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Glenn Beck Shows How to Nail the “Biden Crime Family”

Glenn Beck Shows How to Nail the “Biden Crime Family”

In a live-streamed video event last week, The Blaze’s Glenn Beck detailed the abject lawlessness of the “Biden Crime Family” in which Mark Levin explained what Congress and local prosecutors could do to bring the Bidens to justice.

Beck meticulously reported the monumental evidence of corruption at the highest levels of government in a special episode titled “The Reckoning: Biden Crime Family” last week on BlazeTV.

Starting with the recent revelations in the Durham report, Beck sifted through the mounds of previous facts to weave together exactly how the members of the Biden family have manipulated the media and abused their political power to enrich themselves.

He charged that the media is trying to use sleight of hand to push the focus off President Joe Biden and onto his son, Hunter Biden, instead.

“Democrats, and the media, want you to zoom in to this entire picture by focusing on Hunter’s potential tax and gun violations,” Beck said. “They want it very clear that Joe Biden wasn’t involved.”

Beck urged the American people to get involved and demand action.

“We need you to flood the phone lines and email inboxes of every prosecutor or attorney general with the power to prosecute these crimes. The only way these officials will take action is if the pressure becomes so great, they can no longer ignore us,” said Beck on the program.

“Contact them today, and if they don’t respond, send them another email. And then another,” he added. “And keep going until you are heard. And if they give you an unsatisfactory answer, keep at it. That’s what we’re doing here.”

Beck’s guest, fellow conservative host, lawyer, and author, Mark Levin, then laid out two things that Congress can do to curtail Biden’s ability to cover up his crimes.

“Number one, slash the budget of the FBI and the Department of Justice. I mean, slash it big-time, break it up, and redistribute its power. Take some power away from it because I can tell you now, if the framers woke up today and looked at the FBI, they’d say, ‘What the hell have you done to yourself?'” said Levin.

“Number two, they oughta drag these guys before these committees left and right and just work them over, I mean to harass them,” Levin continued. “Get their documents, do whatever they have to do, make everything public to we the American people, not to the New York Times, or fools like MSNBC, but for the rest of the American people.”

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  1. Tom

    Some good points but the article falls short in that it does not inform the reader where to send their emails to, nor does it give phone numbers.

    • frank stetson

      What good points: Sheridan shares none but the whining on the right to drag these guys to court, have Congress “harass” them, defund the FBI and DOJ and redistribute the funds —– what, did they leave out distribute the funds to the DeSantctimonious Culture War Gestapo? Law and order party my sweet fat white ass….. But defund the police? Noooooooo. Same old facts, same old whining. Got our demons, now attack.

      The best is: ““Number one, slash the budget of the FBI and the Department of Justice. I mean, slash it big-time, break it up, and redistribute its power. Take some power away from it because I can tell you now, if the framers woke up today and looked at the FBI, they’d say, ‘What the hell have you done to yourself?’” said Levin.” If the framers woke up today, they would spit on Levin…..

      “Number two, they oughta drag these guys before these committees left and right and just work them over, I mean to harass them,” Levin continued. “Get their documents, do whatever they have to do, make everything public to we the American people, not to the New York Times, or fools like MSNBC, but for the rest of the American people.” Yeah, harass, harass, harass. There’s a principle to aspire to. That’s their big conclusion: let’s harass them.

      Oye. Who is Glenn Beck: some wasted druggie who divorced his wife six years after cerebral palsy hit and his drinking and drugging continued, found god, got clean, got remarried, said I’m the guy who should have two kids, moved to Texas where he bitched and moans about everything starting with his health issues probably of his own making. Levin is a little slicker with his Temple degrees, JD too, and accomplished writer, radio guy, and FOXer. A hard right asshole who favors civil discourse and Trumpian political style, he’s easy to disagree with, hard to land a punch on.

  2. Mike f

    Glenn Beck has absolutely zero credibility. The fact that he says something means it most likely is a false statement. Please review what he (and other Republicans) said about Hillary, and all her “crimes”. Then recall what evidence of crimes were found by the multiple investigations of her. Can you say zero?

