Biden and Democrats can’t stop surrendering … and the GOP is helping

For approximately 24 hours, more than 300 drones, cruise missiles and other munitions rained down on Israel – with amazingly little impact. One 12-year-old girl was slightly injured. More than 70 percent of the missiles were destroyed in the air by Israel’s Iron Dome defense system with help from United States Navy weapons.
In an unprecedented game-changing action, some of the missiles were launched from Iran. The entire barrage was a payback for the Israeli military taking out a number of top generals from Iran’s terrorist military group – the Islamic Revolutionary Guard.
As quickly as the Supreme Leader in Tehran launched the attack, Iran assured the world that it was over. Their eye-for-an-eye revenge was satisfied. Really? One wounded child for a number of top military leaders?
Thankfully, the retaliation mission was an embarrassing failure. But when Iran says their terrorist actions against Israel, the United States and the Western world are “over,” they mean only “for now.” And it does not appear that the Iran surrogate terrorist network thinks it is “over.” In fact, in the wake of the Iran attack on Israel, Iran’s surrogate in Lebanon has become more active – with volleys of missiles flying both ways over Israel’s northern border. Every time there is an escalation, Biden says he does not want an escalation.
As was the case in Ukraine – when he assured Putin that the United States would stand on the sideline for his invasion, and when he unconditionally surrendered to the Taliban in Afghanistan, killing 13 soldiers and 10 innocent civilians – Biden was quick to assure Iran that the United States would not participate in any future attack on Iran.
Even if Biden was inclined to keep the United States out of any direct conflict with Iran, I cannot understand why he concedes the point in order to provide comfort to the diabolical Supreme Leader in Tehran. Conceding the option of military intervention can only encourage greater aggression by Iran and its terrorist network.
The Biden administration – and his ducklings in Congress – then publicly advised Israel to essentially fuhgeddaboudit. He said Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu should “take the win.” Which begs the question, “What win?”
I suppose Biden was “taking the win” when he took long delayed minimal and ineffective retaliation while Iran surrogates were pounding American assets in Syria – killing four American soldiers.
While Biden initially gave Israel his strongest assurances of solid support in every way, it did not take long for the old Biden (did I say “old?”) to emerge. He has proven to be a fair-weather friend to Israel in its effort to destroy Hamas – just as his “too little/too late” policy toward Ukraine was an example of fair-weather friendship.
While Afghanistan is a lost cause, at least we have the Republican Party to maintain rock solid support for Ukraine and Israel – and ready to really protect the border. But noooo!! Both sides of Congress are looking like a legislative version of the Keystone Cops – chaotically running around the issues while accomplishing nothing.
Aid to Israel, aid to Ukraine and an effective southern border bill are major national security issues. It appears that most members of Congress know what to do – and that is to unleash massive aid to Israel and Ukraine so they can win their just wars – and a bill that will actually secure the border and stop the crisis level flow of migrants crossing illegally.
Both chambers of Congress are tied in knots over largely political issues. They are more concerned over the process than the results. For Democrats, it is the anti-Israel radical left that is holding the Party’s rudder at the moment. For Republicans, it is the anti-Ukraine coalition that is doing the same.
In terms of the border, we have Democrats showing no interest in closing it. And a handful of Senate Republicans are willing to pass a bill that would only institutionalize the crisis level border crossings.
If the will of the majority would prevail, there would be no problem. But under the arcane rules, House Speaker Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Schumer have the personal power to keep bills from coming to a vote. And to add an element of dark comedy to the situation, a small contingent of Republican House members are threatening to turn chaos into dysfunction by threatening to force another stupid and destructive vote on the speakership.
They fight over whether the issues should be addressed with one bill, two bills or three bills. Who cares? Just get it done.
And at the top of this pyramid of chaos, we have a President who is weak, feckless and slipping into his dotage. It is no wonder that our allies no longer respect American leadership, our enemies no longer fear American power — and the American people no longer have confidence in those folks in Washington.
So, there ‘tis.
P.S. Does the subject term of limits come to mind?
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