver, was California’s governor for two terms

    Caroline Kennedy was ambassador to Japan during the Obama administration and ambassador to Australia in the Biden administration.

    Joseph Kennedy III, grandson of Robert Kennedy, is special envoy to Northern Ireland

    Victoria Reggie Kennedy is ambassador to Austria.

    Patrick Kennedy is founder of the mental health advocacy group Alignment for Progress.

    Timothy Shriver chairs the board of the Special Olympics, which his mother (and President Kennedy’s sister), Eunice Shriver, helped establish in the 1960s.

    Kerry Kennedy is a human rights lawyer who heads the nonprofit RFK Human Rights.

    Rory Kennedy is a prize-winning documentary maker whose subjects have ranged from rural Mississippi and the Iraq War to a film about her mother, Ethel.

    “I can literally go through all of my family and there isn’t one who’s not out there doing something,” says Patrick Kennedy, who finds his name still holds great influence in his current work. “I’ve been out of office since 2011, and I can get anyone to return my call.” But he chooses to use that power for good instead of evil.

    The point is the Kennedys revere a life of service; they don’t trumpet it in your faces with exaggerated bio’s, self-serving platitudes, and by demeaning others they have absolutely no standing to do so. IOW, with all due respect, STFU until you move out of your glass house.

    Political hack Horist would rip down anything Democratic just because he needs to win. His blood sport even demands that he point out someone’s speech impediment if they oppose his views.

  4. AC

    JFK Jr as an independent is an outlier in the Kennedy Clan. Truth be told he split from his family’s historic Democratic Party loyalty. Doing so he crossed that line which the Kennedy Clan apparently is not willing to follow him across.
    What’s he thinking. He chose independent and effectively turned his back on Kennedy precedent, potential support, and any cache the Kennedy name still carries
    As for his taking votes from Biden or even Trump ( if nominated) RGK Jr. has about as much chance as the Green Party’s candidate and the other lesser know parties’ offerings.
    No real Independent Party organization exists. We independents are more likely to vote against Trump only because he is not personally of presidential caliber. Biden, may not have the exact qualifications that Independents look for in a president, however, he is far and away more qualified than Mr. Trump is and was on his best day in office.
    No details needed on that score, for history bears out that his personality, if not his policies, exacerbated the cultural war raging across America. Our nation has been divided by political party affiliation and that’s what our form of democracy is meant to mediate.
    Problem is political philosophy perspective generated opinions have become personal and prioritized above concern for others’ wellbeing, freedom, basic personal human rights,
    and dignity.
    When personal affront is presumed with every perceived challenge to one’s opinion and that opinion has sacred like status. Therein, is the rub.
    Unrelenting competitive attitudes soon resort to combative measures that produce social chaos. And, Trump came to manipulate that existing latent animosity between conservative and liberal camps to achieve his own personal ends, control for controls sake. Thirst for power consumes Trump. When power seems elusive, in his mind he assumes he has power and wealth more than most anyone.
    Trump happened at a time when America a needed a unifier and his personality only proved the opposite and the pandemic’s mishandling on Trump’s watch drove conspiracy theories and conspiracy lie believers to deepen divisions into entrenched camps.
    Trump had no plan or policy nor has he now a way forward toward unity and resolution.
    As an independent, I lean neither to Republican Party doctrine or Democratic Party dogma. Both right and left do not make the total package. Also, Trump is Trump for Trump’s sake. He has no other part than himself. The Republican Party happens to serve his purpose now. Back in his NYC heyday he was a Democrat. He is loyal to himself first.
    Larry, if I write in word salad. It’s the first course with more to come. You seem to prefer your own kind of fare being unable to tolerate any other’s food for thought.
    Indeed, civility finds no fertile soil on PBP’s blog and your opinion commentary leads as the example your cohorts look to replicate. Ain’t free speech wonderful!

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