Is Beto back?

Former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke – the man who once declared that he was born to be President – has resurfaced from political obscurity. He is more than hinting at a run for Governor against incumbent Republican Greg Abbott.
In 2018, O’Rourke ran against incumbent Republican Senator Ted Cruz. His supporters saw the closeness of the race as a victory of sorts. But, he lost.
Having failed to win the race in his home state of Texas, O’Rourke says the national attention he garnered is the foundation for a run for President of the United States. Why losing one’s home state provides the impetus to move on to the highest office in the land is a head-scratcher.
But O’Rourke is not hampered by common sense and political reality. He is driven by his own sense of importance. He announced to the world that by some internal oracle, he has been born to be President – a second political coming, in his case.
Weeeell … despite O’Rourke’s claim to have the support of Providence, his run for President did not turn out well. In fact, unlike his Senate race, O’Rourke did not even come close to the Democrat presidential nomination – much less the presidency.
Politicians like O’Rourke are often referred to as a “flash in the pan” – a political personality that is hot for a very short time. Then it is off to political oblivion.
That is not to say they accept their fate. Ego driven politicians like O’Rourke do not give up easily. They are inspired by those rare cases in which a politician beats the odds and comes back from dark corner of obscurity. Hmmmm. I cannot think of an example at the moment. Oh yeah! President Nixon.
If O’Rourke was inspired by President Biden’s presidential comeback after his humiliating exit from the 1988 presidential race, he does not have a relevant example. Biden avoided political obscurity by hanging on to his Senate seat for decades – and then rode the Obama-tail into the vice presidency.
Though it is admittedly crystal ball punditry, I think O’Rourke will not do as well in a race for governor than he did in his race against Cruz. If there is serious competition in the Democrat primary, O’Rourke may not even get the chance to run against Abbott.
O’Rourke brings a pair of Achilles Heels to the Texas battlefield. He’s too far left on the gun issue. His “hell yes, we’re going to take your guns” was not the battle cry to which most Texans would respond.
O’Rourke’s stand on border security is not acceptable to voters in a state impacted most by the Democrats open border policies. Yes, O’Rourke pays lip service to border security – as do all the other hypocritical Democrats – but that snake oil no longer sells well in the Lone Star State.
I do not know what political future there is for O’Rourke – if any – but he might be wise to skip the gubernatorial race in Texas. Another defeat would only secure his place in political obscurity.
So, there ‘tis.
Beatoff will make a fool of himself again
When a Democrat does better than (or beto than) expected in a blood-red state like Texas, chances are pretty good that he will be competitive nationally. And the fact that both Cruz and Abbott continually make asses of themselves makes Beto’s chances ever-better. Texas is changing – people are moving there and bringing a more modern world-view with them. Abbott is busy getting as many Republicans infected and/or killed with COVID as he can, and he’s losing support (some of it permanently). And Cruz opens his mouth on a regular basis… enough said.
Beatoff will never hold office again. So you commie assholes will learn, “ don’t mess with Texas “. There’s not going to be any riding retard joe’s coattails. Unless you want to follow your commie party over a cliff
“Beatoff will make a fool of himself again” as you already have once again, with this name calling. The things you take joy in sharing is just amazing.
I know that you get pissed off over the name calling. But it’s funny. Do you mind the blm scum calling our police heros pigs? But it’s better to be pissed off than pissed on