Hillary Clinton's Bad Deeds: A List of Documentaries
Do a simple Google search and you’ll find a remarkable number of documentaries out there detailing Hillary and Bill Clinton’s bad deeds. These have ranged all the way back to the 1990’s and there are a boatload of them.
The accusations in the following documentaries range from lying and greed to murder. If you aren’t already shocked and disgusted by the criminal who stands to win control of the United States, you will be after watching any of these films:
• Hillary Clinton: A True Story of Sex, Drugs, and Murder
• The 60 Minutes Deception: How Clinton Affects the Media
• Death of Vince Foster: The Murder of Hillary Clinton’s Lover
• Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
• The Clinton Chronicles: The Bill Clinton Murders
• Why President Hillary Clinton Would be the end of America
One of the most recent films on the list is Clinton Cash, a documentary based on conservative author Peter Schweizer’s 2015 bestseller – a novel The New York Times has called “the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle.”
The film was premiered in France this May at the Cannes Film Festival, with MSNBC reporting that it “powerfully connects the dots” in the case against the Clinton Foundation. The devastating documentary, which opened in the US on July 24th, focuses on the Clinton Foundation’s alleged favor-trading and influence peddling.
Among the brutal allegations is a scandal involving the Clintons, Vladimir Putin, Kazakhstan mining officials, a Canadian billionaire, and the Russian atomic energy agency – a complex plot that resulted in Russia gaining control of 20% of all the uranium in the United States.
The accusations in Clinton Cash were immediately denounced by Hillary’s campaign manager as “outlandish claims” with “zero evidence.”
Hundreds of men and women have been given the Death Sentence with 10% of the evidence that is “known” about the Clinton’s. Every time that a witness or any evidence is about to be exposed either that person has a sudden unexplained death or the evidence disappears. Both Hillary and Bill are the personification of evil many times over.
This latest Epsetine death is but one of them. Funny how he came off suicide watch, all the cameras quit, and the overtime jailers who were to be watching him suddenly didn’t do their jobs. It’s like the Swiss Cheese theory, all the holes must line up and they make sure they do.
Considering how many people were expecting this, hard to say why no one was watching…
Follow the money trail!
All of this is just the tip of the iceberg.We will never know the full extent of the Bonnie and Clyde behavior of those two. To think there are some Americans that can imagine her as president of this country is mind blowing !!!!!
Hildabeast and Wild Willy have to be considered suspects in the Epstein “death”, because he knew too much re his Island which Wild Willy visited so many times. Just wait for Trump`s 2nd term and all these “criminals” will be prosecuted and jailed if lucky but more than likely put in solitary confinement!.