Kamala Harris Wants the Female Vote While Espousing Woman Abuse

Hollywood actress Julia Roberts, a die-hard liberal, has asked women nationwide to vote for Kamala Harris. As reported in The Blast, Roberts has been “publicly campaigning for the female vice president.” But what do women really get if they vote for Harris?
Roberts is known for many big hits including the thriller Sleeping with the Enemy (1991). Her movie title takes a whole new and interesting meaning when applied to the impact on women by the choices and policies of Kamal Harris.
For one, Harris is married to a man who has a history of women abuse. On Thursday, October 24, Daily Mail published a story about the ex-girlfriend of Doug Emhoff – husband of Kamala Harris – who revealed the details of her abuse by Emhoff. The woman, whose name was not disclosed in the post while her picture with Emhoff was blurred to protect her identity, told The Daily that Emhoff was divorced with two kids when she dated him in 2012. Soon after they started dating, he shared with her his story of cheating on his wife with his daughter’s nanny.
The Second Gentleman’s ex – referred to as Jane – shared how she felt uncomfortable when Emhoff revealed he had settled with his daughter’s nanny who had accused him of abuse and even making her lose her pregnancy:
Jane added that Emhoff told her he settled with Naylor for about $80,000, and had her sign an NDA.
Los Angeles Police records cited in the story showed that police were called to the nanny’s house on June 28, 2009 over a “life threatening emergency, lights and sirens on” callout. The police declined to share more details of the incident with the paper.
Jane took a trip to France while she was dating Emhoff and he accompanied her to attend the amfAR gala dinner held close to the Cannes Film Festival. It was after they attended the event that Emhoff suddenly grabbed her, turned her around, and slapped her real hard, leaving her at once hurt and confused. She told the paper:
“In that moment, his mask had dropped and I saw his dark side.”
In another incident, Jane recalled Emhoff acting like a creep, taking her pictures while she was in a bikini and protested him doing so. She felt that he was like a man objectifying a woman.
Daily Mail also touched on reports from Emhoff’s derogatory attitude toward women at his former law firm:
DailyMail.com revealed claims from Emhoff’s former colleagues at his ex-law firm Venable that he was ‘misogynistic’ and ‘inappropriate’ with women at the firm, including bragging to top firm partners that he yelled at a woman and ‘put her in her place’.
These details about Emhoff’s behavior and attitude toward women raise serious questions about Kamala Harris and her campaign’s efforts to win the woman vote in November. Did she know? That was the question Jane said she asked herself when she heard that Emhoff was dating Harris, who at that time was the Attorney General of California.
Jane also revealed that she and her husband are registered Democrats and have donated thousands of dollars to Biden’s campaigns while also voting for Biden in 2020. The disclosure preempts any defense of the Harris campaign and leftist media to smear her revelations as political propaganda.
But sleeping with a woman abuser is not the only thing disqualifying Kamala Harris from the woman vote in November. As a Senator in 2020, Harris helped raise funds for the release of rioters arrested by the police in the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minnesota. Harris campaigned to get donations for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which was used to bail out De’Seanna Williams, a dangerous criminal who shot and robbed an old woman in Minneapolis. The victim, Halima Farah, told Fox News that Harris’ record “raised questions about her judgment and priorities in office.”
Even more devastating to American women has been the role of Harris as Biden’s border czar. Since opening up the southern border for illegal aliens, many women in the country have become victims of unvetted criminals brought into the country by her policies. The horrifying story of Laken Riley, a young woman in Georgia, brutally assaulted and murdered by an illegal Venezuelan migrant Jose Ibarra sent shockwaves through the country earlier this year. While the leftist media continues to downplay the horrifying crime and offer subtle defenses of the criminal, the case has become a textbook example of the threat to local women’s safety caused by illegal immigration that is championed by leftist leaders like Harris.
Guess it’s time for Friday funnies because you know Republicans have comedy in their DNA as long as it’s based on belittling some else. What does today’s floating garbage have to offer.
Up against “I am the protector of all women whether they like it or not,” same way I like my sex says Tulip and shooting for the “worst journalist ever” away, the author weighs in against the opposition to support his ADJUTICATED sexual abuser of the digital rape variety. That’s where you force your fingers up a victim’s vagina for your own gratification. Like Trump.
His claim is a unsubstantiated claim by a single unnamed women, not against Harris like it’s against Trump, but the he-said, she-said is against her husband.
He’s also got unverified rumors from the first gentleman’s office. Well, guilty before proven there is even evidence.
So the author is measuring a spousal he-said-she-said against the Access Hollywood tapes and an adjudicated liability conviction for Sexual Abuse of a Digital Rape nature followed by a Defamation liability conviction for the same. And a toss for frivolous for his counter defamation charge with put the term “Digital Rape” on the record and seared into our minds and lexicon forever.
“But what do women really get if they vote for Harris?” And this is the guy to tell you. I told you he was gay….. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, bully for PBP for hiring minorities. Let your rainbow flag fly.
