Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants Poised to Siege the Border if Harris Wins

Hundreds of thousands of migrants are gathering and being held beyond the US southern border, waiting to see the outcome of the US election, and border officials say they will likely storm the US should Harris take the White House.
Southern Mexico holds a migrant ticking time bomb created by the Harris-Biden administration that may go off in less than two weeks.
In the small town of Tapachula, Mexico, near the border of Guatemala, a swarm of hundreds of thousands of migrants awaits to hear the outcome of November 5
The fuse was lit in December 2023, when the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris, worried about what the optics of such a crowd at the southern border would do to their re-election chances, worked a back door deal with Mexican officials to gather up the masses and “internally” deport them away from the US border, deep into Mexico in towns like Tapachula,
The deal was to have Mexico deploy 32,500 troops to the US border to round up untold thousands of intending border crossers from the northern precincts and force-ship them by planes and buses thousands of miles to Mexico’s southern provinces and entrap them in cities like Tapachula behind militarized roadblocks. Mexico closed off most of its freight trains to migrant freeriders, bulldozed northern camps, and patrolled relentlessly for more deportee targets.
The effect was immediate. Illegal border crossings plummeted from an embarrassing, record-breaking 12,000 to 14,000 per day in November and December 2023 to about 3,000 or 4,000 per day before January was even over.
But the crisis isn’t over, and Tapachula and other Mexican towns like it are bursting at the seams!
The just-released 2025 Homeland Threat Assessment from the Department of Homeland Security says the decrease in illegal border crossing is largely due to “increased Mexican enforcement efforts.”
Mexico is still trying to hold up its end of the bargain, at least until November 5, even though more migrants are starting to slip through and making it over the Texas or California borders.
The question is what happens after the American election? What happens if that enforcement stops, as is likely to occur if Harris is elected and can return to her extreme liberal views of immigration?
No matter who wins, Mexico might well consider that it more than satisfied its obligation to the current White House occupant and open the floodgates.
Even if Trump wins, Americans should expect a massive tidal wave of caravans for the 10 weeks before Inauguration Day. According to Fox News and NY Post reporters on the ground in southern Mexico, migrants say they fear a Trump presidency and will rush to the border in a last-ditch attempt to get into the US before he takes draconian border enforcement measures.
But at least a Trump victory would result in only a temporary flood. A Harris win could mean a tidal wave of human suffering that could for the next four years, much like the last four!
and you vote for democrats,
you are just a guilty as they for letting in millions upon millions ILLEGALS
so when YOU have NO food or shortages
and your medical needs are on the waiting list,
and your housing is less and more expensive,
and your children NOT learning in schools just becoming dumber,
and your JOBS are less and less
you can only blame yourself for voting democrat
the american destroyers
Once again, the dems have been lying to us. Their claims of transparency are so false.
I’m sorry, how do we know there are hundreds of thousands of folks waiting to cross at the border?
The author offered no sources, no numbers.
The picture is not even labelled.
The story basically says, it’s really good now but someday it will be bad.
Wow. In the days of AI, fake news, conspiracy theory at the rest, some folks will believe anything that fits their paradigm.
Stranger danger – so what if others don’t give you statistics under your dictatorship. If you don’t believe them, then do the patriotic investigations yourself. GO to the border and see for yourself, at that point we can start believing your trash. As of your post, you can’t even prove what is or isn’t true. We are tired of your accusations. We are tired of your incessant accusations that you deliberately try to make all other people that comment believe you are so damned correct and the rest of us are f’ing liars. It is you that are what you do to us. You are the liar, you are the accuser, you are the dictator. You are trash. Trash! I have ben not nice in this post, but it is 99% better than the hate you spew every damn time you waste our time with. You are no longer even credible. You spewed the hate, we responded, especially me because you need to see yourself in our eyes and in God’s, however, I don’t think you even believe in God or Source. You are pure evil, Satan evil! I will continue to post so others know what evil you are. Don’t like this? Come get me, coward! I am NOT going to stop!
