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Democrat political narratives are crumbling

Democrats and their media cohorts have been creating and legitimizing a seemingly endless array of negative narratives against virtually every facet of the Republican Party in a desperate attempt to prevent a GOP takeover of the House and Senate – and to stem the anticipated tide (tsunami?) of Republican victories in the upcoming midterm elections.

Of course, there is the unrelenting attack on President Trump, anyone associated with him or who even voted for him.  This is mostly a continuation of the unprecedented “resistance movement” the left launched within days of his 2016 election.  They are proffering the preposterous argument that the organic riot that took place on Capitol Hill was part of a pre-planned coup to take over the government by force – and that the alleged “insurrection” is ongoing.  They claim that the very American Republic was on the verge of collapse on January 6, 2021.  Utter nonsense.

If that were true, there would have been a lot more violence – and we would be seeing a lot of folks going to jail for a very long time for sedition.  More than 700 people were arrested in connection with the riot.  That was mostly due to the fact that the United States government has been spending an unprecedented millions of dollars on investigating and indicting.  Many times more than was ever devoted to the many more deadly and more destructive riots that have marred America’s major cities year after year.  In fact, those rioters, arsonists, and looters are hardly ever arrested or prosecuted at all. They even have Vice President Harris raising money for the few who do land in the hoosegow. 

What is significant is what is happening to all those arrests in conjunction with the Capitol Hill riot. Many of the rioters are pleading guilting to misdemeanors – such as entering a restricted area or vandalism.  Many more are being acquitted.  Very few are being convicted either by a judge or a jury.  Many cases are pending.

When it comes to the courts supporting the Democrats and the media’s incredibly hyped stories of crimes alleged in the court-of-public opinion, the air goes out of the balloon.  Based on the outcomes of the vast majority of the cases, it seems that those of us who called it a riot were correct.

Without a scintilla of evidence, Democrats accused the Republican Party of engaging in an ongoing effort to seize control of the nation.  They had warned of how there would be outbreaks of insurrection all over the nation in connection with the events on Capitol Hill.  None of that transpired.

The media warned of potential violence in Washington and across the nation on the anniversary of the January 6th riot.  Fences were re-erected around the Capitol as a protective measure.  Police presence was increased.  About 150 peaceful protestors arrived – and there were no notable demonstrations around the country.  

House Speaker Pelosi appointed a very partisan non-partisan kangaroo committee to “investigate” the events on Capitol Hill.  Since the Department of Justice was already committing an unprecedented level of resources investigating the Riot, the Pelosi Committee serves no judicial purpose.  Rather it is designed to generate specious partisan fodder for the Democrats’ propaganda mill.

Even the Democrat-controlled Justice Department is not buying into the media’s vigilante journalism.  The propagandists are expressing frustration that Attorney General Merrick Garland is not joining the mob.  

The narrative that Trump is the leader of a Republican conspiracy to overthrow the government is also crumbling – much like the false accusations of a conspiracy between Russia and Trump went flat when Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded that no such conspiracy took place.  The rest is gradually dying on the altar of facts and credibility.

Among the litany of claims that are not selling well with the American public are (1) the inflation is the fault of Putin; (2) there is no crisis at the southern border; (3) Biden is not developing cognitive problems; (4) there is no such thing as election fraud; (5) CNN and MSNBC present all the news without bias; (6) urban institutional racism has nothing to do with the Democrats who run the cities; (7) America and NATO are doing all they can to help Ukraine; (8) Biden’s nuclear deal with Iran is best for America; (9) parent protests are endangering public education; (10) the solution to high crime is gun control; (11) police are the problem; (12) the American people are deeply racist; (13) that human biology has no meaning; (14) the GOP is a cult of racists, misogynists and homophobes; (15) Hunter Biden’s laptop proves nothing; and so forth.

Rarely – and perhaps never – have I seen a political party’s positions so broadly rejected by so many of the American people.  If that is true, the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections could be one of the greatest electoral defeats by a political party since the Great Depression drove Americans away from the Republican Party.

There does not seem to be an issue that is a flat-out winner for the Democratic Party – and those on the radical left.  (Sorry for the repetition.)   The extent of the Democrats and the media’s hyperbole and misinformation that are founded on political desperation have created their own credibility problems.  With their array of crazy political narratives, Democrats have outrun their own credibility.

So, there ‘tis.

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