Hegseth odds up … Gabbard down

At this juncture, the only two Trump Cabinet picks that are in flux are Pete Hegseth, scheduled for Secretary of Defense, and Tulsi Gabbard, Trump’s pick to head the intelligence agencies.
Political observers and media types – who not long ago were declaring Hegseth’s prospect for confirmation between slim and none – are now giving the former FOX News personality a 50/50 chance of being confirmed. (Personally, I agree that Hegseth’s chances have improved, but not sure they have reached 50/50).
If the pendulum is shifting to Hegseth’s favor, it is due to two factors. The first is his dogged determination. He took all the hits at the onset and is gradually whittling away at the opposition since. Seems like his intense schedule of meetings with senators is having a positive effect.
The second factor has been Trump’s continuing support for Hegseth. There were some leaks from the campaign that the President-elect was looking at other candidates for the job, but the man himself put those speculations to rest with a strong endorsement for Hegseth – at least for now.
Unless there is more evidence of sexual misconduct, I think that issue may have run its course. He claims that any drinking problem was a youthful wild streak that could be excusable in the absence of any more recent alcohol problems. He has had to do a 180-degree flip-flop on his attitude toward women in the military. That still leaves him with a credibility problem.
Gabbard was always going to be a close call. Her Achilles Heel has been her general misalignment with U.S. foreign policy. Her statement saying that Bashar al Asaad is not an enemy of the United States was maladroit and inaccurate at the time she made it. Gabbard’s gaffe has been supersized by the overthrow of al Asaad in recent days.
Gabbard’s problem also has a lot to do with the office to which she is nominated by Trump. It is the sancta sanctorum of America’s most important secrets – including ongoing espionage. It covers both domestic and foreign operations. There is no office where the public demands higher standards than in overseeing intelligence operations.
The concern is that with Gabbard in that office – and the fear (real or imagined) that secrets and relationships will not be as secure – is legitimate. There is also concern that with Gabbard at the helm foreign allies will be less willing to share information.
Ironically, Gabbard has the right resume for the position based on her work when she was a Democrat member of Congress and a presidential candidate. She would have been a shoo-in for almost any other Cabinet or agency position, but the bar is a bit higher when it comes to intelligence.
While there has been no gossip coming from the transition team that other possibilities are being considered, Gabbard has not yet gotten the kind of endorsement from Trump that Hegseth received.
To increase her chances, Gabbard needs to put more emphasis on her record and be more forceful in assuring senators – and the American people – that she has the right instincts for the job.
Based on more current events, I must now alter my predictions of a defeat for Hegseth and a win for Gabbard. I see them both in the “who knows” category.
So, there ‘tis.
It’s a shame on the president elect for nominating anyone who is less than a slam dunk first draft pick for the position that person was chosen to fill. If a question arises about qualifications and fitness for someone at that high level of security clearance. That person should not be under Senate consideration vote especially if the vote has a possibility of failure. A three quarters majority to unanimous vote of confidence for confirmation should be the standard in this case.
Once these individuals are confirmed and sworn in they are for the most part invisible to Congress, to the public, and to the free press. The President even may not know or be aware of what those persons he appointed are doing unless he is specifically informed.
The country deserves better than those Trump has recommended for appointment to the various department head responsibilities.
Our nation’s continued strength measured by maintaining our top spot in the World Order of nations status demands on those comfirmed are the best America has in each position of Secretary.
In the present case, these people lead the most influential departments in our government. That they could possibly at some point be clueless in their job is concerning for stability at the top echelons in decision making . Also, the matter of accountability seems problematic if each is confirmed by simple majority, then a large portion of Senators did not favor these appointees for confirmation. And, all persons confirmed will be accountable to just one person, the President
This situation all totaled fails the sure and reliable person test. First, truth be told the President elect won, but did not capture a 50% majority of the popular vote. No matter what the EC vote count looked like. Second, his picks to replace existing secretary positions had turned out to be underwhelming. Which is not that surprising given who Trump is as a person and what he hasn’t said in his false statements since 2014 and before.
The various people Trump has chosen are Trump loyalist to their bone marrow. Their being accountable to Trump only is his prime condition demanded of them and to him and the sole reason
for each of them being recommended by Trump.
Loyalty undying to the man only but not primarily loyal to country then accordingly dedicated to the work opportunity allowed in the position. This has an unsavory appearance and smells of corruption.
The President intent on retribution for the opposition’s statements and opinions perceived as personal villainy against Trump personally does not justify DOJ action or any contrivance Trump loyalists can summon out of the depths of some perverse notion about setting some imagined score with the other.
Who can actually prove that the most probable motivation Trump has that drives him to win back the presidency, besides a greed for power greater than what the American Presidency affords, if not his desperation to keep himself out of prison.
He has and will continue to offset, delay, and obstruct adjudication by all means at his disposal. He has misapplied his position when he had power as the 45th POTUS. Although impeachment twice but not removed from office he has not deterred him.
He really craves power and its importance which he believes paves the way to more wealth. Funny and ironic has been his methods in achieving the power and wealth he desires.
