How many police were killed in the Capitol Hill Riot?

The answer to the headline question depends on one’s political leanings. If you are on the radical left, the answer is five. We know that because a number of those talking heads on cable news have said so – repeatedly. Those on the right – who know the traditional definition of “killed in the riot” — generally say the number is zero.
So, how can there be such disparity on an issue that should be so readily obvious?
You do not even have to be a Republican or conservative to see the gross misrepresentation of the truth by those on the left. All you need is to have a functional brain with an ability to be objective.
We need to start out with an irrefutable FACT. No police office was “killed” as a result of the riot. No police officer died of injuries incurred at the riot. That is an established fact. I know I repeated myself, but the left gets very thick-headed when pushing their propaganda.
The left launches their mendacious claim by pointing to Officer Brian Sicknick who died at his police headquarters long after he returned unscathed from Capitol Hill.
The media initially reported that he was killed after being struck by a fire extinguisher. The autopsy showed that Sicknick had no body or head wounds. Later video showed that Sicknick was not hit with a fire extinguisher or anything else.
To salvage their story, the media then reported that Sicknick was … or might have been … killed as an after affect of being sprayed with bear repellent. Those reports also proved to be untrue from video evidence and the autopsy.
In fact, the autopsy showed that Sicknick had died of natural causes unrelated to the riot – from a previously undetected medical condition.
The other four deaths that Democrats and the media personalities attribute to the rioting were suicides long after January 6th. Suicides are usually due to a complex range of issues. It is not easy to tell or understand the motivations. Since hundreds of Capitol Police did not commit – or even attempt – suicide, there obviously were more issues that impacted on those who did.
I have experienced the heartbreak of suicide within my greater family. Perhaps that is why I find the Democrats and their media cronies using – politicizing – the deaths of those offices as a heartless and reprehensible act of political skullduggery.
By traditional measures, only one person died violently as a result of the rioting – and that was Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death trying to break into the house chamber. There were also reports of one person dying of a heart attack – an older individual with a pre-existing heart condition—and another who died of an overdose.
This is just another shameless example of Democrats and their pals in the press kiting the information to inflate their false narratives about the rioting –trying to make it much more than it was. Even though it was bad enough without the politically hyped propaganda narratives.
So, there ‘tis.
This Person that you think died of an over dose was a Woman who came in through a back entrance. She had no drugs and was not armed. She was bashed in the head with guns and fists by the FBI and/or Police or Guard. They beat her so bad that She died. They gave the excuse that She overdosed. How do I know this? I read it on a few different sites and I most definitely believe it. I believe that the whole 1/6 debacle was set up by Nancy Pelosi with the help of the FBI and maybe Capital Police.
Can you post some sources?
On Nancy – agreed.
Yes, early that morning Nancy put on her Buffalo headdress, painted her face, and went to the FBI to coordinate efforts with the Capitol Police. Then she went to the rally, stuck her hand up Trump’s ass and began to move his lips like a puppet saying only what Nancy needed to get the party started. But it didn’t work. So Nancy unleashed her secret weapon. A Pelosi Clone Army festooned with Confederate flags, Trump flags, weapons, and a nice Pence-on-a-gallows parade float. She also cloned Mike Pence and had that clone hide in the basement whimpering to the Secret Service that he just wanted to go home.
Can’t wait to see Anonymouse’s sources. Hard to find a laugh on this one, but anon may go where others fear to tread.
Yeah Larry, some bad reporting, knee jerk, shoulda known better.
I see most of it accurate lately with the usual caveat on the “five” when used.
Whattaboutism Trump lies yada, yada, yada….. makes this look like small change.
We definitely need to get Punchingbagtimes.com going again. It was the foolish-er, uh… I mean liberal counterpart to the punching bag post.
I don’t understand? Why wouldn’t you just want one board to discuss all issues, both sides of the aisle?
I would love some more general posts like: “what you you think about xxxxxxxxxx” rather than conservative point, liberal response……. that could be fun. Like: “federalism and state’s rights: discuss…..”
The original idea of punching bag was two sides, and fight in the middle. Problem is you need two sets of advertisers, so you need two sites.
Frank … you are really getting tiresome with your nonsensical claims and what I assume you must think is a clever writing style. I know you said you keep commenting as a means of practicing your writing. You do need more practice on both content and style.
