Kamala Harris Delivers an Uncalled-For and Scathing Critique of Israel

While our greatest ally in the Middle East is engaged in a deadly battle with a brutal, murderous terrorist organization that burns babies and rapes teenagers, Vice President Kamala Harris was dispatched to Dubai to deliver a scolding to Israel to put on a show for the benefit of Arab leaders. Her remarks were morally weak, untethered from reality, and should be considered offensive to anyone who supports Israel.
In the wake of the truly horrific attack on innocent Israeli families on October 7th, when children were literally pulled from the arms of their parents and slain in front of them, President Biden showed righteous anger in his pledge to support Israel. But in the ensuing weeks since, the Biden administration has been bending to public pressure –mostly from the left — that is showing sympathy for Gazans and has, on several occasions, asked Israel to “show restraint” in its efforts to destroy Hamas.
In her remarks in the United Arab Emirates after meetings with leaders of the UAE, Jordan, Egypt, and the Hamas-sponsoring Iranian ally Qatar, Harris delivered a version of the same message. It was rooted in the same failed Obama-era strategy of trying to show “daylight” with Israel in the groundless hope that it will earn more trust in the Arab world. She reiterated the administration’s “steadfast conviction” that “Israel has a right to defend itself” but then insisted, “Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating.”
The reality is that Israel is going above and beyond its responsibilities to minimize civilian casualties, given that it is fighting an enemy that operates from hospitals, UN buildings, schools, and residential neighborhoods. Hamas operates this way as a matter of strategy, and among the objectives of that strategy is eliciting just the reaction that it has from Harris. Israel has provided regular warnings to civilians in areas it plans to target, even though it knows doing so will also alert Hamas fighters. It has allowed trucks of humanitarian aid into Gaza, even knowing that the aid will be diverted to Hamas and that Hamas will steal fuel intended for its people so it can fire rockets at Israel.
Israelis have put more troops in harm’s way by carrying out a methodical ground invasion rather than simply fighting from the skies. The measures that Israel has taken to protect Palestinian civilian lives have put the lives of their own soldiers and civilians at greater risk and have meant that the operation is taking longer than it would without such precautions. And yet, they are getting attacked by the Biden administration
simultaneously for not being surgical enough and for taking too much time — even after having been pressured by the US into pausing combat operations.
Instead of blaming Hamas for the toll on civilians in Gaza — both for launching the war and for using its own civilians as shields — the vice president put the onus on Israel, basically scolding them as she would a defiant child.
A delusional Harris said, “We cannot conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people.”
Perhaps as a matter of the laws of war, this is true, but as a statement about public sentiment among Palestinians, it is an absurd distortion of reality.
On October 7, Palestinians were seen taking to the streets to celebrate the attacks. When a dead Israeli was dragged out from a car in Gaza, a crowd started stomping on his dead body; elsewhere, a crowd cheered as Hamas terrorists paraded a semi-naked dead female body through the streets of Gaza (who we now know to be the murdered German-Israeli Shani Louk). Polling also supports the idea that the scenes were representative of the prevailing sentiment among the population. Three-quarters of Palestinians approved of the October 7 attacks, according to a November poll from the Arab World for Research and Development.
Instead of appeasing Arab autocrats, the Biden administration should deliver one simple message to Israel in its war against Hamas: Get the job done.
She needs to stick to being a token and shut up
Why is she a token?
Or, in your mind, are all blacks tokens?
Joe promised a black woman for vp. Whomp!!!!! There it is!!!!! That makes heels up Harris a token. And she sucks as a vp. But she probably blew Biden to get the job
Good point and 100% true.
navvet — see below. he promised a woman and nothing more.
he did promise a black woman scotus pick though.
Black? She’s about as black as my lily-white zhopa.
Frank stetson, Jim’s comment has nothing to do with color. Get off the racist track and join reality. Harris is the dumbest person in Washington. At least Biden the dictator has a valid reason for stupid remarks where Harris just dose it because she thinks she is funny. Her laugh is sickening, her comments are stupid and most of the time lies. She is a disgrace. Her color has nothing to do with in fact she is a disgrace to the black race just like Warren and Pelosi are to the white race.
NavVet: usually the word “token” is used in a racist fashion demeaning the target based on color. “denoting a member of a minority group included in an otherwise homogeneous set of people in order to give the appearance of diversity” is the definition according to Oxford and while not overtly racist, you know that Jim W. did not mean it as a positive.
