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French Police Forced to Focus on Riots Instead of Terrorism

French Police Forced to Focus on Riots Instead of Terrorism

Riots in Paris are getting out of hand. For the second week, hundreds of violent thugs have gathered on the streets and even reached the city’s center.

After Théo, a 22-year-old black man was allegedly raped with a police baton earlier this month, protesters have continued to gather in support of the recent victims of police violence.

After the video of the attack went virtual earlier in the month, angry youths started to torch vehicles and clash with police officials.

The riots have stayed violent. On the nights of the 12th and 13th, 32 cars were set on fire and then in the next two days 47 more cars were destroyed, along with 59 bins.

“Windows have been smashed and officers attacked. Small groups of protesters wearing hoods to hide their identities are causing trouble and then running away,” said an officer at the scene.  

“Everything is being done to try and disperse the crowds, but this could go on for a long time yet.” 

In attempt to show support of the victims of police violence, French President François Hollande visited Théo in the hospital. Théo plead from his hospital bed for the riots to calm down. 

But many are disappointed with how Hollande and the government is handling the situation.  

“In a state of emergency, it is completely irresponsible to let a protest against the police and alleged police violence take place. This government has remained unresponsive for years to scoundrels who make their laws in certain districts and do not hesitate to unleash their violence as soon as a demonstration gives them the opportunity,” said Marine Le Pen, French Presidential Candidate and Front National leader. “Is it necessary to say that the magistrates need a strong and effective police force in order to do their work? Must we remind them that this same police force, as well as the gendarmerie, now needs to be permanently changed?”

She believes the country needs to take immediate action and that the weak “calls for social peace” will only leave France at risk of a civil war.

“The government is silent. A silence that reflects both its cowardice and its impotence” said Le Pen.

Le Pen’s stance on this issue is attributing to a lead in the polls. She is expected to take 26% of the first round of voting.  

But, the real problem is the country is in a state of emergency against other dangers.

While authorities are distracted, terrorists in the country are growing stronger. Terrorism feeds off of chaos.

5-7% of France’s population are from Islamist countries. Not to mention, terrorists are hiding out amongst the large number of Syrian refugees in the country.

“Extremism is growing everywhere… We are on the brink of civil war,” said Patrick Calvar, French General Directorate for Internal Security before the Paris attacks and the slaughter in Nice.

As police are attending to the massive riots, they are likely missing terrorist activity right under their noses.

Not to mention, it shows how weak the government is in controlling the disorder. French citizens and officials need to be united in order to face the real threats like ISIS. Every day that the country doesn’t mitigate the riots appropriately, the more vulnerable the country becomes to terrorism. 

Editor’s note: The terrorist incidents last year raised the tension levels in France. Problems with the EU and refugees keep levels high. Our dour prediction of a French collapse could indeed come to fruition.


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