Kamala’s Path to White House – Buying or Banning Opposition Candidates

The Democrats with support from their corrupt federal agencies have been trying to stop President Trump from running for the White House in 2024, including an attempt on his life. But they are also actively trying to stop others from running for the Oval Office by either banning them or even bribing them.
On Saturday (August 24), investigative journalist Jordan Chariton posted his video interview with Independent presidential candidate Cornel West. A theologian and socialist, West is known as a prominent voice in American left-wing politics. But for the Democrats, he is currently a problem as one of the competitors who can take some votes away from Kamala Harris in November 2024. In his interview with Chariton, West revealed that he received various kinds of offers from the Harris campaign, though he declined to share specific details.
However, when Chariton persisted in asking whether he had received any offer of a cabinet position in a Harris administration or other financial incentives, West confirmed that he had received all those offers. The short video clip of West confirming this was widely shared on social media.
In his interview, West condemned the Democrats for not doing anything to stop Israel’s war in Gaza and also compared the contemporary Democratic Party to that of 1930s that would not address the Jim Crow laws. The full interview of Chariton with West in available on YouTube.
Not surprisingly, the leftist mainstream media ignored West’s revelation that essentially amounts of bribery by the Harris campaign. Conservatives pointed to media’s silence and called the revelation a case of election interference by the Democrats.
Democrats have been trying to remove Cornel West from the 2024 ballot to help Kamala Harris win, particularly in battleground states. Earlier this week, West won in the court of law against Jonathan Brater, Michigan’s elections director, who tried to remove West from the 2024 ballot in the state. As reported by Detroit Free Press, Michigan Court of Claims Judge James Robert Redford ruled that West can stay on the November 5 ballot. The Democrats immediately announced they would appeal the ruling.
West is not the only candidate the Democrats are trying to remove from the ballot to facilitate in Kamala Harris’s path to the White House. Democrats have also tried to boot Green Party candidate Jill Stein off the ballot in Wisconsin along with Cornel West. But their effort to block the two candidates was dealt a blow early this week when the state Supreme Court rejected the Democrats’ challenge to the eligibility of both candidates. Following the court ruling, the bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission confirmed that both candidates will appear on the ballot.
I may read the rest of this later, but the first sentence is full of lies and hateful lies. Period.
“The Democrats with support from their corrupt federal agencies have been trying to stop President Trump from running for the White House in 2024, including an attempt on his life.”
Joe has no allocated truth that Democrats, beyond normal election stuff and perfectly legal actions, are using federal agencies to stop President Trump from running. His “team” of Comer and Jordan have been using all of our tax dollars to try to prove this for FOUR YEARS. Free speech is not a license to lie. If Joe can prove any of this, as in a court of law, then he can say it.
And then to link Democrats to what appears to be a lone wolf Republican, is inciteful bullshit that again, he has no way of proving. The investigation may still uncover that this Republican is a Magarat as well. Just like Joe.
Meanwhile: Donald J. Trump, Joe’s choice and leader of all Republicans, has been found guilty of trying to rig the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton and awaits sentencing while the case, of course, is on appeal. He may get off of a legality, but the facts will not change.
Meanwhile Donald J. Trump’s team of lawyers pleaded guilty of trying to rig the 2020 election against Joe Biden. Thy are guilty and awaiting sentencing. Donald J. Trump is also indicted, is spending your campaign donations to delay and defend his trial and his guilty legal team will testify against him. Republican Governor picked a no-party conservative judge, known for tough but fair, so what is Trump waiting for? Since two guilty lawyers, his, are guilty and say they can prove he is to, Trump should plead. If he loses the election, that’s my bet as the campaign dollars run out.
No, when it comes to screwing with elections, the LAW found Trump guilty for 2016 and will find him guilty for the 2020, most likely as well. Along the way, the LAW, as of 1/6/2024, arrested 1,200 and put over 450 behind bars for listening to Trump that fateful day of 1/6/202 for the Republican Assault on Congress in the Capitol. And the LAW is still making arrests.
