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HORIST: Trump gets a YUGE ‘I told you so’ from Mueller

HORIST: Trump gets a YUGE ‘I told you so’ from Mueller

There is much detail yet to be revealed in the Mueller Report.  But the fact that there are no further indictments means that there was no collusion between President Trump – or members of his campaign – with Russia.

None.  Hnkto.  No subsequent details in the Report will change that fact or its meaning.

After approximately two years, tens of thousands of man-hours of aggressive investigation and the expenditure of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, Special Counsel Robert Mueller failed to find sufficient evidence to indict ANYONE associated with Trump of collusion with the Russians.  Trump’s “no collusion” mantra has been totally vindicated.

It is important to keep in mind that those associated with the campaign who have been indicted in conjunction with the investigation have been charged with secondary process crimes – basically lying to investigators about a crime that is now shown to not have existed according to Mueller.

Of course, there are a bunch of Russian operatives who have been indicted for illegal interference with our election.  The lack of indictments of any campaign official, Trump family member or the President himself means there was no linkage … period.  The Russian counterintelligence investigation is still ongoing on at the FBI, but no longer tied to Trump or his associates.

With this conclusion, the entire political house-of-cards propped up by Democrats and their propaganda arm in the elitist east coast media comes crumbling down.  For two years, they have proffered the argument that the campaign had colluded.  They said it outright.  They flat-out accused Trump of being an agent – and asset – of the Russian Federation.  Democrat historian-hack John Meacham even suggested that Trump was guilty of treason just hours before the release of the Mueller Report.  On a daily basis, they convicted Trump and his campaign in the kangaroo court-of-public opinion of the most heinous crimes against America without a shred of evidence – just false narratives based on political hot air.

That entire false narrative so often presented as fact-based has now crashed to the ground.  It is now clear that for the past two years, the major media has been willfully and maliciously deceiving the public.  They have exacerbated public division discord by engaging in the most shameful partisan propaganda paraded as news.

For months, Democrats have been split over whether to go forward with impeachment regardless of any compelling evidence – mostly just out of sheer hatred for Trump –  or to wait on the conclusions of the Mueller investigations.

Weeeeell, now that they have the major conclusion – no indictments for collusion, ergo no collusion –most of the basis, the reasons, the rationale for all those Democrat-run congressional investigations evaporates.  But they are determined to persist.

As could be expected, the anti-Trump media is filled with talking heads creating amended false narratives.  They say it is still possible that Trump was guilty of both collusion and obstruction of justice but avoided the indictment only because – according to Justice Department regulations – a sitting President cannot be indicted.  Even in the wake of the Mueller Report, MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace still claims that Trump is guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice – and she is not alone in the rejection of innocent until proven guilty.  They believe – nay, hope – that other investigations will uncover the collusion and obstruction of justice that were not produced through the enormous efforts of Mueller and his team.

They also argue – without any foundation in fact – that it is only because a sitting President cannot be indicted that Trump was not .  It is pure nonsense to suggest that Trump would be indicted for having colluded with Russians as part of his campaign without anyone else being indicted.  The Democrats’ desperate argument may have had some credibility if those around Trump had been indicted.  But nooooo.  If Donald Trump, Jr. Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, George Papadopoulos, Jerome Corsi, Alex Van De Zwaan and many others did not receive indictments for colluding with Russia – and they did not — it does not take a legal scholar to figure out that the crime of collusion did not exist.

If the Mueller Report has not made liars out of a LOT of Democrats and media analysts, it sure destroyed their credibility – including the smarmy Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who claimed to have seen evidence proving collusion and obstruction.  In desperation to salvage some of the political ground they lost in the past 24 hours, they are demanding to see the details in the Mueller Report.  They are speculating that there could still be impeachable offenses hidden in the details.  Highly unlikely.

Their request for all the paperwork of the Mueller team is nothing more than seeking figurative stacks of hay in the hope of finding a needle.  It is an abuse of congressional power, according to liberal Democrat super-lawyer Alan Dershowitz.  He has even proposed filing a suit against Congress for exceeding its oversight authority.