He then blathers about: “Harris helped raise funds for the release of rioters arrested by the police in the wake of George Floyd’s death.” Actually, she helped raise funds for the Minnesota Freedom Fund which was set up in 2016 to pay criminal bail and immigration bonds for people who can’t afford them. Oh, the horror of that all. Kamala Harris tweeted: “If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.” Helping protestors over Geroge Floyd’s murder seems appropriate UNLESS you feel protesting George Floyd’s murder is somehow wrong. He brings out a felon put on bail by the MFF as proof of Harris’ mistake. He got five years in prison, guess the author missed the fact that 1) bail is a Constitutional right of all citizens, whether you like them or not. 2) the MFF provides bail to those who cannot afford it 3) the guy ended up in jail which is the proper outcome following the proper process. Yawn.
Again, on the scales of judgement are a convicted sex abusing digital rapist weighed against he-said, she-said, unfounded to-day, rumors, for a spouse AND some help in getting bail to those who cannot afford it. Remember, people like Trump don’t pay bail. It’s a two-tiered justice system for the rich and those who cannot skate above the law. This scale still leans right. Hard right.
Her, Strange man, how would you know about forcing fingers up a vagina? How many times did you do that? You seem to know a lot about what a soman is, what she feels like and what is on her mind. Are you sure you are a man? No, you definitely are a man, one who rapes as much as he can. But only women? Take Trump’s name off your second paragraph and add your last name. Unless you were with Trump when all the accusations happened, you can’t prove it really happened like I can’t prove you did either. Deep down in me, I believe you are a rapist and getting away with it just like Tom, your other man. If you can’t prove did anything to any woman, then shut up about it and stop accusing him of what you do not really know So, again, I say PROVE IT, little man. You are so biased that you are pathetic. Same with Tom. You two are like tow peas in a pod. Sick! Both of you. Prove your words are true so we all know it for sure. Then we can all rest assured and get on with our lives unless you want to kill us. Then we can bow down and kiss your a$$! Mr. King, we can then kiss your stinky a$$! Coward! How come you never say anything about all the crimes and treasons Biden committed. There are tons of them. You know it, too. Thank God you are not running for President. We would all be ordered to death!
America First. I have responded to this lunacy already. The case is over, the jury has spoken, he did it, he got caught, he will pay out big bucks. Falsely accusing me of the same crime and worse is stupid; you have not a fact beyond being bat-shit crazy to support it. PROVE IT.
You say: “Deep down in me, I believe you are a rapist and getting away with it just like Tom, your other man.” I don’t know Tom, have not discussed much with him here. You may believe I am a rapist, but that’s just crazy and you have no proof, not even an allegation except from an old arthritic rape victim with zero sympathy for EJ Carroll and a real hard-on for Tom, AC, myself and any other liberal here.
Where’s the signal? It’s t minus ten days and not a peep?
Who got arrested —– name one of the thousands you say are being put away?
Who declared the martial law you imagine we are under and can you still get take-out?
How’s the information pipeline from the Marines in GITMO when there’s mostly Navy and even more civilian there?
Do you still get your news mostly from that tin foil hat site in Romania? Worse rated site ever for truth but best for fake conspiracy stories like you vomit out here.
Keep the faith lady, sooner or later even a broken clock tells the correct time.
But bugger off with the feckless, fact-less, unsubstantiated, unsupported bullshit accusations or allegations unless you can PROVE IT.
That signal is going to go off. Just because 0ou are part of the Deep State that sabotaged the one that was supposed to go off on 10/15, doesn’t mean the good guys won’t get it out there. When it does, you are so going to be embarrassed and owe everyone a very big apology, you traitor!
America First. I cannot be the Deep State, I have never worked in Government. I have been contracted by, but never have been employed by.
IT’s been over ten days, no signal. No good guys are locking up bad guys. If I will owe an apology, aren’t you already late for yours?
Where’s the signal? It’s t minus ten days and not a peep?
Who got arrested —– name one of the thousands you say are being put away?
Who declared the martial law you imagine we are under and can you still get take-out?
How’s the information pipeline from the Marines in GITMO when there’s mostly Navy and even more civilian there?
Do you still get your news mostly from that tin foil hat site in Romania? Worse rated site ever for truth but best for fake conspiracy stories like you vomit out here.
Is it illusion or delusion…..
I really do not care about Emhoff or Trump.
Maybe the situations may have been preventable but
both are American citizens and tax payers in the U.S.
This is just Dating at its worst.
ANY crime committed by an Illegal here due to Kamala’s lack of willfully
allowing non citizens to enter this country to due harm to American citizens
is unconscionable!
She should be sharing a cell with Hillary!
Yeah, if Trump wins the presidency we will not have to worry about Harris and illegals killing Americans. Trump has already said he is going to do that himself!!! 🙂 He will start with Harris and Liz Cheney.
