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Katie Couric Takes Flack for Disparaging Description of Trump Voters

Katie Couric Takes Flack for Disparaging Description of Trump Voters

Reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s “Deplorables” comment, veteran journalist Katie Couric now finds herself taking similar heat for referring to Trump voters as “anti-intellectuals.”

Couric made the comments on Bill Maher’s “Club Random” podcast.

“The socio-economic disparities are a lot, and class resentment is a lot, and anti-intellectualism and elitism is what is driving many of these anti-establishment [people] — which are Trump voters — so, I think that is a huge problem that we have to address,” Couric told Maher.

“I mean, globalization and the transition from an industrial to a technological society — I don’t know if you’ve ever been jealous of someone else or resentful — it is such a corroding and bitter, almost vile feeling,” she added. “I think that when people who are really struggling see people who have everything and are on top of that looking down on them, it is just a recipe for such anger and resentment and grievance.”

The long-time and beloved host in certain circles, comments generated backlash on social media.

“I’ve never been a jealous person – and I find many of Trump supporters highly educated in vast arenas. I think Couric is a snob and a low-IQ commie. She’s lived inside her glass bubble so long she’s completely out of touch with reality,” one user posted to X, the New York Post reported.

“This is so disgusting and shows how out of touch she is. Make no mistake, this is how the media views Trump supporters,” posted another, according to the Post.

“This is what you call projection — blaming the other side for feeling a certain way when it’s actually you who feels that way,” another X-user said.

Maher pushed back on Couric’s assessment, saying that Trump voters see him as the only person standing “between us and madness.”

“Not to defend Trump, but to defend the people who still vote for him,” Maher said. “Because what they see on the other side, to them, is even more dangerous. Because it’s very close to home. ‘My kid is coming home from school, and he thinks he’s a racist.’ He’s 5. What have you been telling him? ‘My son thinks maybe he’s not a boy,’ and maybe that’s true, that happens. Those things are what they say, ‘That’s why I’m voting for Trump.'”

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  1. Jim wampler

    We don’t care what that gutter slut thinks. Yes I called it right. It’s established that she has round heels just like Kamala

  2. R. Hamilton

    One doesn’t have to like everything about Trump to prefer him to just about anything the Democrats could offer, and especially to corrupt, senile Biden – or as a replacement if the convention dumps him, corrupt Hillary.

    Tech is fine; I’ve done tech for decades, and relatives did it since punched cards and even earlier. But some uses of tech are a problem. Nobody should get to decide what’s misinformation; they can always try to refute it. But there’s been some labeling as misinformation with political bias, that turned out later to be very real information. And vice versa.

    Globalization needs limits. Borders and somewhat independent economies, although perhaps not fitting some ideas of efficiency, isolate the damage any one hostile, authoritarian, or simply incompetent country’s leadership can cause. A nation’s first legitimate interest is its citizens, not saving the planet or the whales or all the world’s endangered and oppressed or whatever. Not that we don’t all live on the planet, and certainly we could cooperate sometimes – if we weren’t being taken advantage of to pay way more than our share only to have much of it wasted.

    • Wes Kussmaul

      Here’s what a representative of the government of a member state of the International Telecommunication Union said to me after a meeting about globalization:

      “We don’t admit this in public, but every one of us (ITU member state reps) saw the internet as a massive assault on our sovereignty. Your World e-Trust Initiative is internet squared. That’s why we pulled the plug on it.”

      We live in a digital world, and our lives are more and more digital every day. Look at where we are communicating right here, right now. Instead of a futile fight against or denial of globalization, why not work for a digital infrastructure that provides real privacy, real security, and real accountability?

  3. K SNY

    It really shows how moronic the Democrats are. They put forward an 81 year old Dementia ridden man who can’t make a coherent
    sentence even when viewing said sentence on a teleprompter. It doesn’t say much of the Democratic Party of their constituents
    when a slick. improbable snake oil salesman, P T Barnum type can BEAT any one the Democrats can put up against him.
    The ONLY Democrat I think who could challenge Trump is Manchin of West Virginia, but the Democrats won’t run him because
    Obama, Clinton. the Squad and the far Left can’t control him, he is his own man. Run Manchin and you have a chance.

    • Patty

      What does Couric know? Clearly not a lot! She has always followed the demonrat agenda, was a mediocre talking head on tv. Now she is expounding on Trump? No one cares what she has to say, never really did.

  4. MARIE

    I agree, she climbed the ladder on her knees…..Democrat Moron!

  5. Fran

    I watched her and totally disgusted with her demeanor and verbal response. She needs to
    Got out in the real world and experience the struggles the American people are dealing with daily. Americans have lost all confidence in the biases media, both parties and the politicians
    that they are so disgusted with.
    Term limits yes, special interest lobbyists should be gone, politicians would be for the people and not getting rich from the special interest groups
    Katie needs to look back on her life in the beginning of career, the Katie of today is a self righteous person that totally out of touch with
    the concerns of the citizens.

  6. Harry

    Curic///Another ultra rich East Coast Liberal Communist . Why do her and others like her wonder why we don’t want to be like them? Just look at her brain says why!!


    Gotta love these folks so hell bent to track who’s sleeping with who to rate liberal women of achievement as whores.

    No mention of Marjorie Taylor Greene who not only looks and dresses like a whore, but got her start the old fashioned way; Daddy’s money. Wonder who she slept with to get that. Yech.

    Course these same fine upstanding nonjudgmental folks will drop trou in a heartbeat to vote Trump. Trump who sleeps his way to the bottom while wifey is pregno even and then pays them off, held liable for sexual abuse of the digital rape variety and usually calls them ugly dogs or worse later. That’s acceptable to these self-righteous hypocrites.

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