Here’s what a self-professed black token at Harvard said: “Making someone the token black person and placing him above other black people assumes that all of us—except for the token, of course—are the same. We live in a society still very much conscious of race—even if people don’t like to admit it openly. Making one black person your trustworthy token while you still view black people as a monolith will not fix the ongoing problem of race in America.”
Here’s the whole article which should spell out why Jim, a white guy no doubt, is a racist if he believes that Harris is a token: *https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2007/2/23/being-the-token-being-the-token/*
But then again, NavVet, you have your own issues when you say: “Her color has nothing to do with in fact she is a disgrace to the black race just like Warren and Pelosi are to the white race.” Either race should have NOTHING to do with how proud you are or should be. WHY is race so important to you all? Why do you continue to judge men based on their race?
Republican myths are dtranger than urban myths.
I am pretty sure Biden never promised a black eoman for vp.
He did promise a woman for vp and an administration that mirrors America.
He did promise a black woman for SCOTUS.
Sorry to change your myth, but still don’t know how maintaining diversity is tokenism?
You may not like Kamala; I don’t either. Plus Joe hasn’t done any favors to her, mayor pete and others he brought on board. Hell, I thought he would mentor a successor, pull a GW and bail in one term.
But she has the education, the experience, to do the job. As good as othet vps. And far better than a duffs like Greene.
It seems like you missed the myth and really don’t have a cause in calling her a token unless you’re justing demeaning her because of race.
What do I know. I’m just vermin to you people of high morality and law and order.
Not so. Busted!!!! He’s on record saying that he would pick a colored woman.
James Wampler, I often have suggested that people look before the look blazingly STUPID, as you do. Open mouth, insert foot. Worse yet, you prove the point that you boys suck Trump’s dick of lies before you dare to look to see if he’s telling you the truth. I still might be wrong, but doubt it. You are certainly wrong, BUSTED, but worse yet, I gave you the out —– he did say he would pick a black woman for SCOTUS. You could have just pivoted and looked the hero, instead you clung to the Trump lie and you look the FOOL. And even worse yet, I am betting you can not step up, be a man, and say you were WRONG. That would not be Trump of you.
And, of course, you list no source, as is the way of you and all the other liars. Incompetent, incapable, and insecure no doubt as well. Here’s my sources:
On the statements: “In the first one-on-one Democratic primary debate Sunday, former Vice President Joe Biden vowed to pick a woman Vice President and promised to appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court. “
Time is left biased with highly factual content.
Here’s another source, this one targets how Wampler and the other sheeples probably got their news. Note Jim: don’t believe a superpac ad…… they are political, partisan, and in the case of Trump: LIE.
“A Republican TV ad targeted at Latino voters in large cities falsely claimed that Joe Biden “promised his party an African American Vice President. Not a Latino.” Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, committed to picking a woman to be his running mate. He didn’t specify a woman of a particular race or ethnicity.
It’s a fact checker, the facts are usually not biased unless selective.
There are many more sources if you care to look. Probably the fake news from the Republicans to further Don’s chances of winning in 2020 by tapping into racist assholes like Jim Wampler, for their vote for their fake President.
And how you equate Harris as a token when she has the education, experience, is not a lone black in government really seems to smack of tokenism as in you think she is inferior and race has something to do with it. OR that Biden benefits blacks by choosing unqualified blacks for the job. And you seem to think blacks as unqualified for historically white jobs. You conclude her qualifications are: “…she probably blew Biden to get the job” as you suck Trump’s dick full of lies…..
Hope that is more to your nasty little man liking.
You are typical of a modern day Liberal. You know nothing but spew your idiotic narrative daily.
You and all those loke you do one thing. Undermine the U.S. and celebrate the Hamas, Iran, Russia
and Red Chine.
Actually, as an Independent/Unaffiliated voter, I see Frank as winning this one. He states several articles, some of which I also found and read. Jim and you have not stated any articles to refute Frank’s statement.
Frank and I grew up in the days before Affirmative Action Programs. So we are very familiar with the entire genesis of the word “token”. As I explained to Jim and Frank: When I have seen the word “token” used since, particularly by Caucasians, it has been as a sort of slur or expression of dissatisfaction with Federal Government Affirmative Action Programs (AAP) which were created to give minorities a fair chance at what was traditionally held to be white collar (white) jobs. The problem that AAP created was that it started bending the requirements downward for minorities to fulfill mandated numbers requirements, and upward for whites which angered many whites. Also some institutions passed over qualified Asians (i.e. Harvard Admissions law suit by Asians) for admissions and jobs. So for me, the word “token” is an expression against an unfair system or institution but also has the connotation that the minority was favored because of skin/race, not because of equal qualification. Thus there is a racial component to the use of the word “token” which is what I think Frank is driving at.
k sny — that’s a long way from Harris…. celebrate hamas — bullshit. iran — never have. you are way off the make and I would guess, one bubble short of plumb.