The Mueller investigation was to answer one primary question.  Did Russia interfere with our election in 2016?  And yes, they did.  That is evident in the fact that a majority of Mueller’s indictments were leveled against Russian operatives.  But not with Trump’s help.  The secondary investigation — into collusion by the Trump campaign — has proven to be a “dry hole.”

Even worse for Democrats, the backlash is coming.  With the vindication of Trump on collusion and obstruction of justice, the political and media spotlight turns to the “why” and “how” this fruitless and bogus investigative sideshow got started in the first place.  The accusation that it was NOT launched as a legitimate intelligence investigation but rather a political investigation to remove a duly elected President gains a lot of credibility – and is worthy of serious investigation.  It is, in fact, an investigation that is currently being conducted within the Justice Department and the FBI by the Inspector General.  With the collusion issue out of the way, it may now get the attention it deserves.

It appears that for months, a Democrats and the propaganda press believed that Mueller was going to indict someone for collusion or obstruction of justice – most predominantly the President.  So did a lot of Republicans.  Their claim of waiting for the Mueller Report before proceeding with impeachment was founded on that erroneous belief – that hope.  Now they are facing the worst shock to their political mindset since Trump’s election, itself.  It is amazing to watch them desperately spinning on television like Whirling Dervishes as the main pillar of their post-election Resistance Movement strategy crumbles.

And yes, there are still those investigations going on in the Southern District of New York.  They involve the personal business practices of the Trump organization.  We really do not know where all that will lead.  But they are beginning to look like prosecutorial excesses – maybe even abuse.  More like politically piling on than the pursuit of justice.

Yes, there may be criticism of Trump in the report.  And yes, Democrats and the #NeverTrump media will spin whatever they can to try to justify their shameless mendacious reporting that has resulted in relentless propaganda and real damage to the republic.  That is why as bad as Trump can be at times, he is still generally a better option for many Americans than the low character, the radical policies and the gross dishonesty of his hateful enemies.  If the FBI and the major news services have suffered a blow to their reputations – and they have – they should look to those within their professions who caused the damage.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Janice Peters

    Why not go after crooked Hillary and all of her crookedness, plus the Attorney General, Donna Brazille for giving questions to Hillary, Comey, and several others that caused so many problems. So many in the Democratic Party that need to be investigated. What about Obama, swapping prisoners, money and weapons to Iran, uranium to Russia? AND a lot more if only they would open their eyes!

  2. Rowdy

    About time that this country finds out how bad the left wing nut democraps really are. And if the investigation continues as it should I see a lot of bad things coming to light that the democraps did. I see witch Hillary. Obummer, and there crew of criminals, being shown, as the perpatraters of this hoax against President Trump, as well as collusion with foreign interest to rig an election as well as other criminal acts against the people of this Great Nation. When all this is released to the public along with charges and sentencing that the democrap party will implode and fall apart. Then we can put this unholy coup of socialist domination out of our lives and into the history books as a failed take over of a great country that was unwilling to bow to the howls of injustice and corruption.

  3. Robert Davidson

    With the gross dishonesty of the democrat party, it is time the president removed ALL democratic holdovers from the obama anti-American agenda

  4. jack stone

    so, what else is new !?? “we” conservatives “real conservatives” have been saying all along that there was NOTHING there..But there is most certainly a LOT there regarding the democrat bastards and the head skank ,clinton. The media is so sick that they really think “we” will come back and watch their garbage ,useless drivil once pres. trump is done in 2024.. SURPRISE ! there is NO WAY I will EVER watch another program put on by those lying trash bags, EVER ! They truly are the scum of the earth ! If I were a violent person ,I would be calling for all of them to be assassinated ASAP ! We do not need to have those commie sob’s in this constitutional republic.