Stranger Danger, PS, I am not the one in charge of the dates for anything in history, not even the EBS signal. I am not the one that keeps changing the dates. So, get the Hell off my back about that signal. Time will tell anyway. Mr. Know it all evil trash!
This is a Border Black Friday event.
Just do the math on how many are here, average the
rate over the last 3 years and triple it to be on the Conservative side.
I hope the math is not to difficult for the Democrats on this site?
“That EBS/EAS signal is supposed to go off this weekend. The disclosure movies will prove everything I have ever said. My advice? When you see those recordings, have a bucket in front of you because you may get sick unless you are part of the elite underground child trafficking sickness which then you won’t need that bucket. Then you will see all the arrests that have happened already and find out who’s next. All your rich elite friends are going to have a new home for a short while. Then they won’t need those homes anymore.”
It’s Saturday, do you know where your EBS signal has gone?
It’s Sunday, do you know your EBS from your EAS?
Only ten hours left before, like all before, this dog don’t hunt. Where’s my dinner and a movie followed by arrests announcements? Send in the Marines! Gotta gitmo to get-along.
“I am not the one in charge of the dates for anything in history, not even the EBS signal.” You just read it, believe it, and then post it as if you are the one in charge of the dates for this disaster causing the EBS/EAS, locking many away, and God knows what other dreams of destruction you fabricated. And now say” I’m not to blame, not my dates, not me.” You just printed them as the truth and no way in fuck will you apologize for passing along a lie as the truth because it’s not you. Well, that goes for everything you have ever said I guess.
I’ll stick to facts, figures, statistics to frame my truth. And not one that you have counter evidence to. Just a lot of noise. Now you beg for me to come to get you. Trust me, you could spread you legs and I wouldn’t fuck you with Gilbertson’s dick. That’s a truth you can believe.
Meanwhile, back on track, Darren says “Just do the math on how many are here, average the rate over the last 3 years and triple it to be on the Conservative side.” He claims Dems are math challenged on this but he has not a number in sight. Now sure rate, whatever rate is, will get you there. Not to mention you don’t even qualify what you are counting? Immigrants, unauthorized, legal asylum seekers, dreamers, all of the above? Not to mention the subtractions, like the new citizens, those who go home, those deported, those who die.
Here’s PEW on unauthorized workers, not that bad out to 2022: *https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/07/22/what-we-know-about-unauthorized-immigrants-living-in-the-us/#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20unauthorized%20immigrants%20in%20the%20U.S.%20workforce%20grew,peak%20of%205.4%25%20in%202007.*
Here’s HHS on all unauthorized. Again, not that bad out to 2022: *chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://ohss.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2024-06/2024_0418_ohss_estimates-of-the-unauthorized-immigrant-population-residing-in-the-united-states-january-2018%25E2%2580%2593january-2022.pdf* Run the xls which shows, by state, so you can see that after Trump incarcerates them all for deportation that Texas will need a camp to house 10% of it’s work force followed by a gift from God to hire 10% of it’s work force. Remember covid? What, that was 9% of the work force and look at the crisis that rate caused. There are a handful of states that will incarcerate a good portion of their workforce and then try to figure out how to get the work done.
Bottom line: probably less than you fear. Here’s USAfacts that has a nice review: *https://usafacts.org/articles/what-can-the-data-tell-us-about-unauthorized-immigration/*
But the base point is 1) it’s been bad the past couple years. 2) especially since covid under Trump brought the number so low, 3) covid also jerked the number around as Title 42 cut them, then Title 42 provided a revolving door of repeat offenders skewing the totals, 3) NO ONE has estimated totals here since 2022. So you are fucking guessing at best, projecting at worse. Least you don’t outright lie.
As I mentioned, covid slowed illegals during Trump. Trump’s response to covid was so bad that even illegals felt safer at home. Trump murdered so many more with his response that any illegal ever will. Darren likes math, try this: amongst 238 countries, our death rate places us at 222. We killed over 3,500 per million for a total of over 1.2M dead. Imagine if Trump could deliver a rate of 1,700 per million like Belize which ranked 167 in death versus our 222. It’s not like I am setting a high bar like being in the top 10 countries. I am saying cut it in half to come in, like Belize, at number 167.