Oh, Tom? Just when did Trump say he was going to kill us? He can’t kill Harris or Cheney. Harris and both Cheney’s were executed several years ago. What are you smoking? I bet it’s illegal. Your bias is so thick you can’t see through the fumes. Prove Trump said he was going to kill us and when he said it. Prove it, you coward!
Darren: there’s a world of difference between Trump’s crime and the allegations of crime for Harris’s spouse.
As far as Biden’s guilt for crimes of illegals, I will see your bet, and raise you the covid murders by Trump’s response.
If you look on WIKI under death-by-country-covid, *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_death_rates_by_country*
Sort by death rate and see how the US, with Trump’s response, rates 222 out of 238 countries. Imagine if we had a response that came in at 100; that would save over a half a million deaths.
And that’s just for coming in at number 100. I’m not talking about being good, just suggesting that doing better would have saved a lot of life. If you look further into the death detail, it becomes statistically significant that more people in red areas died than people in blue areas. Again, Trump’s response, or lack of clarity on the messaging drove personal choices that virtually murdered people. Thank God most were old and we don’t care. Seems like.
So give me a break about illegal immigrant crime. You know that statistically, your citizen neighbors are more criminal than immigrants. Makes common sense too. Citizens feel entitled. Immigrants live in fear of the law and deportation.
Well maybe were you live your neighbors are more criminal, but not mine.
Trumps crimes against women are all against women that can not remember the day or the time
of the crime.
What woman can not remember something this Allegedly horrific.
If it was a friend of your wives she would remember down to the minuet when something
like this happened.
But for some reason these women can not remember details.
Vague, is the Democrat MOTO!
Lie and deny is the GOP motto. There are many reasons why an abused woman might not remember the date. But they do not forget the assault.
Tom, on this one I think Darren asks a fair question, how could she not remember. I think she even questions it. However, Darren misses that this happens all the time; I am sure they have reasons, but it does happen. Darren should know that. Second, if Darren looks at the court testimony quotes and witness summaries above he will clearly see others peg the time, the act, and even one of her friends saying: “don’t go forward with charges, he will eat you alive.” Given history, seems plausible enough. Point is there’s plenty of testimony as to the time. Many victims forget time.
One other thing Darren, this is a liability case so it’s a preponderance of the evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt. Her evidence is good, it covers the bases. I am not sure Trump had a defense, called witnesses, think he just gave up in court and waged his case in the court of public opinion.
Lastly, Darren. I believe her testimony mentioned penis, but not sure her depiction was one of penetration. Remember the rape charge was denied. Even the judge said “digital rape” not rape in deference to NY State law requiring a penis for rape and Trump’s apparent lack of penis even when whipped out. While reading between the lines, one might surmise they felt something happened but were not quite ready to go full rape. Juries do things that send funny messages sometimes. Like the OJ jury letting him off to reply the all the bad acts of LAPD to the black community over the years. Or at least that’s what I heard somewhere.
But in this case, the jury said he sexually abused her, he defamed her, he must pay and pay a lot. The evidence is there to see how they achieved that decision and given NYC demographics, there was at least one Republican on that jury, if not two. Could of been hung if questionable. Guy woulda got a MAGA Medal.
Oh yeah, on the immigrants, that’s a national average. So you might be right. Probably not, we have a lot of immigrants around here. But neither of us knows so I used the national average.
It appears that these alleged incidents happened before Harris started dating Emhoff. I am curious how so many found out about this when this lady Jane supposedly signed an NDA? I suppose Trump has bad judgement too because he married a high class hooker who also posed for nude pictures.
Personally, I think there is a lot of he said she said and a violated NDA in this mess. And it is a domestic situation where we do not get to hear Emhoff’s side of the events. None of it reflects on Harris in this Independent’s mind.
Slow news day for the Dumpster.
High Class Hooker who cheated her way to the front of the immigration line getting in on the same program for distinguished scientists like Einstein. Her father IS a communist party member, the hooker was raised in his home. She and THE DON used chain migration to get her parents to jump the border and now this communist lives in DONS cabana right next to the top secret document bodega at Mar A Loser.
Her father looks like Don, it’s really creepy.
Just some facts.
I think using a stock picture of a battered women is unprofessional.
And did I miss something, “who the hell is Naylor?” Think something may have slipped in the copy/paste.
Why, Frank, using proof is wrong? So you can have the satisfaction of your own hate. Having proof will show you up? Good! That proof is 100% better than the proof you refuse to get when you are asked to do it and yet you try to fore all the rest of us to show proof and chastise us when we don’t. Pot/kettle, as usual for a stupid idiot like you! Where is all the proof I asked you to prove, coward? Too afraid of being shown up? You betcha that’s correct!
A stock photo of a battered woman is only proof to those who do not need a fake picture to believe.
For if you want to believe a lie, then it’s still a lie that you believe.
Just like the signal. Just like the arrests not happening. Just like you have no “in” with Marines who aren’t even really in the center of this, except in delusion.
It’s just unprofessional to have a picture that appears to be Emhoff’s victim, it isn’t and the author hides that fact.