Gitmo Detainee Released by Obama Now A Leader of Al Qaeda
In July 2012, Ibrahim Qosi, also known as Sheikh Khubayb al Sudani, was released from Guantanamo Bay after pleading guilty to charges of conspiracy support and material support for terrorism just two years prior. Where is this jihadist now? He recently resurfaced in a propaganda video released by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
Qosi was initially captured in Pakistan back in 2001 during the Battle of Tora Bora. Dubbed as a member of the “Dirty 30” by U.S. intelligence officials, Qosi had close ties to senior Al Qaeda members, including Osama Bin Laden.
Now a leader of AQAP, a terrorist group who most recently sponsored a deadly attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, Qosi can be seen on the video discussing his experience waging jihad. He continues to encourage Muslims all over the world to wage jihad, and states that Islamic scholars have verified the “correctness” of waging this jihad. The video, entitled “Guardians of Sharia” features Qosi alongside other AQAP commanders and celebrates jihadists taking action into their own hands and committing global terror crimes.
As Obama continues to avoid taking action to prevent national security issues, why has the media failed to bring Qosi’s story to light? Obama has consistently pushed for the shutdown of Guantanamo Bay, and after releasing terrorists such as Qosi, he has put the world’s security even further at risk by allowing these criminals to continue to wage jihad.
If Guantanamo Bay is successfully closed as Obama hopes, and the detainees are transferred to stateside prisons, won’t these radically minded individuals have the opportunity to corrupt and spread this hateful ideology to the prisoners in our country? Why would Obama push for these terrorists to be brought into our country to interact with our own prisoners? And most importantly, why has the media not discussed any of this?
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