  5. Leland Snell

    Well, it seems to me that there is a tremendous legal credibility for the prosecution of all the players within congress and the bureaucracy whom desire to be the Heinrich Himmlers, Reibnhard Heydrics, HermannGorings,
    and Joseph Goebels of this generation of politicians! There is distinct evidence of treason and illegal political activity that is in violation of the statues and ordinances within the Constitutional frame work! There has been a significant amount of miss use of the citizens time and monetary resources for the purpose of political subterfuge to manipulate the out come of a legitimate legal process! The intention was for the purpose to gain tyrannical control to foster control of the entire economic and political posture of the nation! This was to be implemented in order for those players to allow for no legal response to refute their treasonous destruction of the Constitution(Democratic Republic) legal system that is the moral and legal fabric of this nation! They want to replace it with a tyrannical autocratic group of aristocracy to rule without recourse and petition of the people in a dictatorial manner without the rule of law and order via a documented legal process! They have distorted and denigrated their responsibility to the citizens of the nation by not tending to the business of the people in the process of doing the what is the business of protecting the nation and it citizens for the purpose of enhancing the life style of the people by allowing the creation of opportunities for that purpose with the least amount of legal interference, but with the utmost protection from both foreign and domestic enemies! Those enemies being among the previous declared groups because their intent and purpose is to overthrow the existing system and methods of the economics of this nation! That in and of itself is nothing less than treason! Therefore, they should all be investigated and tried in a court of law within the rule of law and be judged according to their innocence or guilt!

    Read all you can about socialism and communism! You will be absolutely amazed of the truth! Read this little book if you want to know about the German fascists who I have named above:
    Gestapo(The Story behind Hitler’s machine of terror) Lucas Paul(author) published 2015 by Arcrutus Publishing Limited, 26/27 Bickels Yard, 151-153 Bermondsey Street London SEI 3HA.
    We have turned the rule of governing our name to a group of enemies who have violated the public trust and pillaged the public treasuries for the person wellbeing! It is time to extinguish their abuse and threat and teach them a very difficult lesson for them to learn that are not the aristocracy of the nation, but are subject to the same rules and to be entreated as all the populous!

  6. Edward Finley

    Now they need to go after the real crooks and the perpetrators of this hoax. Namely Clinton and her operatives in the Democrat party along with corrupt officials in the FBI,CIA and DOJ!

  7. Billy Shears

    Why can’t our government elected officials do the jobs they have been hired for. Taking care of the nations people and our present situations. Stop trying to take down our president with faults allocations
    and work as a team for this great nation of ours. God bless President Trump and family. God bless America

  8. Djea3

    It is time that those who started this entire debacle face the consequences of false accusation and political sabotage of the PEOPLE of the United States of America.

    Those political animals that moved this forward, including false accusations by media need to be prosecuted at minimum. The best we should hope for is the repayment of the tens or hundreds of millions in investigatory costs as well as the removal of them from offices and even the media.

    Just as a hacker is removed from touching electronic media, those involved should be removed from being able to work in the news media and in politics by court order.

    Sometimes we need to take real action to avoid illegal, unjust accusations and process. In the past Two would meet on a field of honor and ONLY ONE would walk away. We have taken this RIGHT from those falsely accused and now WE must assure that because that right is gone that the GOVERNMENT take action that is so decisive that no one will ever do this again.

  9. Jean

    there was 86% vote for hilary to go to jail. I find it hard to believe becaues the people the majority of the people who voted were republican so the vote does not count because there are more democrat then there are Republican.

  10. Louis

    We should investigate the investigators!! Investigate everyone in the House & Senate for their backgrounds, business, investments, arrest records, etc. let’s see what is in their lives. How about putting the Democrats actions where their mouths are. How are they getting more homes, etc. why aren’t they giving up it all to share with have nots?? Because they are outright Kiera. Promise you everything, but give nothing. They are not examples by the way they live. Hillary & the Clinton Foundation, they give away nothing & have billions in it. They draw more from it than they have ever given away!! It’s theirs!!!! That really needs to be fully investigated. House of Reps are abusing their power now!! New York is abusing their power!! Socialism, communism has never worked in a country, only destroyed the countries. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

  11. Romulo Parani

    The witch hunt by the Democrats and the media failed miserably. Now we the people demand a special counsel to investigate the Democrat politicians who started and create a false Dossier against Pres. Trump. About time to stop the abused of Democrat politicians in Congress..

  12. Mary


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