Retard joe had announced that he was considering four black women for vp. As per CNN Maybe he wanted a belly warmer. He never mentioned a man white or whatever. You’re BUSTED. you lying piece of shit!!!!
Good for you to pick up the CNN piece. Too bad about your comprehension skills.
““I am not committed to naming any (of the potential candidates), but the people I’ve named, and among them there are four Black women” is the statement I believe you are referencing, and I believe in rea-reading it, you will note “among THE there are four Black women.” I think one can assume the others in the “them” are not black. Now, you might find where he said he thinks there are qualified black women amongst the women he was looking for, buy you haven’t proved your statement even though you have gotten quite Sisyphean about it. Pretty sure you can’t admit your mistake.
And you are right, he did say he was picking a woman —- what’s your problem with that? Tokenism?
As to being a lying shit: — it ain’t me babe. Not on this one. It’s all you.
I read the same articles. You are correct Frank. I also think you are correct that the word “token” has a racial component. As I explained to Jim:
The word “token” is interesting. I was once the only white person on an all black baseball team. I was called the token white boy but we all laughed about it. They used to call me the token white boy and I would respond that if they do not play me every game I will sue their ass for discrimination. LOL, we all had fun with it, they were a great bunch of guys. They meant “token” as “the only”. When I have seen the word “token” used since, particularly with Caucasians, it has been as a sort of slur or expression of dissatisfaction with Federal Government Affirmative Action Programs (AAP) which were created to give minorities a fair chance at what was traditionally held to be white collar (white) jobs. The problem that AAP created was that it started bending the requirements downward for minorities to fulfill mandated numbers requirements, and upward for whites which angered many whites. Also some institutions passed over qualified Asians (i.e. Harvard Admissions law suit by Asians) for admissions and jobs. So for me, the word “token” is an expression against an unfair system or institution but also has the connotation that the minority was favored because of skin/race, not because of equal qualification. Thus there is a racial component to the use of the word “token” which is what I think Frank is driving at.
That is funny Tom and reminds me of college where I took my upper level courses early leaving me to fulfil lower level requirements — boredom. While woman in organizations was filled with me and a bunch of seemingly very angry women, racism through film was huge — so 300 folks of the black race, me, and a half dozen white female lacrosse teammates. We all sat together…. Didn’t matter, after each film the teacher always had to know what we whites thought…. Turned out everyone was great, didn’t make any black friends, but enjoy the lacrossers to no end. Nothing sexual, but what fun to go out with six girls at one. And girls who could protect me when I got picked on for being there. Unintended outcomes :>)
And yes. It’s pretty obvious the term was meant as demeaning to Harris, Biden, whatever, and totally due to race. The fact that the dog can’t let this bone alone speaks volumes. Especially when I gave him the obvious pivot if he wanted to avoid looking like the racist pig he undoubtedly is.
As an aside: gotta love — Harris cackles therefore she is incompetent. That never gets old.
Jim, can you show me that record or a link to an article that states that record. I researched Frank’s comment. He is correct. He promised to pick a woman, not a black woman. His party is on record as pressuring him to pick a black woman. The only thing I can find is that Biden did say he was interviewing four black women. I cannot find where Biden actually committed to picking a black woman in advance of his pick.
The word “token” is interesting. I was once the only white person on an all black baseball team. I was called the token white boy but we all laughed about it. They used to call me the token white boy and I would respond that if they do not play me every game I will sue their ass for discrimination. LOL, we all had fun with it, they were a great bunch of guys. They meant “token” as “the only”. When I have seen the word “token” used since, particularly with Caucasians, it has been as a sort of slur or expression of dissatisfaction with Federal Government Affirmative Action Programs (AAP) which were created to give minorities a fair chance at what was traditionally held to be white collar (white) jobs. The problem that AAP created was that it started bending the requirements downward for minorities to fulfill mandated numbers requirements, and upward for whites which angered many whites. Also some institutions passed over qualified Asians (i.e. Harvard Admissions law suit by Asians) for admissions and jobs. So for me, the word “token” is an expression against an unfair system or institution but also has the connotation that the minority was favored because of skin/race, not because of equal qualification. Thus there is a racial component to the use of the word “token” which is what I think Frank is driving at.