    • JimMYF

      Mike f, are you seriously gonna sit in your computer chair and defend Hillary Clinton? You’re an utterly blind fool to ignore the atrocities that took place in Benghazi, her illegal use of computer assets and information that would have gotten your little butt thrown in prison had the FBI found them in your possession, and the obvious destruction of cell phones by her staff that would have incriminated her even more than Comey and Durham did. Comey had the goods on Hillary and Durham only verified what the whole damn world knew about the Russia hoax. What d’ya mean nobody found nothing? You think you’re being smart because you invoke the Ilhan Omar argument “some people may have done some things some time”? Absolute doo-doo is what that is, and everyone knows it. You’d have to be a natural born fool and an utter disgrace to the citizens who value life, liberty and justice, to believe such mindless drivel from the leftist Marxist elites in the Media Mob and the DNC. I hope radical leftists get their useless butts kicked all over the globe in 2024. If not, leftist Marxists progressives voters will fully deserve the ongoing destruction of their cities lead by woke leftist loons that ran them into the ground BY DESIGN. Have you not learned anything since 2020? When you have the blind leading the blind, they both fall into the pit. The left has done so in spades. Aren’t you fed up yet? SMH

      • frank stetson

        Jimmy: We live in a nation governed by the rule of law; laws made by the people for the people. You seem to want to avoid the law and just put em away based on your rumors, allegations, and conspiracy theories.

        On Benghazi, you got TEN BITES at the apple and no indictments. Ten Congressional investigations, more than 50% of which were conservative controlled. From WIKI, and the truth: “Ten investigations were conducted into the 2012 Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees. Problems were identified with security measures at the Benghazi facilities, due to poor decisions made by employees of the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and specifically its director Eric Boswell, who resigned under pressure in December 2012. Despite numerous allegations against Obama administration officials of scandal, cover-up and lying regarding the Benghazi attack and its aftermath, none of the ten investigations found any evidence to support those allegations. The last of the investigation committees issued its final report and shut down in December 2016, one month after the 2016 presidential election.” Trump won that election so you could have started the 11th investigation, but did not under Trump who is an expert in crime and the legal system, by experience.

        On the emails, same conclusion as Benghazi and the final results were generated by the Trump administration in 2018. Hillary lost the election on the Comey October surprise, probably but you want more?

        Again, from WIKI, the truth: “On June 14, 2018, the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General released its report on the FBI’s and DOJ’s handling of Clinton’s investigation, finding no evidence of political bias and lending support for the decision to not prosecute Clinton. A three-year State Department investigation concluded in September 2019 that 38 individuals were “culpable” in 91 instances of sending classified information that reached Clinton’s email account, though it found “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information”.] Yet a September 2022 “Fact Checker” analysis by The Washington Post, which followed a tweet by Clinton claiming, “I had zero emails that were classified”, also quotes the same 2019 State Department report as having noted, “None of the emails at issue in this review were marked as classified.”

        If rumors could kill they probably will in your world of fabrication. Yes, we too went over the top in the first Trump investigation and impeachment, the FBI jumped the gun and should not have — but we found it, admitted it, fixed the FBI issues, and let it go. Durham said as much. Yes, the Russia investigation had to happen, but should not of the way it did. And yes, he was not indicted although there is STILL plenty of smoke. Enough that the investigation IS warranted.

        On the second impeachment, your side politically nullified the offense. He’s still guilty, it’s on tape, black letter law, but you “law and oder” guys let him off. But again, without new evidence, it’s done.

        But this Clinton shit —- how long will you continue to live the dream? Let it go, you have not, so far you cannot, find evidence to indict. Or find some real evidence that you can make a case for indictment in a court of law. Or, after this much time, STFU or toe the line with some new evidence.

  3. James M Fahy

    It is too deeply rooted corruption in this country. It will never happen, I fear this country is headed for revolution, and a dictator, hopefully a benign dictator

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