He sought to attract the working class, middle class, Latino immigrant, Black, Asian, and others who shoulder the greatest share of this country’s income tax revenue burden. Those who stagger under inflation’s brutal economic devistation. To these
he promises relief from rising prices on groceries especially.
A promise the President can in no way affect great enough to change prices downward while increases in production costs soar. Supply and demand on which prices are calculated are both beyond the President’s reach, therefore these are out of his control and manipulation.
Creating deceptions made out of whole cloth under the assumption that his followers will believe him and that before the natural laws of economics.
He asserts the reverse of reality in past attempts to complicate foreign suppliers’ economic fortunes by imposing tariffs on certain countries’ imports into the U.S. Market. History has shown the fallacy in plans like Trump’s. True facts prove otherwise.
Tariffs on imported goods the market demands are ultimately paid in higher prices end users are forced to pay. Rising prices are the devil in the details best understood by the average consumer of products made in China, Mexico, Canada, many other foreign countries.
Lessening taxes on the U.S. legacy tax payers is not on Trump’s economic agenda. He can promise tax relief in his rally speeches but that is another incidence of the fact of Trump’s prevaricated words that tell false tales of benefits to the most in need of relief
Rather his interests run to tax savings for wealthy investors, big corporations, large manufacturers, and billionaire friends of Trump. Additionally, he looks to reduce or cap corporate tax, wealth tax, capital gains tax, and real estate taxes on manufacturing plants as these are Trump’s first kept promise.
We, the people and the Constitution’s spirit are who and what Trump has transgressed unjustly in his twisting words to fit his cause, win votes more than his opposition.
How low Trump will go he has yet to plumb, but we are assured, Trump’s reputation does not lie. It precedes him into these next four years.
What good and beneficial bills that make their way onto Trump’s desk for his signature will be vetoed.
Unless by reason of a public out cry he signs one that may send relief. Its funding will be cut in his party’s alleged sacrifice to pass a temporary budget.
His policies are like the mist, gone in the day’s heat.
Attentions are on other measures mostly things that would be achieved with gaslighting techniques.
Trumps picks are ant-democracy and pro-autocracy
His ideology imagines himself as the strongman directing Congress, The Supreme Court, Federal Courts, and national defense services.
There is a factor in every strongman’s power grab that will ensure his downfall. Strongmen are humans with an ego that requires constant feeding from loyalists who at one time had pledged their support. In time strongmen types develop bigger appetites for power, wealth, prestige, and confirmation. Loyalists grow weary in affirming the man time after time and they leave Trump’s service only to be replaced by another.
Trump’s stay as strongman president is only for such a length of time as his team continues to field support from loyal affluent who become White House employees or interns
Good luck Donald. Hope you like saying “You’re Fired”. Those two words will be impressed on his legacy.
Not a slum dunk, but he is a slam drunk!
This dog does Hunter.
Frank, are you referring to Trump as a slam drunk? IF you are, he does not drink, period. Never has. So, prove it, Mr. Statistic. I would also like to know why you are now referring to yourself as Danger. Are you doing that to threaten any of us, especially me? Are you saying I should be afraid of you? That you want to kill me? How else can anyone take your threats of name? You did that all by yourself.
AC – seems to me you want the Deep State criminals in for Trump’s cabinet. Did you ever consider that his choices are for another reason? Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. Can you supply us with the source of Trump not winning even 50% of the popular vote? I for one would like to study that. Thanks, if you can find it for me.
Wrong. Gabbard is right about the fact Assad was the best thing for Syria and the US. The people against Assad are Sunni radicals and Zionists, both of whom are far more of a problem for the US than Assad was. The Sunni now are likely to massacre the Shiite minority and Syria is much more likely to become an ISIS haven. The US toppled Assad, not the people of Syria. Assad was popular. We just finished off what Hillary had started 8 years ago with her “Arab Spring” that was neither local nor seasonal.
Kirk – 100 % correct. Thanks for posting it.
The author is very timely on this right in line with many others. It is the mindless trend-talk of the week.
I did some research and found a nytimes article referencing many Trumpian insiders. Oh no, there are cracks in the walls of the castle already providing an insider’s view of King Trump. What we see is an old man fraught with indecision, living in fear, resulting in a chaotic litany of ideas, programs, and people caroming around the game board. Stability is but our epitaph as chaos will be the disorder of the day. Buckle up buttercups. You are in the honeymoon period, all are lining up to curry favor with the King. At some point the rose will wilt and then the fun begins!
The story is titled “Power, Intimidation and the Resurrection of Trump’s Support for Hegseth.”
The question is what changed Trump’s mind as he was preparing to cut Hegseth loose, had DeSantis in wings, obviously a better choice, had floated the trial balloon, but suddenly did a 180 backflip to Hegseth? The answer: emotion. Fear. Trump needs popularity and fears criticism. You say he’s tough, you say he’s strong, but how often have you seen that? Seen that beyond rhetoric and hyperbole. Put Russia in it’s place where shortly after his departure it was ready, willing, and able for war. Couldn’t end Afghanistan, couldn’t end Syria. And how often does the chaos convention come to Trump process decision town? He had lost bigtime, in a flash, not even a fight on Gaetz. Feel as fast as ObamaCare survived his first time on the throne. He was getting antsy on Hegseth, too much bad press about bad things. The condemning quote from Mom was over-the-top. He was ready to put the rip cord. Then, his trusted consiglieres were telling him he can’t afford looking weak in front on his Congress so early, so often. He should not had acquiesced on Gaetz, he looked weak. This was a test of his power and he could not back down. Well, that did it for the Trumpster. No balls, no glory, Hegseth back and that’s the story.