Frank …. bad reporting? I should have known what? I did notice that you did not specifically challenge my contention that no police were killed in the January 6 riot.
“Yeah Larry, some bad reporting, knee jerk, shoulda known better.”
Larry, yes, I agree with you, this was some bad reporting, looked like a knee-jerk reaction, they should of known better than to leap before they looked.
“I see most of it accurate lately with the usual caveat on the “five” when used.”
Larry, yes, as of late, I see most reporting has the proper caveats whether they use 1, 5, or some other number. They usually caveat the number with the proper rationale for it’s usage.
“Whattaboutism Trump lies yada, yada, yada….. makes this look like small change.”
Larry, compares to most of the reign of Trump, this number of small lies seems like a nothing burger in comparison to the size and scope of Trumpian lies consumed by the faithful like yourself.
Hope that clarifies your confusion or why I did not challenge your contention. Yes, I need more practice. As do you. Remember, you’re never too old to learn some new things. Or are you :>)
Pelosi: did you have a source, a transcript for that? Because all I have seen is Republican requests for said information made by Republicans who are not on the committee after Republicans pulled their committee=-selects, each of which were advocates of The Big Lie and were seen as obstructionist offers at best. Saboteurs at worst. So, you had a chance, you overplayed your hand, and I have yet to see any transcript outlining your concern.
This started just after the Republican-selects got dumped and of course is ridiculous given the Speaker of the House has no responsibilities for Capitol security unless she swayed the Capitol Police Board that oversees the US Capitol Police and ultimately would approve requests for National Guard assistance. It’s not her responsibility or even her expertise. There are Republicans on the Board. There are members that are not politicians. Ask them.
Another fact check by USA Today basically saying this is a bunch of bunk as well: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/07/27/fact-check-nancy-pelosi-isnt-in-charge-capitol-police/8082088002/
I think Pelosi had done her ‘splaining, you just keep pushing the same debunked theory. Also works the best when the base hates the target to begin with. Good job!
Yes, the timing of the Select Committee will be political. Should a fuckin thought about that before you stormed the Capitol. Timing, it’s a bitch sometimes. Ask Biden about the timing for inflation, high gas prices, and the omicron variant….
But I think the 1/6 committee is the least of your issues when it comes to the trials and tribulations of Trump. The FAKE Trump electors in five, and perhaps up to seven, states, with the same letter, claiming qualification to elect Trump, headed up by Ghouliani looks interesting. The draft Trump order to have the National Guard seize voting machines probably drafted by Trump Lawyer Sydney Powell seems to indicate there’s a variety of vote rigging plans being made. The Eastman memo with a six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election, that’s some good reading, and yet another plank in the coup platform. Trump’s off-the-book meetings in the White House residence just before 1/6 as reported by Trump’s press secretary.
At the committee’s current pace, and sans ducking or using the fifth, pretty sure this is going to break well before November of 2022. And that’s not even the civil cases in NY, yet another fraud count, or Georgia convening a Grand Jury over Trump’s messing with the vote down there, and a few more about to break.
No, Larry, I don’t think Trump is worried about Pelosi and her involvement in 1/6 right now. He’s trying to figure the end game where, not being President, it’s not like he can just pull a Nixon and resign to make it all go away…… And when it does all go South, you will get your acid test on whether the party is Trump and Trump is the party in 2022.
Frank you and Ben should shut up and vote Republican
Regarding Pelosi. If there was any doubt as to the purpose of the Select Committee — that being a propaganda vehicle to use against Republicans before the Midterm Election — all you need to know is the fact that the Committee said Pelosi is off limits in their inquiry. As the person who oversees the Capitol Hill police — and the person who may have rejected the National Guard, she is a key witness to any fair inquiry. Why the Capitol was so purely guarded even as the intel community was issuing warnings is a very important question. Had the Capitol Building been properly guarded by police and guardsmen, there would not have been a riot. There would have been no way to breech several hundred guardsmen forming a perimeter. Pelosi has some serious ‘splaining to do — but the bogus Select Committee isn’t going to seek the answers. In fact, they are not touching any question about the lack of protections.
That’s a weird question, here’s a better one.
Does it matter how many police were killed as a result of the insurrection?
Hey, what ever happened to trump’s law that was going to make it a minimum 10 prison sentence to protest and desecrate Federal monuments and buildings?