Ever since the riot on Capitol Hill, the media has had “right-wing political violence” on serial loop as an evergreen left-wing subject. To advance their mendacious narrative, they get amnesia of the hundreds of riots and violent actions by those on the left that occurred for decades before January 6, 2021. Outside of the Capitol Hill event, it is almost impossible to find comparable right-wing violence in numbers and outcomes as left-wing violence – and virtually nothing beyond an occasional lone wolf.
Virtually all the reporting on “right-wing political violence” since January 2021 has been speculative or predictive — with amazingly disappointing results for those doing the speculating and predicting.
Remember how mobs were predicted to re-appear on Capitol Hill to participate in an anniversary riot on January 6, 2022? With knees symbolically trembling, then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi underscored the fearmongering by calling on the National Guard and erecting fencing around the area.
On that day, approximately 200 people assembled on Capitol Hill with permit in hand –outnumbered by police, military and reporters. They heard a few speeches and went home without incident.
And also remember, that the prediction at the ti8be assembling in cities across the country in a mood for violence. And what happened? Apparently nothing reportable – and you know the media would have hyped two drunks overturning a police car into the lead story of the day if they could spin it as a right-wing incident
Remember all the predictions of potential violence if Trump was indicted? Or the fearmonger reports of possible violence when he goes on trial in New York? And all those security fences, barriers and closed streets? And what happened? A few supporters cheering the former President. No confrontations with counter-demonstrators. No attacking police. No arrests.
We are told that out of sight, there is the forming of a grand insurrectionist population, arming themselves for a violent uprising – a future coup attempt.
FBI Director James Wray has frequently weighed in with his narrow claim that “right-wing domestic violence” is the greatest threat to American peace and harmony. He monitors right-wing groups and conservative religious organizations. The Department of Justice under Merrick Garland referred to concerned school parents as potential “terrorists.” He later backed down in an attempt to unring that bell.
Yet, no such concern expressed for the REAL violence that has occurred in our Democratic-run cities over several decades. Riots that have destroyed neighborhoods, leaving people homeless and without local businesses – and injuring citizens and police, and killing some. They are real – and not theoretical – examples of domestic violence.
Democrats and the media have long held that the rise in antisemitism is due to right-wing hatred. Now that the scab has been pulled off of America’s antisemitic sentiment, what do we find? Left-wing antisemitism on steroids that — has been hitherto on the back burner in our acclaimed left-wing academic institutions. Antisemitism is seen in the news reports on left-wing platforms –reports that sympathize with protestors and rioters. These are REAL examples of antisemitism and Real acts of violence against Jewish students by left-wing agitators fostered by the curriculum of left-wing academic institutions.
They say that Trump’s rhetoric is inciting POTENTIAL violence. The word “potential” is important because despite his historic over-the-top attacks on various perceived enemies or turncoats (which I have consistently condemned), there has been no significant violence from the right as a result.
I emphasize … that is NOT to say that there are not some nutcase lone wolves out there ready to commit what can be seen as right-wing violence. Such crazies exist — and we see them surface from time to time. But they are not exclusively right wingers or motivated by Trump. These whackos come from the right, the left or mostly from other motivations, such as religious intolerance, terrorism and mental health.
Today we see the left-wing violence on college campuses across the nation. The perpetrators include students, outside (and often paid professional) agitators and faculty. The violence is clearly anti-Semitic. With calls for death to Jews and the annihilation of the State of Israel.
And what about the reality of systemic institutional racism in our major Democrat (left-wing)-run cities that impose oppression, violence – occasionally deadly – on a segregated and impoverished Black community?
Perhaps the imbalance between right-wing and left-wing violence is so stark because of a cultural acceptance of left-wing violence as a norm. Not only is it not addressed as criminal – with perpetrators held accountable by law enforcement – but it is celebrated by the radical left as noble.
As a free speech extremist, I believe in the right to assemble and protest. But those rights have limits under the law. No one is entitled to take away the constitutional rights of others to express themselves – interfere with the right of others to go about their daily business without being obstructed, accosted, intimidated, assaulted, or injured.
An objective accounting of political violence in America clearly establishes that the greater problem comes from the left – historically and currently.
So, there ‘tis.