Both of you dumbasses can’t read.
Again, 1) provide a link to your proof. 2) Name calling and demeaning remarks are the tools of imbeciles.
I was stationed with a guy from New York who was a staunch democrat. This was in 1964. I wonder what he is now?
Frank Stetson is a lady cleansing tool, nothing more, nothing less. Shut up, Frank!!
It seems that we are being led by insane people, but it is really evil people pulling the strings in the background. We need sane people soon or it will be too late.
She kind of reminds me of the scarecrow from the Wizard Of Oz. Just imagine the hat and some straw around her face. The difference is that the scarecrow in the movie had a functioning brain and was sane.
Only a THINKING Jew would STILL be Democrat . . .
MISS wording – ONLY a NON THINKING JEW would be a Democrat. Sorry about the error!
JoeyP: your claim that the vast majority of Jews are non-thinking, a uplift over stupid idiots, will endear you to this group. Good job!!!
Heels up Harris has a white husband. I guess he’s trying to change his luck
Jim, what luck you talking about?
and why is skin color such an important topic for you?
So much ignorant, off topic commentary here! The bottom line is what Kamala said is correct-there has been too much death and destruction in the Palestinian communities of Gaza. The Biden administration has bent over backwards to support Israel, and Kamala’s comments have done nothing to change that. All I see here is some ignorant, uncaring conservatives trying to make an issue regarding a comment made by a woman with something between her ears rather than the empty void that most on the right have….
That stupid cunt doesn’t have sense enough to do her job. Same as all liberals
In the old south if a man had a run of bad luck he would bed a black woman. The belief was that she would change his luck. And then his gambling luck would improve. Just silly superstitions.
Biden said a Black Woman for the Supreme Court.
So I wonder what would happen if Trump said I need to pick a Black Woman as a running mate?
Well Darren: I am pretty sure he would lose his white supremacist vote and a lot of the KKK Republicans in the South.
Everyone hates a cackler; many see it as a sign of incompetence. Wow. In my house we love a hearty, unique, and joyous laugh. Course no one likes fingers on a chalk board.. For fun I ran a quick resume of education and jobs for Harris, Greene, and Comer. While I expected Greene to be a mouthy bitch of no talent, I also expected Comer to be a dumb farmer —- but he is not. He is as accomplished as Harris, good for him, wonder how he got so lost? He began by working successfully across the line to get things done for his constituency, now he’s just spinning wheels barking like a dog at the moon. Must be Congress, same thing happened to Cruz, and even old Joe just can’t mentor his successor as if he is in his 40’s…..
But here’s the resumes and spoiler alert —- Greene is a sign-board, no talent at all. At least based on accomplishments.
Kamala Harris resume:
1. First woman VP in America
2. First Black VP in America
3. California AG
4. California US Senator
5. Second Black Women in the Senate
6. Howard University – BA
7. UC Hastings – JD
8. Alameda County DA
9. San Fran DA – two terms
10. City Attorney San Fran
Marjorie Taylor Greene Resume
1. U of Georgia – bba but knows little about business, as testified to
2. Bought father’s contracting company, let hubby manage so she could do cross fit training, divorced hubby a couple years later
3. Part time coach – cross fit training gym
4. Opened cross fit gym, quit in four years
5. House Representative
James Comer
1. U of Western Kentucky – BS agriculture
2. 2,300-acre farm PLUS cattle business
3. FFA President in college
4. Director South Central Bank
5. Chamber of Commerce President
6. Kentucky House of Representatives
7. Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner — worked with Democrats – well
8. Hemp Commission Chair, calls for commercial hemp legalization
9. US House Representative
We can argue about the quality of the work and, indeed, Harris has detractors on both sides. But on the merits of their accomplishments, educational achievements, —- Harris and Comer belong in Congress. Greene should be working as a towel girl at cross fit.
Frank I would like you to tell us how you know that republicans are racist. I haven’t been seeing that at all. So in your words “prove it “. And just so you know, having been around republicans rallies and meetings I have never met or saw a KKK member or met any members of nazis. So someone is lying and it ain’t me.
Dan, thanks for reading, I appreciate it. However, my statement is usually that all Republicans are not racists, but most racists are Republicans. There’s a difference. And I am pretty sure what I said here was Lucas, Wampler and the rest have said some things that sure look racist, perhaps unintended, but racist. In Wampler’s case, nope, he’s a racist. Been weighed measured, given a chance, and no, he’s a racist. And the guys who regularly say nucking figger are mostly certainly full bird racists. Now, in that I mean overt, in-your-face racism. I do not mean systemic racism which all of us, sorry Horist, all of us participate in.