For a week they went to work summoning Trump’s online swarm. Mush was deployed into action. Bannon to the bulwarks.
And Don Jr. did his mad dog routine. Will Rudy make a comeback without his Mercedes and condo? The fake news right-wing press was co-opted to spread the news.
On December 4th, Trump via phone call, told Hegseth to keep waging the good fight as he maneuvered DeSantis into position. While Hegseth, on the numbers, was better qualified; DeSantis was better on the total package and did not have the blackout drunk rapist issues, no really bad comments about gays or women, all the baggage Hegseth carries. And DeSantis has a Mom that loves him and only one wife, still married. But Trump must be strong like bull. So Trump told Hegseth to sally forth while Trump did little to help as he continued to line up the big D.
In 24 hours, Trump decided “abandoning Mr. Hegseth would only empower skeptical Republicans. But that was not the only reason. Mr. Trump also struggled to find anyone open to the prospect of Mr. DeSantis, who has had difficult relationships, at best, with several Trump aides and allies.” Guy is worse than Cruz when it comes to making friends and allies. It was fear that drove Trump, fear of losing his grip on Congress. It wasn’t about Hegseth, DeSantis, the Constitution or the Congress, it was about Trump. Buckle up buttercups.
The next day, after telling Hegseth to sally forth, Trump was suddenly all in on Hegseth and the machine started to roll. Vance was sent out to tell Senators Trump was going to fight, stand back and stand ready. IE – if you mouth off, we are coming for you. Friday morning Bannon called in to hear “full steam ahead.” Trump Jr., Bannon, Charlie Kirk, Breitbart’s Boyle, and others started whipping up the base and the press, through the press. Horist, and others, got the message, could read the tea leaves, and now had a cause celeb. The base went online and sent the nasty grams to on-the-fence Senators. Hegseth is reborn and the fight is on.
Ernst was threatened with being primaried in 2026. Divorce info went public. Death threats came in. Mush used his dark-money group to run ads telling Ernst what to do. So, what is that, a South African Canadian Californian attempting to sway Iowa. Hard to get my head around that. Let me call Soros for advice on how that is done……
From the times: “Last week, the allegations against Mr. Hegseth were “very disturbing,” in the words of Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Yet soon after that declaration, Mr. Graham said that “anonymous” statements against Mr. Hegseth were invalid.” Ok, Lindsey often flip flops like live shrimp on a Benihana grill.
But: “A week ago, Ms. Ernst seemed as if she would not be able to get to yes on Mr. Hegseth. She said he would “have his work cut out for him.” But after a few days of intense pressure, her comments this week could not have been more different. “As I support Pete through this process, I look forward to a fair hearing based on truth, not anonymous sources,” Ms. Ernst said in a statement on Monday after a meeting with Mr. Hegseth, echoing Mr. Graham” as if as she was told.”
Collins and a few others are still on the fence and who knows what new revelation about this man’s binge drinking, blackouts, many failed marriages, rape charges, sexual abuse charges, weird statements about gays, women, and other groups, his sex payoffs, and other sexual escapades may unfold. But my point is not Hegseth, or DeSantis. Hegseth on the numbers, he is the better qualified choice. DeSantis just has him on the total package, by a mile. But that is not my point.
My point is Trump’s decision process, his flip-flopping, floating trial balloons in the press, getting poll like press feedback, watching TV, is not a stable, thoughtful process. It’s chaotic, it’s emotional, as it has been his entire career. He thinks with his gut on first and his brain on second, if that. He may sit on his brain. Transactional thinking, transactional decisions, there’s no long range strategic thinking under this guy. So, buckle up buttercups, chaos is coming. Better run, you buttercups. And tell the other buttercups that chaos is coming. You tell ’em Trump is coming! And decision Hell’s coming with him. Hell’s coming with him!
Beyond a choice in policy, whether left or right, stability is key to a strong economy, society, and culture. Chaos breeds instability. Evolution is grand, revolution is messy, so many snags. We are about to lose stability. It will be wild.
Good story Horist. The NYTimes is good too. Biggest takeaways: chaos and the inner circle is talking.
Frank did your wife really want $10.000 for a boob job? She should rub toilet paper between her breast to enlarge them. It worked wonders for her ass.
At 11 pm Seth penned those wonderful words about my wife that this …. Person…. Would be too scarred to say in person. He’s a class act. A four-letter name of a gentleman.
Obviously he has nothing factual to say so he blurts out his fantasy; my wife’s tits and ass. Best he can muster. All bluster.
But Seth’s post was funny.
Wait! No Horist chiming in with his buggy whip condemnation comment. This must be Christmas season when flipping from naughty to nice is in the air.. Think Grinch and happy endings.