So far, 84 Magarat Republicans in seven states falsely claimed to be Donald Trump’s presidential electors in December 2020. Dozens of them could land them in prison for years. In Arizona, Michigan and Nevada, every fake electors face felony charges except the one who turned to get charges dropped. In New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, n charges….. yet. But in Georgia, three fake electors have been charged with Trump with others landing immunity deals to testify against the King of election cheats.
Come on Joe, relook that sentence and issue the correction.
Frank, I agree with your disdain for the article. Are you saying Ernestine Dumpster is really Joe Gilbertson?
Tom, no. Joe is earnest about Larry not putting American first in their minds.
Harris positioned herself for her trail to the senate and beyond on her back. Otherwise she is a far left empty suit!!
Got proof or were you there taking it in the ole Higginbotham?
The first paragraph was utter garbage. Cornel West is a radical leftist that years ago called his party of 1 “The Rent is too Damn High Party”. He may be an independent candidate, but he does not represent “Independents”.
But what is worse? Dems offering him a job and helping him pay his campaign bills? Or Republicans who are currently doing everything they can in TX, GA, MI, WI and many other states to restrict voting (voter suppression) by making it difficult to impossible to get registered to vote, thereby restricting competition in their favor?
Once again, Ernestine Dumpster has scraped his lips on the bottom.
Holy shit Tom, just looked at the header. Either my supplier has upped the grade or these boys continue to gaslight their readers, both sides of the aisle.
Amazing how similar they are……
Ever notice how the comments read similar…..
Maybe there’s only one guy here to begin with and his name is ALICE…… :>)
A logical conclusion!!!
Alice is really the Borg and she is assimilating everything!!!! And if you check Wiki at *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg* you will not only see the resemblance with PBP Alice in the Borg’s picture, but you will ALSO see that the Borg’s first name is ALICE!!!
I think we are on to something Frank!!!
I’d like to write more but I need to go put some Prep H on my ole Higgenbotham!!!
When you complain about lack of MSM coverage, perhaps look to the mirror as you discover what MSM did cover. As always, I come from the “if it’s illegal, take them down, take them to court.” Maybe pass that to the feckless freedom fighters Comer and Jordan.
I will also add, let’s call out the tawdry, the demeaning, the mean, those of low moral fiber and birth, and, unlike Jack Sparrow who flexes the guidelines, where guidelines for proper decorum exist, and are fair, let’s look down on folks who break “the code.” IE — if it’s legal to lie in the news, then let’s crowd-punish those who do and quit awarding them better jobs and more money because we like their lies or some mistaken adherence to the fist amendment that supposedly rewards lies and liars.
On this one, Joe left out: he’s recently been getting help from a Republican Consulting firm financed by Republican operatives. Some have even gone public. In North Carolina, Republicans gather signatures for West at a Trump rally. There’s even a “special party” formed there for West with 30,000 signatures, all financed from mysterious sources outside the state. Mysterious in that West’s campaign is broke and bleeding red. The guys getting the signatures are from the Colorado-based Republican political firm called Blitz Canvassing.
They are doing the same for the Green Party. Trumplicants for Green I guess.
Same thing In Arizona, Wisconsin, Virginia, Nebraska, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Maine.
Now Joe, do you really think either Biden or Harris would offer West a job? Really? The man who lost tenure at Harvard? The man who favors much against the Biden policies, and much for policies Biden/Harris are against. Can’t stop him from saying it, but why accept it carte blanche without a second source, would you wholeheartedly believe. I mean we still have Christie’s scandal bridge for sale in NJ…. Coulda caveated it, but nooooo, you took it hook, line, and stinker.
There’s probably more dirt on West, Republicans, and Democrats, but you get the drift. Good for you to call it out, better if you would have put a 360 on it and gotten the truth, the whole truth.
It’s time we reward honesty, ethics, morals and the like instead of rewarding lies.
And I still don’t know the legality. Do you?
I agree. Lets reward truth, honesty and good character; and throw the rest of those hooligans in jail!!!