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Democratic Convention Earns Poor Viewership

Democratic Convention Earns Poor Viewership

Roughly 18.7 million viewers tuned in Monday evening to watch the first hour of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. 

This is a 28% drop compared to the 2016, when more than 25 million viewers watched the convention’s opening night.

The sharp drop in viewership – which doesn’t include streaming services or mobile devices – has largely been attributed to the way the event was held.

The event was essentially a telethon, with featured speakers delivering their talks remotely. This removed much of the excitement typically attributed to conventions.

Other factors affecting viewership include the lack of speculation regarding the DNC’s nominee and the simultaneous broadcasting of delayed sporting events.

MSNBC attracted the most viewers on Monday night with 5.1 million followed by CNN with 4.8 million, ABC with 2.4 million, NBC with 2.3 million, Fox News with 2.1 million, and CBS with 2 million.

As always, older Americans were more likely to watch the convention than younger Americans.

In an op-ed for the Washington Post, radio host Hugh Hewitt urged the RNC to take note of the DNC’s failure and to start brainstorming on how to make the Republican convention more interesting.

“Republicans should learn from the Democrats’ fiasco and switch it up quickly for their convention next week. The best choice is 20 hours of President Trump interviews with 20 different interlocutors. He’s still the best interview in America,” writes Hewitt. “Trump knows TV. That’s why he won the 2016 debates – all of them. His inner programmer knows he doesn’t need to share the stage. Sure, put the candidates in key Senate races in prime time for 15 minutes, but just because the Democrats jumped off a ratings cliff doesn’t mean the GOP has to follow them.”

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  1. Mark Murray

    These Communists in the dim party are stupid !!!! They don’t support the Constitution of this country !!! And they say they speak for us ? they only speak for them self. I will never vote for them……

  2. Patriotic Zeno shows us what kind of person the real President of the USA with VP Demential Daddy Joe Mighty Slow Hiding Bribe’m/Biden will be! is a brief, brilliant video showing the relationship of Maoist China’s COVID 19 to the take-down of President. Donald Trump! Trump-Pence 2020 while we still have a country!

  3. dale collins

    the demorats have such a nice mascot (a jackass) well that is another name for a mule but this won’t make it it will be cut i have been a dem all of my life till clinton came along now i just feel so sad for them they are so sick and need help but not from me i vote for the person not the party i wrote to trump and told him i love him so much i would take a bullet for him my great uncle on my moms side is the person who made the 52 -50 vote to make oregon wash idaho part of montana a state i only hope some day oregon will go red matthieu is my great uncle he was from canada got kicked out for runnings guns in the 18 hundreds and i can prove who he is to me have the paper work i would love to have them roll back over on to their backs again when this is all over .

  4. Dan Tyree

    The commiecrats have no plan. The message is HATE TRUMP!!! People don’t watch the conventions of the party they aren’t supporting. The commiecrats are under water and they know it.

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