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House Speaker Pelosi Warns Against Impeachment Talk

House Speaker Pelosi Warns Against Impeachment Talk

Top Democrats are trying to reign in calls for impeachment following the release of Robert Mueller’s report.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and others held a conference call Monday to discuss how best to discourage such talk, warning that a push to oust Trump without first pinpointing criminal wrongdoing could harm the Party’s performance in the elections next year. 

“As we proceed to uncover the truth and present additional needed reforms to protect our democracy, we must show the American people we are proceeding free from passion or prejudice,” wrote Pelosi. “It is also important to know that the facts regarding holding the President accountable can be gained outside of impeachment hearings.”

Pelosi is all too aware of the potential ramifications here, having had a front row seat to the impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998 and the damage it caused the Republican Party.

While the Mueller Report did not find evidence of collusion or of criminal wrongdoing, it did outline 10 examples of Trump potentially obstructing justice.

Some Democrats have described the document as a “roadmap” for impeachment.

“The bottom line message is: proceed with caution, but proceed,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA), one of several Democrats who started to think about impeachment after reading the Mueller Report. “I have to admit that the Mueller report has shifted my views, and has forced me to reexamine an issue I thought I had pretty much come to grips with.”

Others in favor of impeachment include: Al Green (D-TX), Maxine Waters (D-CA), Jared Huffman (D-CA), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Val Demings (D-FL). 

“I think we have great evidence that the president has blatantly violated so many laws. It’s just ridiculous,” said Demings. “Mueller didn’t do us any favors,” she added, “he left us bread crumbs to follow.”

When asked if he was worried about impeachment, President Trump responded: “Not even a little bit.”

As he tweeted Monday: “Only high crimes and misdemeanors can lead to impeachment. There were no crimes by me, so you can’t impeach. It was the Democrats that committed the crimes, not your Republican President! Tables are finally turning on the Witch Hunt!”

Author’s Note: The Dems have been trying to impeach Trump since before he took office (we have the text messages to prove it), but it’s never going to happen. 

I’m not a huge fan of Nancy Pelosi, but she knows what she’s talking about. It would be a HUGE mistake for the Democratic Party to focus its time and energy on impeachment proceedings this close to an election; the effort would almost certainly cost the Party seats and potentially ensure a Republican president. 

About The Author


  1. Jennifer

    Americans recoil at harassment of any kind.
    The Dems., making a mockery of themselves all along is one thing, but persecution of a sitting President on the other side, who is achieving like none other, is quite another thing. Nancy is right.
    Back off of him. Put a lock on Maxine’s fat mouth and send her on a one way trip to charm. Send Adam, the lying Schifft, straight to you know where. There’s no hope in any free society for veteran liars like him. Do those two, and there might be a chance of being forgiven.

  2. William Blake

    The democrats have done not one thing for this great country for two years except to cry and moan because President Trump was not supposed to have won the election. So they put things on the hold , suck there thumbs and whine and wasting tax payers money on a STUPID “theory” that he did something wrong. You bunch of morons couldn’t lead your dogs around your own yards much less do anything productive for the country. GET OVER IT ALREADY!!!!!!

  3. Philip Simon

    Nancy, Nancy Boe Bancy, Banana Fannah Foe Fancy, Fie Fi Foe Fancy, Nancy, make up your mind please, you make me sick.

    • JOY

      haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa made my day GREAT

  4. Yvonne

    Most of the democrats are laughable!….they want President Trump impeached……and then nancy shows up and it just gets crazier and more laughable.

  5. JamisonOwen

    Well Nasty Peeeeelosy is capable of saying something that has some truth to it. Hey Nasty, stand by—YOU Next!!!!!

  6. GM

    I am ready to vote Republicans into the House and Senate. Let the Democrats be elected by their accomplishments for the country and not for their lips flapping in the wind. Shut the impeachment down already! I am tired of hearing about their go nowhere accomplish nothing impeachment process!!!

  7. Ron P



  8. Josephg

    Can’t wait until all of your evil deeds and that of the rest of you demonocRATS come to light and you and all of the rest will be held accountable.

  9. William Martin

    Simply put, Schiff, Waters, Swallwell, Greene, Nadler, the squad, Jackson Lee , Schumer, Pelosi and her minions,
    Gracie whoever (rep from Hawaii) , Castro, and ANY of the 2020 dems running for President,
    1 .. Shouldn’t even be there , all lack the basic knowledge of the issues .
    2 .. ONLY THING THEY HAVE FIXATED ON IS OUSTING TRUMP since prior to him taking the office.
    3. can only offer up a SOCIALIST
    What we see is a group of do-nothing democrats ignoring their duties to the detriment of our country , all in an effort to remove a duly elected President and getting NOTHING done.
    This makes us happy.. 4 MORE YEARS and A FEW MORE SCOTUS APPTS ..
    Thanks Democrats !!

  10. David Barron

    Democratic Play book, Chapter 1, Page 1: If you don’t get what you want first whine about it. Then think about the goals you want to achieve. Next Make up stories about how the other side caused you to lose, told lies, cheated, did illegal things. Once the story is juicy enough and had it off to the willing Press Media. The Press will put there spin on it and report it to the masses. Then the Democrats will point at the Televised Reports and say the story must be true because the Media has reported it. Goal is to take down anything that stands in the way of the Democratic Graft and Corruption Train and keep it rolling along.

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