We would have saved 600,000 lives that Trump murdered. Now that’s a number to think about.
Stranger danger, you said ” I wouldn’t fuck you with Gilbertson’s dick.” Whatever that is. I wouldn’t have sex with a walking penis disease like you either. I gave out information from other sources, that information was not made up my me. I am not a Marine or National Guard nor am I a JAG officer. I am just a citizen that is 77 years old, you f’ing jerk! The EAS signal stands for Emergency Alert System and is for alerts or national problems, abductions, elder alerts for missing persons. The EBS is Emergency broadcast system and is used to broadcast special information, in case you didn’t know that. I just received more conformation that your dear friends, the criminal elite sabotaged the signal so it did not go off as planned, but it will. Were you part of the sabotage? What part did you play in that? Why would you hurt millions of people by sabotaging the signal? Do you really think Trump murdered all those people? I think you did that, helped Fauci kill as many people and kids as you could. I really think you were in on that. Every time you post, you only go after the Conservatives. Okay, go ahead and show anyone that reads these posts how awful you are. Like I have said to others, come get me if you don’t like my constitutional right to free speech. Come to my door and kill me. That is EXACTLY what you like to do – kill! Also, I do NOT lie about anything. Ever, Period. I post what I believe to be the truth. I don’t make anything up about the politics either – like you do. I hate liars, can’t abide by them, can’t condone liars or any criminals? When did you start raping babies in the bass end? You are part of the elite that go in the tunnels for your special dinner of baby, after torturing, draining blood, killing and cooking them? When? tell us so we can finally know the truth about you. Yes, those are my feelings about you. What I think you really are, a criminal, through and through. You, idiot Frand and other worms like you all who are the same person. You carry on different posts with three different names. You post to yourself. You are sick and deranged. I invite you again, coward, come to my house, but you won’t get sex, yuk with you anyway. Come one. I am waiting. That signal is real and will happen, then we all can say goodbye to you!
Sorry, Ms. First, that was rude of me. I apologize for that and for disturbing you so. I wish you best in your endeavors except the ones where people get incarcerated or worse.
I’ve been to the border to a friend’s ranch and although I didn’t count the throngs of illegals coming through his property tearing down his fences and stealing everything not bolted down. I can only imagine the hoards coming through up and down the border. I have a hard time trying to figure out what makes people like you tick.
Anecdotal data is one man’s view. It is your personal truth. You note “throngs.” It is one vantage point for an undefined time. Perhaps the truth but witness testimony is quite unreliable as proven in court, especially without redirect
The statistics above are scientific evidence known as the truth it is supported by evidence, methodology, and practices. There are numbers, not “throngs.”
You refute none of it
I do not call you a liar but rely on statistics, not anecdotal data.
Hope that helps you understand “people” like me who really is just a person like you.
Stranger Danger, you went off into Covid and that is fine!
9 Months before the Covid outbreak, Fouche mentioned he had a surprise
for Trump coming in his last year.
The Elitist’s in this country let Fouche create this Virus 16 years earlier as Fouche owns the Patent on this Virus.
Therefore he did not let anyone develop a vaccine with out his permission.
The medications that effectively worked against the Virus were out of patent and any Lab could have
produced it but that was down played to protect Fouche and the Government controlled interests!
Meantime people died because the Virus was sent to another country as the Elites were safe from
Government restrictions in its development.
The videos proving this are on You Tube.
“9 Months before the Covid outbreak, Fouche mentioned he had a surprise for Trump coming in his last year.”
We can start there treating the rest as fruit of the tree. Let’s see if your first fact is poisonous and to who. I am betting you gots nuthin.
I heard him say it while working for the cia.
kamala is a loser, no morals, no values. lies, cheats. 92% of her staff quit or was fired