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Dems Facing Reality of a Trump Victory

Dems Facing Reality of a Trump Victory

After feeling high hopes when Kamala took over the top of the ticket from mentally incapacitated Joe Biden and soaring on “Joy” through the Democratic Convention, it seems like the honeymoon is over, and with less than a month to go, Democrats are facing the reality of Trump victory on November 5.

Two months ago — even a month ago, Dems were feeling bullish about Vice President Harris’s prospects of defeating former President Trump.

But now, worried about a number of issues plaguing the Democratic nominee’s campaign, with many of the party’s top officials in full panic mode.

On Tuesday, there was grumbling from many Democrats about the vice president’s interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” An unnamed “Democratic Strategist” said Harris’s comments on the show largely fell flat.

“She is still fine-tuning her message 28 days out, and I’m sorry, we are in the ‘make the sale’ phase of the campaign now; we’re not still tweaking the message,” the strategist said.

There’s also growing concern on everything from the static poll numbers in the race to the vice president’s messaging and even her standing with men — not just white men but Black and Hispanic men, too.

Some of this, perhaps, can just be chalked up to typical Democratic nerves ahead of what looks like it could be among the closest presidential elections in history or could be something to really worry about. Either way, it’s nerve-racking for Democrats.

“Everything is deadlocked, and the composition of the electorate is unknowable, and there are so many things that are unprecedented,” said Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons, who served as Harris’s communications director until last year.

“We can’t look back with any level of security because we haven’t had an African American woman on the ticket. We haven’t had a former president running again. We haven’t had a campaign with two assassination attempts. We haven’t switched out a candidate two months before Election Day before.”

“So it’s just hard to know,” Simmons explained. “If you’re not nervous, you’re not paying attention.” 

Democratic strategist Anthony Coley, who served in the Biden administration, acknowledged the fear, pointing to the stagnant poll numbers in the weeks following the Democratic National Convention when Democrats were making comparisons between Harris’s campaign and former President Obama’s run in 2008.

“Now that the sugar high is gone, people have realized what Kamala Harris has said from the start, which is that she is the underdog,” Coley said. “This is going to be a fight. These numbers are just so stubborn.”

Democrats are the first to acknowledge that they have walked around in a perpetual state of fear since the 2016 presidential race, when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in a surprise victory. Since then, they have vowed to keep the former president from returning to the Oval Office, a major reason why President Biden was pressured out for Harris in July. 

“We are Democrats. We are professionally nervous,” Democratic strategist Tim Hogan said. 

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  1. stranger danger

    I must have missed this meeting bill……

    I’m just coming from the “can we take the house, retain the senate and make great inroads in the down-ballot races” meeting.

  2. Andrew Gutterman

    My prediction? Harris wins by a landslide. 55 to 42. Why?

    Abortion and getting a female President.

    Any female running is better than getting Trump again.

    • Brian Adams

      You wanna bet?

    • Seth

      We don’t have to recognize a bitch president. Especially a colored one

    • Americafirst

      Andrew, as I am a woman, I will tell you abortion is murder, you murderer! You must be if you love to kill babies. You are so sick! Are you God? Are you the creator? Do you have the right to murder anyone especially fetuses, babies or anyone? Who gave you that right? Tell us how many people y0ou have killed!

  3. Darren

    Your own statement Andrew is why the country is going down the toilet.
    ( Any female running is better than getting Trump again. )
    I just wonder how many migrants you can house in your home?
    Your statement is like saying I hate splinters, so lets cut off the finger!
    After all you did place your vote for Kamala, right!
    Or did you even have a vote?
    Get used to it if she wins!
    Zig hail!
    Our fearless leader Soros!

  4. stranger danger

    you do know that Soros is basically retired, right?

    • Americafirst

      Darren then, thank God you are not running for president. You would destroy worse than Obama, Biden, Harris and Satan. We all see how you are. Trump is not the horrible man all of you traitors think! You just read any old thing and believe whatever you want without thinking through or doing the proper research. Kamala is a communist. She has been and is now working with the CCP. Do you want to be controlled all of the rest of your life due to communism? I think you do. What will you do when they put you and your family & friends in concentration camps? Too late then! Learn to think!

      • Darren

        America First, do you have me mixed up with someone else.
        I am for Trump %100

        • Darren

          America first, you really do not understand sarcasm!
          I am on your side.
          Read my complete statement please.

    • Americafirst

      Felon Frank stranger danger – Soros is dead! Learn to think and research! The death was reported by Gitmo, idiot!

  5. AC

    It’s up to the Independent nonpartisan voters who are forgotten and maligned by Republicans while Democrats appear skeptical. Polling seldomly includes Independent count statistics in its reporting. Pundit nail biting commences in elections are deemed to close for an accurate call.
    This election presents unique challenges due to the unprecedented way the Democratic Party effectively switched candidate nominee from Biden to Harris. Independent voters are encouraged with Harris in the top spot.
    Trump has his solid core in MAGA and die hard never vote Democrat Republicans The former attend his rallies and buy his stuff. The later hold their political nose and vote.
    No matter how foolish Trump gets he is the Republican candidate. So, pulling the lever that selects only the red side is as it has always been, a no brainer.
    Independents, on the other hand, will never say their decision making is a no brainer, automatic and reflexive.
    But, in this election more is at stake and taking the no brainer route is less than intelligent responsible decision making. Vote choice used common sense rational person logic. Ask yourself which candidates would you welcome into your home for pleasant dinner conversation with your family and friends. You all asked questions of the candidate expecting the answer to represent the truth in facts. Then, when everyone has left and you recall what was said, do you have confidence that it’s all true fact. Or was it subterfuge and political bait and switch and question avoidance. Which of the candidates would be respectfully honest and show regard for your intelligence.
    Independent voters are thinkers who weigh the facts as important in the candidate context. Which candidate deserves your trust and will not violate that trust?
    Apart from party loyalties and illogical biased, which candidate will best serve our nation?

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