In part one, I dealt with the Trump supporters as one of the three forces that keep former President Trump in the center of the political galaxy – and at the top of the news virtually every day. This leaves the role played by those on the left who have a visceral and obsessive hate for Trump … and later in Part Three, Trump himself. In Part Two, I deal with the Trump haters and their role and reason for keeping Trump as the biggest political news story every day.
The Trump haters – Democrats, the media and Republican (conservative) apostates
No group in America has been more responsible for the power and evergreen presence of Trump at the center of all things political than those who hate him – and his policies. They see it as self-interest.
Naturally, the Democratic Party is at the core of that opposition. Their role is to defeat Republicans in every election. But it is the change in the Democratic Party – from center-left to radical left – and the depth of their obsessive hatred of Trump that makes today’s politics unique in modern times.
From the time of Trump’s upset victory in 2016, Democrat leaders have been obsessed with destroying Trump politically and personally – and in their crazed obsession, they have expanded their irrational hatred across the Republican landscape with incessant broad-brush attacks.
While the American media is generally thought of as a balancing agent – a political governor on the excesses of the political fringes – today’s media has joined in common cause with the radical progressives. They now serve as the endorser, communicator and amplifier of the Democrats’ political obsessions – kicking to the side all devotion to journalistic ethics, standards and norms. The media is a key element in the Trump-hating political force.
Major figures in the Fourth Estate no longer offer even a pretense of fairness and objectivity. One major media personality after another on MSNBC and CNN calls for the end of balance and objectivity. It is now their corrupt mission to “crush” the GOP, as the Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson often states. For them, the American public deserves only one narrow interpretation of events – their interpretation. Other views are deemed to be dangerous and must be censored and cancelled. In their arrogant and dangerous view, only the radical left has a right to influence public opinion.
In the Trump-hating category – and by extension Republican/conservative hating – are those who were once dedicated and principled conservative Republicans. They say that their abandonment of their long publicly-held political and philosophic principles was due to Trump – just Trump. But like the Democrats and the media, the Trump-hatred of the GOP apostates has spread to opposition to the generic Republican Party.
Even as they now essentially support Democrats and the hardcore left agenda across-the-board, many one-time Republicans claim to have retained their conservative Republican values. Folks like MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough left the GOP because of Trump, but claims to still be a conservative. Actually, he drifted far from his conservative days in Congress long before Trump. He seems to have lost them after moving to New York and being taken to progressive obedience school by his professional and personal partner Mika Brzezinski.
The apostasy of folks like Bill Kristol, Michael Steele, George Conway, David Jolly, Joe Walsh — and the others now making their fortunes as contributors, analysts and hosts on the most extreme left-wing platforms — was not just an anti-Trump reaction. Through such false-flag operations as the Lincoln Project and The Bulwark media platform, this group evolved into a left-wing progressive subsidiary of the Democratic Party — working against all that is Republican and conservative.
Because the cabal of Trump-haters believe that demonizing Trump to the max – and by extension, all that is Republican – they will scare the public into their confining ideological corral. It is a massive fearmonger strategy – and central to that strategy is to keep Trump in the news every day, 24/7. Keep him in the news solely so they can vilify him – and the GOP by extension. Vote Democrat, they say, or the American Republican will fall – democracy will be lost.
Their Draconian narrative places Trump at the head of an expansive ongoing insurrection … coup … against American Democracy. They believe they need Trump as the personification of a corrupt and evil Republican Party. He, according to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, is the “ringleader.” Vote Democrat, they say, or the American Republican will fall – democracy will be lost. It is a strategy of desperation and so far, it appears to be failing.
Having covered two of the three forces that keep Trump at the center of the political galaxy – his supporters and his haters, Part Three will turn to the third force – Trump, himself.
So, there ‘tis.