I am pretty sure the KKK and Nazi’s attending your rallies and meetings are not going to stand up and yell out their affiliation. But 1.6.2021 was basically full Republican white riot and ablaze with Confederate flags supported by gallows invoking lynching’s in a number of spots. While, in all honesty, IMO, the gallows were for treason, when a Black person sees gallows next to a Confederate flag, they have another feeling and it ain’t good. Now I am partly from the South, at least MD, and I love the stars and bars admiring the rebel nature and their pluck. Plus it looks cool. But never the cause. I have charged Picket’s charge and looked down from the other side as well to just see perhaps how they could do what they did so brave, so impossible. I have laid in the bloody row and the gun pits at Antietam again, not sure how the North made those advances. I even spent the night in Gettysburg sleeping over a Confederate hospital area, no ghosts, but really scary. I even lived in a house that was there as the boys marched through my fields on the way to and from the battle. But I put my flag away because the cause was the worse form of racism needed to make whites feel better about slavery and the symbol today denotes racism to many.
The black cops on Trump’s stop the steal day had to withstand a barrage of racial epitaphs like: “One woman in a pink MAGA (Make America Great Again) shirt yelled, ‘You hear that guys, this n—- voted for Joe Biden!’” ‘Boo! F—-ing n—-!’ You can look up the taunts, they are many of the racist hate speak variety.
Oathkeepers were there supporting Trump: racists
ProudBoys were there supporting Trump: racists
The Three Percenters, albeit an anti-government chaos club, also puts the hate on Muslims, immigrants, and blm blacks.
Texas Freedom Force, racists
National Socialist Club neo nazi’s were there to support Trump
They were all there, in force, many arrested, convicted and now in jail. Trump needs racism to win the Presidency. He caters to it.
In 2016, the KKK formally endorsed Donald J. Trump for President, David Duke too. It’s been that way for a while. This is why Horist and others are so desperate to prove Democratic systemic racism in our cities. He knows cities are black, are under Dem’s control, they have issues of poverty, race, etc. and he can attempt to cover the racism found in the Republican party by blaming Democrats for systemic racism found everywhere. But I am not talking systemic, I am talking the kind that looks at you with hatred to kill, hurls hate-speak racist epitaphs, or even stupid little jabs that PBP is famous for like NUCKING FIGGER or TOKEN or worse. Then, for this rag, the timid little PBP money-makers hide behind their fake shield of the first amendment because they don’t have the balls to stand up and say: ENOUGH.
Good points. But if I disagree with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or BLM on a few points and actions, am I racist? Serious question. Not a gotcha. I certainly don’t suggest the Republican Party to cause any problems for black folks. It’s more about freedom from government as much as feasible
No. Disagree away. I find Sharpton boring.
Likewise, I disagree with Israel’s apartheid but I am not antisemitic, not even anti Israel.
Actually about 60% of my support for republicans is the gun issue I used to occasionally vote for democrats and was registered as a democrat. But I didn’t leave them. They left me, as Ronald Reagan said
Yup, Dems left me too. I looked around and realized when Hillary was running that according to her I was the problem. I was totally disenfranchised by her campaign. BTW, I often disagree with Sharpton and I feel he is a race baiter. He only seems to show up when a black person is said to have been killed by a white person. He never shows up for a black killed by a black, neither does BLM. And BLM has been proven by the IRS to be mostly a sham. I have not heard much from Jessie in years.
Yup, we certainly changed around Hillary. Gonna get worse since younger = progressive as we more moderates croak iff
On guns, the NRA is it’s own political party and you guys will ultimately loose because you don’t look forcthecwin-win.
The constitution would have to be changed. It could happen but would be an uphill battle. But getting us to comply would be a challenge. Lol
Dear Kamala: Hamas started this war on October 7, and it’s up to Isreal to end HAMAS a.s.a.p. Period. Is Gaza suffering? Yes it is thanks to HAMAS. Isreal doesn’t put missle launchers in public places like schools.. apartment buildings and hospitals …HAMAS does. And they do it , so they get stupid people like to believe their propaganda when Isreal retaliates.
I am pretty sure GAZA feels they are suffering because of Israeli bombs funded and sold by America are raining down.
I agree that Israel should wipe out Hamas but the civilian carnage is getting to be extreme. Entire families. Women. Children. Hospitals. Refugee camps. I am pretty sure the ratio of Hamas:civilians is low and getting lower every day.
It’s time to come to a conclusion.